Jennie's P. O. V
It's been an hour since Me and Lisa talk, I let her take a rest first so she can regain her energy from the bloody incident she suffered. I walk out of the house and everyone's looking at me and smiling, they do have different works. Some men are cutting woods including Jin Young who's having a good time with them as I saw them laughing, some ladies are doing needlework and looking after their children who are playing around a big tree.
A group of men arrive carrying a big basket with a lot of fishes inside. The creak of the bamboos are melody in my ears, as the wind blows you can feel the refreshment of it.
"Miss Jennie?" Someone called beside me.
"Yes?" I asked the girl, she looks like an 18 year old girl.
She amble towards me with a smile on her face, she's gripping on her other hand feels like she's kinda embarrass.
"Make yourself feel at home" She shyly said which I find cute.
"Thank you Miss.. " I smile back at her.
"Somi.. Call me Somi, Unnie" She introduce herself and offer her milky skin hand on me.
I accept her hand and shake it "It's nice to meet you.. You're the first one who greet me here" I said and let go of her hand.
She look around and purse her lips "They're embarrass to go near you and the Queen, Well.. We're not used to this. As you can see we're from the city and elusive from the people we don't know but they're for the Queen to come out " She explained to me.
I look back inside the house to check if Lisa's up already "She's just taking some rest" I mumbled.
"How's she? I want to see her" She giggle like a teenager "She's your friend, right?"
I was shocked on what she said, Can I tell her how much that girl make my heart throb on every little things she make?
"I saw her when Uncle Jung treated her, she's really cute" She put her hands on her cheek and sway her body while looking back at the day she met Lisa.
Ah! I remember her, she's the girl who help me to treat my own wounds while Lisa is lying beside me and getting some stitches without any injection, I saw how she scream in pain. I want to take all those pain away so she won't suffer from it.
"So.. What now?" She snap me out.
"Ah. I'm her girlfriend" I said without a pause, her eyes grew wider on what I said. I look away and balled my fist because of frustration.
"R-Really?" She asked me.
I look at Jin Young, he's looking at me and wave his hand "Y-Yeah. I ne-need to go. Let's talk later" I bowed my head and march on Jin Young's way
I don't know why I claim Lisa as my girlfriend but hello? We made love, kiss and even shared dreams earlier so I can claim her as mine. Tss, she should be thankful that I never said that I'm her soon to be wife even tho we're not yet married or she's not even asking me about it. If I know if I told her that I'm her friend, she'll flirt my Lisa and I won't let it happen!
"What's with that face Miss Kim?" Jin Young laugh at me and slash his axe on the wood. I didn't noticed that I am already in front of him, crossing arms and furrowing brows.
"Nothing. I'm just pissed" I mumbled and sit on the cut wooden tree beside Jin Young.
He stuck the axe on the pile of woods and look at me "What made you? It's really early in the morning. You know what.. " He lift the axe and cut the other wood "If some elders saw you looking sullen? They will divulge that it's bad luck on everyone to start a day with that kind of face" He said and put the wood on the top before carry it on his shoulder.

You Are My Kingdom
Fanfiction"I waited a decade just to see you" A picture that I will treasure until my last breath.