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Excited with their new home, a young Baekhyun happily hums as their rented car approaches the house. And as soon as the car stopped, Baekhyun dashed off and ran towards the house. It was big and the walls are white and blue. For the young brunet, it felt like living on a giant's house.

"Sweetie, come here for a moment." His mother called him. "Carry your backpack and place ot in your room." She sweetly smiled at him. Baekhyun's eyes sparkled.

"I'm going to have my own room?" His mother nodded. He smiled at her and immediately went in, not realizing that he doesn't even know where his room is.


Baekhyun was beyond pissed. His grandmother was really getting on his nerves. Earlier, he went to buy some snacks and the moment he came back, she asked him to buy some necessities. Then, when he was about to lay on his bed, she suddenly called him, commanding him to look for his baby sitser who probably went to the neighbor's house. Baekhyun was beginning to lose his temper and went outside.

And last, when he was reading his newly bought romance novel and he's on the part where the damsel overheard her love interest talking about how he hate her and wanted her to get out of his life. Being an amazing interpreter, he knew what's going to happen and the next scenes are probably heartbreaking. But, when the scenes are getting intense, his grandmother called him again to buy her a shampoo and explaining that the shampoo left wasn't enough for her curly hair and she just kept rambling. Baekhyun didn't care and pretended not to hear her. But then, she came out from the bathroom and shouted at him, leaving the frustrated brunet no choice but to follow.

'Fucking biatch.....' He muttered while kicking stones. He was really pissed off. Letting anger control him, he kicked a large stone extra hard, causing him to whimper like a kicked puppy.

"What an idiot." He heard a certain someone say. He turned his head and saw Chanyeol laughing.

"Don't fuck with me, you stupid giant. I'm not in the mood."

"Nah, as much as I want to but I'm a lookout right now at the store. Maybe later, princess." The giant said while smirking and winked at Baekhyun.

"I did not mean it that way, you dirty minded idiot." He glared at Chanyeol who is smirking at him. "Anyways, I went here to buy a goddamn shampoo. Mind getting me one?"

Chanyeol quickly got what Baekhyun asked for and gave it to him. "I have a promo for you. You can get anything from the shop, including me and you can pay it with a kiss." He puckered his lips and Baekhyun looked at him with disgust.

"Thanks, but no thanks. I'd rather pay you with money than receiving something in exchange for placing my lips over a dirty place." He smiled sweetly, or sarcastically rather at Chanyeol and the latter pouts.

"I'm offended, baby. Everyone wants to have a taste with this dirty place and you should be honored that this dirty place is willing to touch that plump, little cherry over there."

The midget just walked away and raised his hand and saying, "I don't give a fuck." Chanyeol just scoffed and watched the midget walked away while muttering some incoherent words.


"Hey, sweetie. Wake up. It's already six in the morning. Today is your uhh return to school day and you better hurry up because you're gonna be late." He felt his mother gently tapping him. Baekhyun opened his eyes and spaced out for a minute. Then realization hit him, how can he forget that there were classes today? He only slept for 4 hours because of reading that novel.

Grunting, he made his way to the bathroom and started getting ready. When he was done, he immediately went to the bus stop and waited. Luckily, a bus came and Baekhyun was really thankful. He went in and started scanning for a seat but unfortunately, there was one seat vacant and sitting beside those seat was the flirty giant who he can't stand being with. Thinking that he doesn't have a choice, he decided to sit beside Chanyeol.

"Oh, hi princess!" Chanyeol greeted loudly, causing the other passengers to look at them. Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "Stop calling me princess, you asshole. Call me that again and I'll make sure to kick your precious little thing down there." He said but the giant just shrugged.

"Nah, I like calling you that.. And, I disagree with you calling my precious thing down there little. I think you'll eat up your words when you see my thing, princess." He smirked at Baekhyun.

"You should be thankful that we're on a bus right now, because if we're not, you're probably limping your way to school." He glared at Chanyeol and then stuffed his earphones on his ears to ignore the fact that a stupid idiot is sitting beside him and trying to flirt with him.

After a few minutes, they arrived at the school and as they make their way to their classroom, Jongdae, the classroom troll teased them about going together to school. It was soon followed by a few classmates who also teased them.

"Stop your delulu shits. It just happened that we rode the same bus." Baekhyun rolled his eyes and he went to his seat. That made them silent, the midget is terrifying sometimes and you might not want to mess with him if you don't want to be a victim of a cursing machine.

His classmates eventually went back to what they were doing and somehow forgot the teasing fiasco that was going on earlier.

As the time passed by, their teacher came. She smiled at her students and placed her things on her table. She was holding her mug that made her students confused.

"Good morning, students. You're probably wondering why am I holding my mug right now. It's because we're having a new seating arrangement and in this mug is your names and I will pick randomly, the peson who was called after and before you is gonna be your seat mate? Is everything clear?" She asked and the students nodded. "So, let's get started!!"

While Ms. Lee was calling names, some students are nervous, some students are hoping to seat with someone they want, some students are whispering to each other. Talking about how their teacher really likes some spices in their class. And lastly, some students doesn't care, like Baekhyun. For him, it doesn't really matter who is his seat mate as long as it's not the certain flirty giant. He doesn't really mind but the fact that the four of them, Luhan, Sehun, Chanyeol and him are left. There are 50% chance that he will get to seat with Chanyeol.

Praying to all saints, he wished that he'll seat with Luhan, one of his bestfriends. But if not, he's okay with Sehun. As long as it is not the giant.

"Xi Luhan... And..... -----------"

Please. Please. Please.

"Oh Sehun!! That makes Byun Baekhyun and Park Chanyeol together! So, shimmie your way to the back you two and let's start the class!" She announces happily and let the students teased the couple.

Baekhyun wants to die. He can feel the giant smirking at him. "I guess, we're really meant to be, princess." He rolled his eyes and sat on his seat. He fought the urge to kick Chanyeol's balls because it would only give him a ticket to detention.

"Don't fucking call me, princess. You dumb prick." He hissed at Chanyeol.

After a minute, the teacher shut them up after proceeding with the lesson. And to Baekhyun, it was hard to focus because his stupid seat mate talks a lot and tells corny jokes. It was also hard to concentrate, because he was sitting beside his neighbor and childhood playmate who was now talking about what they were doing when they were still young.


A/n: Crappy chapter and a messy one. Hahahaha, I apologize. Please forgive me but yeah. I do hope you enjoy reading this crap and sorry for the short chapter.

Anyways, again, sorry for my grammar errors and typos. 

Edit: No, they're not 20 years old and definitely not collage. I finally fixed it. 

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