Chapter 26: Meeting

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A big drops of rain was invading the City of Seoul. The vehicles are moving slowly because of slippery road. Only a few people are walking along the street with their jackets and umbrellas.

Kai accompanied Jennie at home, she's shivering to death and even got pale because of the coldness. Kai decided not to let Jennie back at the orphanage and just make Rosé explain to Leo what really happened.

As they arrived at Jennie's house, Her Mother and Father quickly help him to put Jennie on the bed.

"What happened??" Jennie's Father asked him.

"She's waiting for someone at the park and she just shrugged the rain off" Kai told them.

Jennie's Mother touch her forehead and she's right, Jennie has a high fever "I'll change her clothes" Her Mother said, Kai and Her Father went outside the room.

Jennie's Mother was looking for clothes that she will use for Jennie. She took a pajama and instantly move towards her, when she was changing everything on Jennie she heard something that Jennie's whispering.

"What is it?" Her Mother lean forward on her mouth to hear her saying those words. "I hate her?" Her Mother frown. She stroke her Daughter's cheek and cover her a thick duvet.

"I hate her.. " Jennie mumbled underneath her breath.


4 A.M. in the Castle

Lisa couldn't sleep, she's sitting on the ground since they put it inside the Dungeon. Her arms rested on her knees, looking somewhere and thinking what happened to Jennie.

She won't lie anymore, she really likes Jennie but it doesn't change the fact to her that she shouldn't feel that way.

"Lisa?" Someone calls her name but in a low tone of voice.

Lisa stood up because she knows that voice.

"Jisoo Unnie!" Lisa peek on the cell and saw Jisoo holding a torch with Seulgi.

"You okay? Anything hurt?" She asked and checks Lisa's body.

"I'm okay but Ser Jin Young isn't fine" Lisa lowered her head and quickly look up when she remembered the gift "How about the gifts?" She asked.

"We sent Dara at the City, today. Probably she's half way from the City" Seulgi mumbled.

The guards are guarding the Dungeon. Everything at the Castle were in peace, The Guards are guarding every corner of the castle.

"Unnie.. " Lisa bite her lips not to burst out but a tears escape from her eyes.

"Yah Lisa! Stop crying.. Aish" Jisoo wiped her tears and even stroke her hair.

"Don't touch my bangs" Lisa said while sobbing that made them laugh.

They heard someone running towards the Dungeon. Jisoo and Seulgi look at the direction and saw Minnie and Joy hurriedly running towards them.

"Why are they here?" Jisoo whispered.

Minnie was the first one who arrived next was Joy. They are catching their breath and even grip on Seulgi's arm.

"Unnie! I heard our Father held a meeting today. He called out the Lords about this issue.. " Minnie was having a hard time to breath.

"Father was really furious.. Our Mother was crying because you got locked up.. " Joy stated.

Lisa heave a sigh before she speak "Who saw us sneaking out?" Lisa frown while looking at Jisoo and Seulgi.

"I don't know.. Maybe the guards" Seulgi answered.

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