Chapter 71: Next

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Lisa was walking through the corridor of the Palace when suddenly someone hug her from the back that made her stop, she knows who is it.

"Lady Sunmi" Lisa mumbled.

Sunmi run in front of her and give her a peck on her cheek. The guards look away when Lisa look around if someone saw it.

"I miss you" Sunmi said.

Lisa caress her hair and smile "I miss you too" She smile forcefully.

"Where are you going?" She asked her.

"Just have some lectures with Lord Kim today, Why? Jisoo Unnie and Seulgi are at the backyard. Playing golf? Join them" Lisa offered but Sunmi shake her head.

"I'll come with you" She stated.

Lisa don't have any choice but to let Sunmi go with her. They started to walk again, Sunmi was telling some sort of stories while Lisa was listening to her. They laugh and smile while they're talking.

"I heard you have a new handmaid? Who is she? Where she came from?" Sunmi asked which made Lisa stop.

"Just somewhere" She told and walk inside the library where Lord Kim is waiting.

"Good Morning Your Grace" Lord Kim bowed his head and offer Lisa a seat which she quickly take as well as Sunmi. A lot of papers are on the table which Lisa should read before the dawn so she needs to stay up all night to read some laws and other specific projects.


Taehyung's P. O. V

Basically, we are walking through the locker room to get some things that will use on our next subject. Me and Bobby are on the same section and course so we're always together.

As we are walking, the students can't keep their eyes off us maybe because they already know who we are. We have no guards inside as we requested before, We want some privacy as well. 

"C'mon Taehyung!" Bobby said in a annoyed voice.

I run towards my locker and unlock it, We're already 10 minutes late in the class and we have a lot of quizzes to take since we've been absent for a week. I don't want to get some low grades tho.

"I'm going to pee, Could you get my book for me? Thank you!" Bobby throw the key on me and run towards the nearest comfort room.

I took my things inside and lock it up again. Since Bobby's locker was next to mine, I took one step to make it there. I quickly unlock and open it. As I was busy taking his books out of the locker, I noticed a white card inside.

"His locker is a pretty mess" I mumbled and took the paper.

I flip it and I knitted my brows on what I see. There's a few red ink drops on it and there's a word saying "Next".
"You got it already?" I look at my back while holding the card "What's that?" He asked and took it from me.

"I got it inside your locker. You made it? That's quite boring" I laugh at him and slap his head.

He scratch it and pouted while looking on the card "I guess some secret admirers put it inside" He shrugged his shoulder and put it back inside.

"We better hurry or else we will get zero" He added and run away.

I was about to run and follow him but the book fall off the ground "You dumbass!" I shouted. I quickly pick it up and was about to go when I noticed someone looking at me from the garden. I peek on it and saw nothing.

"Taehyung!" Bobby called me.

I look back again on the garden but I saw no one there. "I'm coming!" I answered back and quickly run towards our room.

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