Chapter 14: Stay

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"Lisa pull the Rod!!" Bambam yelled, Lisa was having a hard time to catch a fish. The Lords are sitting on the rock at the center of Crystal River.

"I-I think.. It's a b-big f-fish" Lisa stuttered. She gritted her teeth while pulling the rod, she's holding the Reel too because it keeps on spinning as the fish didn't want to get caught.

Lisa's feet was moving because of the force that the fish gave. She's already on the edge of the river, her body lowered down restraining herself from falling off the water.

"Yah!" Seulgi help her out and pull the Rod but the fish was too strong that even made the two fall off the water.

Lisa and Seulgi quickly swam above and catch her breath. They received a loud laughter from others, both of them climb up from the river and slump their body on the ground.

"How could you let that fish take over you?" Jisoo laugh at Lisa, Lisa splash the water on Jisoo's face "Yah!" Jisoo frown and wiped out the water.

"I catch it!" Yoongi shouted and lifted up the big cat fish.

"Woah" Lisa amusingly said, she got up from the ground and run towards Yoongi "That was amazing!" Lisa giggled.

Ser Jin Young instantly cut the head of the fish using his axe "We need woods to grill this fish" Jin Young said.

"I insist!" Lisa raise her hand, she can't catch a fish so she initiated to get the woods instead.

Bambam and Taehyung look at each other and bump each others shoulder. They signal something and quickly went down the rock and swam back to the ground.

"We'll go with you!" Bambam smile at Lisa. Lisa nodded and took the axe to Jin Young.

They hurriedly went inside the forest to get some woods. Lisa was shoving the big grasses away while the two was following her until they saw a few branches of tree to pick up.

"Can't believe that you still can't catch a fish? Aish" Taehyung teased her, Lisa cut the woods using the axe then she look at Taehyung.

"I hate fishing you know that" Lisa chuckled.

"It's funny that the King let us here with only Jin Young with us" Bambam shake his head and laugh, he tied the woods using a thin rope she got from Jin Young.

"So how's your life outside?" Lisa asked and smash the axe on the wood that made it cut into half.

Taehyung and Bambam look at each other and grin "It's great. Like we are always saying, it's fun, amazing and enjoying" Bambam took his seat on the big branch.

"Really.. " Lisa smile as the two didn't know that she already experienced the life in the City even if it's only night time but little did Lisa know, the two already knew about it.

"How about you?" Taehyung smirk.

Lisa turn around and stuck the axe on the ground, she tilted her head because of confusion "Me? Well as usual, I'm always roaming around the Castle with the two.. Nothing new" Lisa shrugged her shoulder, she was about to lift up the axe but Bambam speak.

"No, what I mean is your life evernight in the City" Taehyung raise his one eyebrow and look at Bambam who's grinning.

Lisa stop for a moment and her eyes widened in shock. She look at the two and clear her throat "W-what are you t-talking a-about" She stuttered then she cut the woods.

"Oh C'mon Your Grace.. " Bambam smirk and get up. Lisa's body frozen and she felt something approaching her and Bambam headlock her.

"Y-yah!" Lisa was having a hard time to get off from Bambam's trap.

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