Chapter 92: End Game

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"Hyung Suk?" Lisa asked in flustered. She gaze to Hyung Suk who's a bit afraid of getting caught red handed "I'm not surprise" Lisa laugh.

The guards take Hyung Suk and make him kneel on everyone. Everyone went shocked but not the Lords and Ladies, they knew all along that Hyung Suk will do a harm.

"How dare you Hyung Suk to kill the Emperor?!" The Empress scream and cry.

"He's.. He's accusing me! I-I didn't.. I-" Hyung Suk didn't finish his words when Lisa pointed the sword into his neck.

Her hands are trembling in anger and even her eyes moisten because of the tears building up.

"We accepted you here inside but you betrayed us. Did you know what is the exchange of this?" Lisa asked, his lips are shaking "Death"

"No.. Please Your Grace.. " Hyung Suk beg.

Lisa put his sword down and give Jin Young a cue to take the two. The guards run towards the two and take their arms with handcuffs.

"Take them to the dungeon so we can end this quickly" Lisa ordered and throw the sword on the floor which has been pick up by Jin Young.

Jennie run to Lisa and hug her from torso "Just stay here please" She beg.

Lisa pull out and caress her cheeks "It will be quick, don't worry.. I'm sorry" Lisa kiss Jennie's forehead before she handed her to the Empress.

Lisa followed the guards together with Lords and Ladies. Jin Young give her the leather gloves to wear.

"Most awaited moment" Seulgi smirk.

They got assisted by the guards and made their way safely inside the dungeon. The fire lit up as soon as they walk in, Hyung Suk is screaming and begging not to kill kim but no one dares to listen.

"Can I stab Kai just for once?" Bobby asked.

"I have plans for him" Lisa uttered.

"Have mercy Your Grace please!" Hyung Suk cried.

Lisa step forward and fix the gloves while looking at the two. Kai is looking at her angrily while Hyung Suk is crying.

"I warned you before Hyung Suk. I already did but you never listened. I have No Mercy, I'm afraid to say it" Lisa said darkly.

"You can't kill, I know that because if you could? I'm not here in front of you" Kai challenge her.

Everyone laugh at him and mock.

"Do you want a sample Mr. Jongin?" Bambam Chuckle.

"Shut up" Kai groan.

Bambam kick him on his head that make him lay on the ground. Because of the handcuff, he can't stand alone.

"Watch your mouth" Bambam pull his hair and punch him that hard "Thank you for letting me hit you before you say goodbye"

Bobby didn't stop himself to grab Kai by collar, he punch the man a lot of times that made him produce a blood in his mouth.

"You son of a bitch! You killed Taehyung, you deserve to get torture!" Bobby shouted that echoed inside the Dungeon

Kai left so weak on the ground, Yoongi pull Bambam and Bobby to stop them from beating his ass up.

Lisa extended her arm to get the sword from Jin Young.

"Any last words to say Hyung Suk?" She give him a chance but the Man did was to beg and cry "I really waited this for God Knows how long, did you know that? Oh. I guess you know since you're always inside the Cabinet room for a meeting since Kai did something stupidity" Lisa chuckle and touch the blade of sword, testing the sharpness of it.

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