Chapter 11: Dream

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Jisoo's P. O. V.

The dinner ended great as ever. Of course the King and Queen were looking for Lisa and Seulgi, I don't know how to answer them but thank God I explained them that they will be here any moment. I know the King was mad because it's really disrespectful on his part that his own daughter wasn't here that was supposed to be welcoming the Lords and Ladies as well.

"So.. Jisoo, How are you?" I snapped out when Sunmi speak.

"I'm fine, it's really great that all of you are now back in the Castle" I showed her my genuine smile then she pinch my cheek. I quickly removed it because she's doing it since we were kids not only me but Lisa too.

"You're cute!" She laugh and I gave her a death glare. "Where's Lisa?" She asked, I know she will ask where is her first love

"I-I don't know but she will be here later.. " I excused.

"I really missed her, I know she's upset that I didn't went back on the Castle when the summer came.. I'm just busy about my Summer classes so I didn't got the chance.. " She worriedly said.

Sunmi promised to Lisa that she will go back home every Summer because of couse we have different businesses that we need to do. We live in a different places but have the same situation. I know how Lisa loves Sunmi so much, I can feel it but Lisa never told her how much she loves Sunmi because she's too scared to be rejected.

Lisa isn't a straightforward person when it comes to Love, well Sunmi is the only person she really Cherish the most unlike Bambam, Taehyung, Yoongi and Bobby who are literally straightforward when they got attracted to someone.

I remembered when Bobby got a big crush on Joy back then, he straightforwardly said it in front of us and Lisa beat his ass up.

"She will be fine, I'm one hundred percent sure that Lisa's eyes will glow up if she sees you here.. " I explained to her.

"I wish.. " She mumbled.

We stop from walking when we reach our old play ground. The garden with a maze on the center of it, I just can't even believe that we're already an adult.

"Time flies so fast.. " I laugh, I heard how she laugh. I look at her and she's shaking her head

"Jisoo-yah!!" I look at my back and saw them running towards us while waving their hands.

"Bambam, Yoongi, Taehyung and Bobby!!" I giggled and they give me a high five.

"Can't believe this, We reunited after eight months!" Bobby said in disbelief, I look at her with a cringey expression

"Yah! It's only eight months tss.. Don't act like we didn't saw each other for years" I hissed and they all laugh, I really missed hanging out with these bitches and thankfully they will stay here for two days.

"Where's Lisa? And Seulgi?" Bambam asked, As soon as I saw his face I remembered that night, He almost caught us at the City. He even called our name! I wish he's too drunk and can't even remember anything.

"Maybe they're inside their Chambers" I smiled at them to make them believe

"Lisa Unnie and Seulgi Unnie were not inside their Chambers since earlier" Joy butt in, she's eyeing on me and crossing her arms. Did she know about sneaking out? Nah. Noooo!

"Maybe they're inside the stable.. " I laugh awkwardly.

"They're not in the stable either" Joy interrupted again, Aish this kid! I'm not surprised why Lisa hated her so much.

The five were looking at us vice versa "Nevermind, let's just wait for them here. The Castle was freaking big and I don't want to look for those idiots" Yoongi said and he took his seat on the bench near the dancing fountain.

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