Chapter 44: Her

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Jennie's P. O. V.

We arrived at home with a wide smile on our faces. She made me calm, She made me smile with a simple effort. As we step our feet inside my house, she quickly help my Mom to carry a bucket of water. I honestly saw her before as an arrogant person but look she could even do some hard works. Maybe I judge her easily.

"What are you waiting for?" My Mom chuckle when she saw me standing at the door. I walk towards her and give her a hug "Aigoo. You're such a baby" She said and stroke my back.

"I'm just happy" I smile and let go from a hug.

"What made you happy?" She asked me.

"Everything" I said, I walk towards the refrigerator to get a glass of water and made my way to my Father who's lying on the couch "Appa, take this" I said as I tap his shoulder.

He got up from the couch and took the medicine.

"Sweetheart, Let's go to our room? Don't sleep at the couch" My Mom said. She help Dad to get up and they both walk upstairs.

As I stood up to walk towards the kitchen, I saw Lisa looking at my Parents blankly.

"Why are you looking at them?" I asked her, I put the glass on the sink then she followed me.

"Does your Mom and Dad were always like that?" She asked.

"Like what?" I face her and she's looking at me with a curious on her face.

"Taking care of each other? I mean, Your Mom was calling your Dad sweetheart" She asked.

I laugh at her thoughts and lean on the kitchen counter. She seems so serious so I regained my posture and clear my throat.

"Ever since, they're like that. That's why their only daughter is the sweetest child that ever exist" I compliment myself and look at her, she's raising her one eye brow.

"Sweetest child? Really?" She sly a smirk. I know she's teasing me again, I cross my arm and look at her from head to toe.

"What do you think I am?"

"A sadist" She chuckle.

"Then why are you courting me?" I asked that made her shut. I chuckle and was about to leave when she speak.

"I am courting you not because of your personality or even your looks, I love you because I love you" She's too straightforward. I really thought that I could shut her and defeat her by my own words but I was wrong, she made me shut and even made my heart pound.

"That's too early.. Maybe you're just looking for affection" I tried to turn her upside down but she laugh at me. What's funny?

"It's not about how long, it's not about how early. It's about how much love and affection they give and receive for each other" She stated. She look at the dishes and open the faucet to clean it. "When you're with someone you love, you can't tell about the time you've been with her. You'll just cherish the moments you have then you couldn't notice that long time was becoming so short.. Wanna know why?" She look at me while doing the dishes.

"Because you're enjoying it?"
"Precisely! That's why it was timeless" She said and go back to her dishes.

"How could you say it? Have you been inloved before?" I asked.

"Nope, But My Mother told me that before" She put rinse the plates and wipe her hands before she face me once again "I only fall inlove to the girl in front of me" She said and leave me at the kitchen blushing and gawking.

I was about to follow her when the doorbell rang. I walk towards it and open the door, A delivery man was standing in front of me holding a bouquet of flowers.
"Jennie Kim?" He asked.

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