Sing For You

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Only less than 5 chapters left until the end!


It has been a month since that happened and Baekhyun has been ignoring him. It hurts. Plus, Baekhyun and Siwon are getting closer day by day and it's obvious to him that Siwon really likes Baekhyun.

He tried. He tried countless times to talk to Baekhyun but he couldn't. The smaller would always find way to slip pass him. The giving of frappe everyday was stopped because every time Chanyeol bought him the drink, the taller would later on see it on his desk.

He wants to curse Baekhyun. He wants to slam him to the wall and yell at him for giving him false hope. But he can't. Because Baekhyun never even told him that he loves him. He's the one who assumed everything. The kiss was just a mistake. He's angry, sad and frustrated yet he can't bring himself to hate Baekhyun.

And Baekhyun didn't even noticed that Chanyeol's birthday had passed.

"Chanyeol-oppa, you're crying again." Hyeri worriedly said and tries to wipe Chanyeol's tears but she fails to lift her arm.

Chanyeol looked at her and smiled sadly. He patted her head as if telling her that he's okay. "It's fine, Hyeri. I'm okay. I'll get through this. I..." He couldn't even finish his sentence because he felt a pain in his throat as he suppress the sobs.

Hyeri couldn't do anything but to cry with him. Her limbs were too weak that she couldn't even offer him a hug.

After a few minutes, Chanyeol calmed down and bade goodbye. The moment he exited the room, the bathroom's door opened, revealing Baekhyun. Exhaustion was evident in his face and you can clearly see that he hasn't had a good sleep for a while.

"Oppa, are you really sure you'll still avoid him? I know you still need time but the both of you are suffering. It has been a month and you can't keep applying makeup to hide your puffed eyes. Later on, he will notice!"

"I can't Hyeri... I want to approach him but I can't. And I hate myself for being like this. I'm aware that I still love Chanyeol but until now, I'm stuck in the past! No matter how much I try to tell myself that it's only in the past, Chanyeol changed. My giant has changed and he will never ever hurt me again... I don't know why my brain can't freaking process it." He held Hyeri's hand as he cries hard.

"I miss him, Hyeri... I miss him so much."


"Is there something wrong with you and Chanyeol-hyung?"

Baekhyun dropped his spoon when Tao mentioned that name. He forced a smile and shook his head. Good thing that Tao didn't pry even more.

Avoiding Chanyeol was the hardest. He knows he wants to talk to him and he also wants the same thing but he can't bring himself to it.

He thought he was finally freed from his mind. He thought he had escaped the tower but he was wrong. There were still chains, holding him, preventing him to break free.

"Hi, Hyunnie!" Siwon grinned as he places his arms over Baekhyun. At first, Siwon was really interested in Baekhyun but when Baekhyun firmly declined his offer to be his lover and said that he likes Chanyeol, the attraction stopped instantly and Siwon now only sees Baekhyun as his friend.

Baekhyun also learned that Siwon had always wanted to be friends with Chanyeol so he went with the flow of being rivals. Now, Siwon is already courting someone he doesn't know.

Just like today, Baekhyun catches Chanyeol looking at them. It hurts to see Chanyeol hurting because of him. God knows how much he wants to run to Chanyeol's arm and embrace himbut his pride won't freaking let him. It's a battle between him and his own self that's why he's struggling so much.

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