Chapter 6: Insult

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Lisa's P. O. V.

We arrived at the Castle with a lot of lectures of Ser Jin Young. He didn't let me sleep inside the car or even explain myself to him. I arrived our meeting spot by 11:40pm, I saw how pale he was earlier. I can't help but to laugh when I saw him.

"M'Lady if you will continue that attitude of being late on our call time, I won't allow you to come with me even if you will push yourself, I will never let you" He took off his seatbelt and step outside to open the door for me.

"I'm sorry, okay? I just enjoyed the company of my new found friend there so I didn't noticed the time. Hold your emotion Alexa" I convinced him, Jin Young breath out and shake his head.

"So see you tomorrow maybe?" I said and tap his shoulder. Jin young was about to speak but I shush him and gave him a wink.

I walk carefully inside the Castle. I used the backdoor of the Castle and got bump into the Queen that made me surprised.

"Mother.. " I mumbled, I clear my throat and went back to senses when the Queen look at me confusingly. I bowed my head for respect, I broke into sweat and my heart was threatening to burst out from my ribcage.

"Lisa.. Why are you still awake?" She asked, wearing her white see through sleeping attire.

"A-ah.. I-I can't sleep so I.. " I held my collar, I felt suffocated by something.

"Are you okay honey?" My Mother asked.

I'm freaking nervous because I never sneak out of the castle or even in my room in the middle of the night.

"Y-yes... " I stuttered.

"Where have you been? It's already 1am in the midnight. What's bothering you?" She asked, I quickly look up to meet her eyes.

"Just outside the Castle.. I mean in the stable.. Yeah.. I just checked Lini and a little bit unwinding.. Yeah something like that" I said but with a unsure answer. For that moment, My Mother was expecting another explanation so I regained my posture and bowed my head. "I'll go to my Chamber now. Good night Mother" I politely said and kiss her cheek.

I run towards my room and lock the door. I wiped my sweat and look at the mirror.

"Oh crap" I said to myself when I saw my clothes. This is not mine.


Jennie and Kai are walking through the corridor of Jennie's University. Kai insisted to dropped Jennie at her room since she's carrying too much books for their review today.

"Hey, I didn't got the chance to asked you last night when I saw you and Chaeyoung walking on the street, Where have you been?" He asked, He's having a hard time to carry those books but because it's for Jennie he can do it and wants to prove something to her.

"Last night?" Jennie pulled a face, puzzled by his question. She roam her eyes around and remember what they did last night "Ah! Me and Chaeyoung roam around the city to get some fresh air. We're with her new found friend named, Lisa" She explained

"Lisa? Uhm.. " He nodded, He was about to say something but the bell rang.

"I need to go, See you later!" Jennie bid her goodbye and took all the books on his arms.


Jisoo's P. O. V.

We're watching Lisa inside the Great hall, she's practicing how to walk as a Princess. You know she's not a typical Princess type as you all know, she's like a Prince.

"Aish!!" Lisa irritatedly said when the book fell off the ground. We laugh at her silently because the Instructor was quite strict.

"Sunmi will be here by tomorrow, right?" Seulgi whispered to me.

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