Jimin's P. O. V.
"Chaeyoung-ah~" I knocked on her door for almost an hour but she doesn't want to open it. I wonder what her problem is? "You can tell to oppa everything~" I said with a calm tone of voice.
Our Mom and Dad are worried about her, she's been like this when she went home the other night. I gave up on knocking and just walk downstairs. I was well dress because I have a hang out with my Friends, Taehyung and his cousins can't come due to personal issues they said.
As I was walking down the street, I noticed Kai smoking in the corner of the street. He saw me and wave his hands towards me.
"Jimin!" He said.
I walk towards him and give him a high five. We've been friends since we're kids but not that close like Jennie and Chaeng, Maybe because I already had friends before.
"What are you doing at the dark street?" I asked. He offer me a cigarettes but I rejected it. It's bad for health.
"Nothing just reflecting" He chuckle "Where are you going?"
"Ah. Just gonna hang around with some sort of friends" I said. It's really cold in Korea, I really hate winter. It will just make us stay at home for the whole damn week.
"With Min Yoongi? And that box smile guy?" He laugh at me."Nah. They have some important matters to do by tonight" I replied.
"Do you have any informations about them?"
I furrowed my brows and think on what he's saying then I look at him again.
"Informations? What do you mean?" I asked him
He threw the cigarette and rub it on the ground using his boots "Like where do they live? Their parents? They seems rich" He stated.
"They live in Seoul ever since"
"But have you been there?"
"Yah. Why are you getting suspicious about their life? You don't know them Kai" I defended. Never in my life, for the past years that I'm with them I never thought of any malicious things about them, if they are hiding something so I don't care. I always noticed the things that the scholars are using even their clothing, it's quite expensive but who cares? I have my own life tho.
"Neither you do" He chuckle "That Lisa was really mysterious to me. Do you know anyt-" I cut him off because I'm getting frustrated about his questions.
"Look Kai, If you're getting suspicious about them just talk and ask them directly. Regarding to Lisa, she's really nice and I don't have grudge towards her to think about her like that. If your main concern was to know her, Hang around with her. If it is because Jennie, as what Taehyung said that she's courting Jennie, I advice to you that be fair about it. If Jennie say Yes to her without any hesitation, I won't think twice as I saw her as a lovely and sweet girl. No offense but she's having a big possibility to take Jennie away from you. Well over all, she deserves all of it after the hard works that she did" I tap his shoulder and leave him at the shed.
"Lisa is Nice? I wonder why your sister's crying" He shouted.
He's getting into my nerve that ever since. He have a gang with him that's why I am warning Rosé about being with him, he's dangerous. I even witnessed him harassing some girls inside the club which I shrugged off.
"Calm your tits!" Bobby interfere. He extended his both arms and look at the two versa.
"Why? What did I do?!" Lisa said while trying to remove Yoongi and Seulgi's hands of her "Get off me!!" Lisa shouted the two.

You Are My Kingdom
Fanfiction"I waited a decade just to see you" A picture that I will treasure until my last breath.