"Oh Oh! Lisa's here!" Bambam told with an excitement on his face. They all got up from the couch including Joy who was half awake.
They are all waiting for Lisa as they expecting that Jennie will say Yes and another victory for them. Lisa was walking slowly, her face was dull and even have a mark of crying.
Taehyung run to his cousin and held his both shoulder with a wide smile "Did she said-" Taehyung stop from talking and noticed Lisa's expression.
"I will bet my own life, Jennie said Yes!" Bobby clap.
"We'll going to have a new family member! Yahooo!" Seulgi said while jumping on the couch.
Yoongi noticed it, He didn't speak and just walk towards Lisa.
"You did great" Yoongi tap her shoulder. Taehyung slowly put his hands down and turn his back as he doesn't want to see Lisa crying.
All of them stop from cheering when they saw Yoongi and Taehyung comforting Lisa.
"Wha-what's happening?" Bambam asked.
"Unnie.. " Joy called her.
Lisa took a deep breath and let it out, her lips are curving into something that will make her cry.
"I'm okay. Don't worry about me" She said and started to walk, she stop on her half way and look back to them trying to smile "Thank you for your effort, you're the best" She said and give them a thumbs up.
They all stop and can't even move as they know the answer. Seulgi slump her ass on the couch and look at Lisa as she leave.
"How could Jennie Unnie said No?" Joy pouted and crossed her arms "I'll talk to Unnie" she said.
"No. Let her be" Yoongi told.
"Wahh.. This is horrible.. " Bobby uttered.Lisa walk inside her room and locked it. Another wave of pain hit her chest again. She shake her head to erase the thought that running through her head. She look around her room and felt the loneliness.
Yes??! Thanks God!!She heard Kai's voice that made her mad. She walk through her bed and stop when she saw Jennie's picture on the frame. She took her seat beside the side bed table, her eyes become blurry and that was when her tears run through her face. She put her elbow on her knees and covered her eyes using her palm.
She bit her lip because she doesn't want to hear herself crying but she got defeated by her emotions. A small sobs escape from her lips then followed by another loud convulsive gasp.
"You didn't do great Lisa" She said to herself between her sobs "Stop crying, you weakling" She told.
Everything that she prepared for the whole week was all got remembered by Lisa. She didn't expect that Jennie wouldn't choose her.
"Maybe I'm just nothing to you.. " She burried her face on her legs and let the pain release.
As she was crying, a small feet stop in front of her. A child took her seat beside her and speak
"I never thought that you will be like that"
Lisa slowly look up to see who just speak. As her eyes are getting reddish and swollen, she saw the little girl in front of her was her ten years ago.
"You did great. You did your best, you always doing your best" The little Lisa said, she knows that she's hallucinating but she let it pass because she have no strength to argue, she wants someone to talk to.
"What's wrong with me? I took a risk, I did everything. I gave my all but I received nothing.. " She said.
"Stop crying because you will be the Queen soon, our Father didn't taught us to be weak" Her little self said.

You Are My Kingdom
Fanfiction"I waited a decade just to see you" A picture that I will treasure until my last breath.