Lisa's P. O. V.
Jennie's father dragged me inside and let me seat on their dining kitchen. Their house wasn't big at all, They have a second floor but I don't think it makes their house big. When you enter the main door, you'll see first the small living room and at the back of it was their kitchen, there's no division that will separate it then at the corner of their house was their wooden staircase.
It's really simple and I love it, living in a small house with the person you love. I can see that Jennie's parents really loves her.
"So what do you want coffee or juice?" Jennie's Mother asked me that made me back to my consciousness.
"A-Ah No-" I was being cutted off by Jennie.
"She needs to leave, Mom. Right Lisa?" She look at me and raise her one eyebrow waiting for me to answer. She really don't like me, I swear. She really hated me.
"No. I can stay here for awhile" I show her my smirk that made her face reddened in anger.
"Jennie, You should look for Leo and we will take care of her.. She's my visitor, Okay?" Her father butt in, I stick out my tongue and she pinch my waist that made me rise up, Fuck.
"A-aw-" She covered my mouth really tight, Her parents were busy preparing a meal for me so they didn't noticed what their daughter did, She's freaking evil!
I shoved her hand away aggressively and I glare on that bitch action. She stick her tongue this time and went towards their living room and flump her ass on the couch. My eyes followed every step she took, almost killing her by my own dope eyes.
"Here's the juice.. " Her mother offered, I actually don't drink juices since we're always drinking tea, water or wine for good health.
"A-ahm thank you" I took the glass and take sip of it, it's a fresh orange juice.
"So where are you from? Is your sprain is already fine?" Jennie's father asked me. He took my arm and observed it, Thankfully our physician was pretty good that she took care of my arm.
"I'm fine.. " I shyly said. They took their seat in front of me.
"Where you from? And your name?" Her father asked.
I was about to answer when suddenly Jennie butt in "She's Lisa Kim, she said and she's from nowhere" I look at her and she's pressing the remote of their Television.
"We have the same surname! But where are you from?" Her father asked.
"I'm from Daegu.. " I mumbled, Our castle was located in Daegu. I don't think they will know about my real identity since there are a lot of people living there duuuh. It's just we're far from Residences.
"Oh Daegu! We've been there for almost five years and then we moved here.. That place was really wonderful" Her Mother said.
"Yes it is, Maam... " I scratch my nape coz I don't know what's her name.
"Call me auntie Jessie and call my husband, Uncle Dave" She introduce themselves. "Don't be shy, you're Jennie's friend so you're free to visit here" She added.
"Mom!" She got up from the couch and went towards us. I don't know but I saw how she rage in fire, she's scary. "She isn't my friend" She hissed.
"Yah that was rude. I thought you're already my friend" I pouted and acted as if I'm hurt. She knitted her brows and look at me.
"Don't act like-" She didn't finish her words when her father stop her.
"Jennie, she's our visitor" He firmly said. Jennie lowered her head and a grin flash on my lips.

You Are My Kingdom
Fanfiction"I waited a decade just to see you" A picture that I will treasure until my last breath.