Stitching And Colors

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"Okay, class! Settle down for a moment. I have something to announce that I know you all would love." Ms. Lee said happily. Making her students confused of what she's about to do. Some were nervous because Ms. Lee is an extraordinary teacher. She would always invent weird activities but what's really funny is because that weird activity explains the entire lesson.

"There will be a fieldtrip on Valentines day!" When the students heard that, they shouted happily and some of them even jumped. "I kinda requested it because I know a lot of students gets bored on proms and many of you doesn't want to attend. I had to beg that bastard-- I mean the principal. So, I had proven my point to him and we're having a fieldtrip!" The class cheered louder. It was true that many of students got bored in prom so they wanted to do something new.

Baekhyun just clapped his hands while smiling. He was excited. Hell, it's been years since he went to a fieldtrip!

"So, where are we going, Ma'am?" Jongdae asked.

"Good question, Jongdae. Well, we're going to an art museum, a botanical garden, oh and I suggested something new! We're going to Breakout! And lastly, of course, an amusement park."

Suddenly, Luhan raised his hand. "Ma'am. What is Breakout?" Then the whole class suddenly went quiet and paid attention to their teacher who was now grinning.

"Oh, I don't want to spoil the fun. I'll tell you when we get there. And if you're thinking that you can search it online, well, you can't. It's a top secret but don't worry! It's legal and many people are coming there." She explained and the students felt relieved.

After the fieldtrip fiasco, the teacher started the lesson.

Chanyeol noticed Baekhyun smiling too much and it made him smile too. "Are you thinking of me right now, princess?" The latter shook his head and still smiled.

"I'm just..... excited. Seriously, I feel like partying right now. Wahhhh!" He then showed the giant his hands. "Look, Yeol! My hands are sweaty because they're excited too!"

Chanyeol chuckled. It's really rare to see this side of Baekhyun and it was too adorable for the giant to handle.

"Who's gonna be you're seatmate, by the way?" Chanyeol asked. He hopefully wishes that Baekhyun would choose him but the brunet didn't noticed it.

"I'll ask Kyungsoo or Luhan. Though dealing with Kyungsoo is hard because I have to convince him to let me seat beside the window." Baekhyun groaned. "And I'm really curious about the Breakout thingy! Ahhh! I'm so excited! Fuck! I think I won't sleep properly the upcoming days." He giggled as excitement rushed over his body.

But the giant pouts. He's a bit sad that Baekhyun didn't include him on his list but still, the fact that a certain brunet is now happily humming while taking some notes, it's enough to make him feel happy again.


Waiting for his phone to charge, Baekhyun slumped on his bed and lazily laid on the bed. He closed his eyes and attempted to sleep again but failed. He cursed silently and looked at his phone and that certain phone was tempting him to use it.

"No... I shouldn't... Fuck... I really shouldn't." He sighed with frustration. His phone is new and his mom advised him not to use it while charging. The moment she saw him, she will take it and he can't use it for a week. He rolled his eyes, thinking of how cruel his mom is.

He grunted as he scanned his room. Searching for something to play with. He looked at his drawers and searched for some clothes. He saw his old and worn out shirt that used to be his favorite. Thinking that maybe he could make some new clothing with the shirt, he happily skips his way to the cabinet where the sewing kit is. When he's on his to his room, his grandmother saw him.

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