Lisa's P. O. V.
I proceed to the Kitchen to have some water and Thank God the cooks are now fall asleep. The owl's hoo was can be all heard outside. I should use the downgrade's stairs because The King might get awaken.
I drank the last drop of the water and hurriedly walk outside. It feels like someone's watching from behind. I look back to check on it but only the dry leaves enter the passage because of the wind.
I shrugged it off and walk upstairs, I almost fall off the stairs because of Joy.
"Yah! You-" I didn't finish my words and just let myself breath for a moment.
"Unnie, You still up?" Joy asked her while stretching her arms and yawning at the same time.
"Obviously" I mocked on her. Of course I'm still, she saw me wide awake right? Tss. This girl she's really dumb sometimes.
"Where have you been?" She asked again. I look at my back again and heave a sigh, I'm just imaging things because tiredness maybe.
"I just took some water.. Why are you still up?" I asked her.
"I was planning to sleep at Minnie's room, I can't sleep" She pouted. I just ruffled her hair and chuckled, she's a baby.
"Good night!" I passed by her and walk inside my bed chamber where I found Dara again fixing my cabinet.
I removed my shoes and lay down on my bed. It's really tiring but I enjoyed a lot. Jennie was getting nicer towards me which is good, I don't want to make some scenes again with her, just want to stay like this.
"Dara?" I called her, I seat on my bed and waited for her to get finished.
"Yes M'Lady?" She asked not even looking back at me.
"Could you go to the City tomorrow morning?" I asked her, I just remember Leo's present for tomorrow.
"Why M'Lady? I don't think I can" She turn around to face me and close the closet. I fidget my fingers and she walk towards me. "Do you want something M'Lady?" She asked.
I swear she's like a sister to me, a reliable one not because it's her job but she's willing to help me out on everything that I wanted even now she's supporting to go whatever I want but she's lecturing about the consequences that I'll face anytime soon.
"It's Leo's birthday, The kid in the orphanage. I just want to have some present for him.. And.. " I look at her feeling shy but she's encouraging me to tell "Could you buy me some gift for the kid? I don't know what the kids want so I think you know something" I said.
"Just buy him some toy" She laugh at me.
"Could you do it for me? Please?" I begged, Never in my life beg towards other people it's inappropriate for me.
"Sure M'Lady. I'll try to go out of the Castle tomorrow morning" She assure me "I think I need to sleep now? You should sleep too, look at you. You look tired" She caress my cheek and bowed.
She walk outside my room and I got no time for a shower, I know she prepares something inside my bathroom but I'm too tired to clean myself.
I closed my eyes and suddenly Jennie's face showed up. I don't want to open it and just enjoyed it. I felt a sudden overflowing feelings when I saw hee face, It's really vivid as if she's near me.
"Promise" I heard Jennie's giggle when we seal those promises earlier.
"I'm going crazy" I laugh at my own thoughts. I couldn't lie but I found Jennie as a charming and most appealing person I know. Maybe I was wrong that I called her ugly but.. Ugh! What you're just thinking Lisa? You shouldn't feel that way towards her, it's illegal!

You Are My Kingdom
Fanfiction"I waited a decade just to see you" A picture that I will treasure until my last breath.