Chapter 73: Protection

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Jisoo's P. O. V.

We were walking through the street of Seoul today, Well I'm with Rosé right now. We decided to hang out so we could chill since she told me that she's having a stressful time with everything. Of course I'll do my thing to lessen her stress.

"So how about this?" She asked while showing to me the plushy toy she's holding.

I look around to see if someone's looking at us, It's too dangerous to go outside alone without any guards around you specially Kai was out there lurking around. I just escaped for Rosé tho. I decided to wear a black hoodie jacket, sweat pants, a black cap and mask so no one can recognize me.

"That was cute like you" I giggle when I saw a pikachu plushy.

She poke my head using it and pout "I'm not cute" She acted like a shy 5 year old kid which made me laugh at her.

"Such a baby, I mean my baby" I pinch her chubby cheeks and saw how it blushes. How precious she is.

"Silly!" She giggle.

We bought the plushy and decided to eat on the nearby restaurant. As we were walking inside, I noticed that someone's following us from behind. I look back to check if my instinct was true but I guess I'm just hallucinating.

"What do you want then?" I asked her when we reach the table and we took the menu from the waitress.

"You?" A grin flashes on her lips when I look at her with a surprised look. She changed a lot, unlike before that she acted like a virgin girl in front of us.

"Then eat me" I mock on her, trying to challenge her until where she stop.

She stop for a moment and I think I win.. But then she lean forward and rested her chin on her palm.

"Now? I can do it" She raise her one eyebrow that made me shocked.

I drop the menu and my knees start to tremble in fear. Am I dating the wrong Park Chaeyoung?

"Kidding!" She laugh so hard while pointing me. I don't know what she's saying because I couldn't hear anything. It feels like it was the very first day that I laid my eyes on her

I never seen her like this before, I mean with me. It's really overwhelming that you can see your loved ones laughing happily with you.

"Yah! Earth to Jisoo!" She shook my shoulder that made went back on my consciousness. I blink a couple of times while looking at her eyes, She's so perfect.

"I'm sorry, I'm spacing out" I scratch my head and smile at her awkwardly.

We took our lunch peacefully, Talking about some things related to the Kingdom. She really wanted to became a Princess before, she thought that being one of the Royal family will make her life more easier.

"Have you ever been visited Jennie's Dad? He's sick" She blurted out while chewing the remaining meat on her plate.

I furrowed my brows and look at her "Sick? A fever? Like that?" I chuckle and drink the water on the glass.

She shake her head and swallow the meat "He has a stage 4 lung cancer. You didn't know?" She asked.

My mouth went agape on what she had said "W-What?"

"Oh. Maybe Jennie Unnie don't want anyone to know this so I beg on you not to tell Unnie" She form her hand to please me.

"Do you think Lisa know this?" I asked her but she shrugged her shoulder.

"We never talk since then.. As well as Unnie so I guess.. Wait.. If Jimin Oppa told it to the Lords then maybe they will tell it to Lisa" She nodded her head as if she solved a case.

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