Taste Of Jealousy

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It has been days since Baekhyun started working at LMR Hospital. Chanyeol is glad that his princess is interacting well with his subordinates but he can't help to feel a tad bit jealous because Baekhyun is sure popular and everyone who's around him, coos at the shorter's cuteness. He feels a little possessive but what can he do? Baekhyun doesn't belong to him. 

"Dr. Park! You've been spacing out lately. Are you okay?" Chaeyeong asks him. These days, Chaeyeong approaches him frequently. He does mind, just a little because the female beside him can be a little touchy. 

"I'm fine." He says as he watches Baekhyun, smiling with Tao. Baekhyun found another friend he can be with and it makes Chanyeol happy. Knowing the midget has trust issues.

"Yeah and I was like frozen in spot when I heard some scratches on the wall. It was terrifying!" Tao continues to narrate his creepiest experience in the hospital. Baekhyun laughs, Tao is such a cutie who's still afraid of ghosts.

He's quite glad that the younger approached him. Or else he would've spent lunch alone, or even with Chanyeol. It's still awkward. And Chanyeol bringing him choco mint frappe, still his favorite after all these years and he's surprised that Chanyeol still knows that, doesn't help atall. He always ends up flustered. He's also relieved that the others are not aware that the doctor is courting him.

After lunch, he continues his rounding and one room catches his attention. Somehow, this room is different from the others. It's big and decorated with a lot of plushies. He heard that Chanyeol was specifically chosen to take care of that patient. Still, he doesn't know why and he doesn't want to ask the taller. 

"Curious?" Suddenly, he heard a deep voice beside. He turns and sees Chanyeol looking at the room. Slowly, he nods.

"Her name is Hyeri... and she has friedreich's ataxia. She's been here for 8 years and when her doctor retired, her parents asked me to take care of her." 

Baekhyun stays silent. Friedreich's ataxia is a rare genetic disease that causes damage to the parts of the brain, spinal cord and also your heart. What's also terrifying is it doesn't have a cure. Baekhyun's eyes tears up. One of the hardest part of being a doctor or a nurse is when you know that their patient's time is limited. And to think that she's just a kid...

"Hyeri is a cheerful and bubbly child... and she's also close to my heart. Do you want to visit her?" Baekhyun looks at the taller and sees those gentle eyes, softly looking at him. Then again, he nods.

"You can't visit her now but I'll tell you when you can." He pats Baekhyun's head and strangely, it's the first time since they met again, Baekhyun didn't flinch.


He remembers the time he was going in an out of the hospital. Being a stubborn kid he was, he eats whatever he sees, not minding if it was dirty or not. And since he was a frequent costumer, he became friends with the nurses. Spending his time in the hospital, the young Baekhyun realizes what he wanted to become when he grows up. 

And now that he had achieved his dreams, he does the same thing the nurses did to him when he was young. He cheers the young little ones and distracts them so they won't cry when they get their shots. 

Baekhyun was beloved by many that words about him reaches the other wards. And, one person got his interest.

"Byun Baekhyun, eh?"

Baekhyun sneezes suddenly while he was preparing the kid's IV shot. He cringes as he feels the moisture all over his face because his wearing a mask. 

Done with his work, he decided to returns to the room, wanting to rest. He first washes his face and throws the mask. No one was in there aside from him. He decided to take a nap for a while. Taking his small pillow from his cabinet, he notices a familiar cup. His face blushes, another frappe. He will be lying if he said that he doesn't want to drink it. He's dead tired and he wants something cold to drink. 

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