Chapter 82: Anger

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Lisa's P. O. V.

We arrived at the chapel an hour after we leave. I can't take off my mind on what disaster had made by the civilians on Jennie's house, I'm still asking why they did it. It's still a question for me and for everyone. The dog that I gave to Jennie was there, looking for Jennie maybe. He's guarding the house, I want to bring him with us but I don't think it's necessary to have a dog in here.  When Jennie left unconscious earlier, I don't know what should I do. If I could take all those pain that Jennie's carrying, I will. I think she heard what me and Hyung Suk talked about earlier, I didn't expect it. I want to dodge the question but I know he will be suspicious,  If I knew that I will betrayed my own Father earlier, I shouldn't say those lies because I know Hyung Suk knows everything right now. I'm sure my Father sent him here.

I open the Chapel's door and walk inside, I saw his troops in front of them aiming their guns to the three. What made me even more mad when I saw Hyung Suk, hurting Jennie and her Mom. My blood boiled up to the point that I want to kill him already.

"Yang Hyung Suk!" I shouted.

Everyone look on me, The guards went terrified and quickly put their guns down. Jin Young and the two went inside, Jisoo Unnie and Seulgi run towards their loved ones and hug them.

"Your Grace.. " He utter and let go of the two.

I immediately run towards Jennie and check her "You okay?" I asked as I was checking her arms and face. I look on Mrs. Kim and she look terrified, I went back on checking Jennie and all I can see is the tears running through her cheek.

I clench my jaw and look at them, they are lowering down their heads. I move forward to Hyung Suk and grab his collar, He's pushing me to kill him.
"How dare you to do it? Huh?" I gritted my teeth, My eyes are raging in fire. I'm still controling myself not to throw him in front of them, some civilians might see me doing it.

"I-I'm sorry Y-Your Grace. They di-didn't respect me.. " He stuttered. He's not look in my eyes, I know he knows what will happen to him if he did.

"Why do they even going to respect you? You didn't even respect the burial of Jennie's father!" Chaeyoung shouted, almost breaking her own throat. I can feel the anger on her voice. I look back on Jennie and saw how she hug her Mom, they're shaking in fear.

"You even hurt them! How could you do that! You even pointed a gun on us!" Irene added. Seulgi ball her fist and bit her lower lip because of irritation.

I grip on Hyung Suk's collar really tight, I saw how he wince in pain but the hell I care.

"You must go home" I told and push him. He fell on the floor and got help by his troops. "Just make sure you are with whom you are protecting because if not, You won't see anyone anymore" I warned him.

The guards kneel down in front of me and say their sorry but I didn't mind them "Pack all your things when you get back in the Palace and I don't want to see your faces serving the Royalties" I said with an authoritative tone of voice.

"But Your Grace th-"

"I don't care if you're serving my Father. If I told you what you should do, you will because if not I swear to your God that I won't hesitate to pull that trigger you are carrying.. Right in front of your own damn Family" I threatened. "Move!"

They quickly run outside but Hyung Suk gaze on me first before he bowed his head and leave the chapel. I didn't mind to make himself beg for Jennie's forgiveness, I will do it on some other time but I'll make sure that he will ask for my forgiveness when I get home.

Seulgi and Jisoo Unnie are on the three's side trying to comfort them. I know they're really mad, their lips are quite narrowed and their hooded look in their eyes but they manage to stay calm. I look at Jin Young and he's gone, I don't know where he is but maybe he followed Hyung Suk.

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