Unfolding The Past

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A/n: Sad chapter ahead! Well, not really but yeah. Sorry for interrupting. Enjoy~


Baekhyun wants to curse himself. He almost forgot that he's just wearing a pink pajamas and an oversized pink t-shirt with a cute bunny design. And now, he just got invited to a 'date' with the giant. He wants to reject him but when he saw Chanyeol's face earlier, it made him guilty. The giant was too happy and you can see him beaming with light and he's smiling so much. It would look like Baekhyun kicked an innocent pup of he rejected the idiot beside him.

The midget had to buy another chips so that he would have an excuse not to talk to Chanyeol much. Its not because he doesn't want to be with the giant, it's just that he's really feeling awkward right now.

They walked and walked until they are somewhere Baekhyun is not familiar with.
"Where the fuck are you taking me?! I swear to god if you're plotting something, I won't hesitate to kick your balls right now."

Chanyeol chuckled. "Don't worry, princess. I just wanted to show you something." Then suddenly, he grabbed Baekhyun's hand as they ran. Causing Baekhyun to be shocked and almost dropping his chips.

"S-shit! Slow the fuck down!" He screamed at Chanyeol who was laughing beside him.

After running for 2 minutes, they arrived on a playground. Baekhyun widened his eyes. He never knew that there was a playground on their subdivision. He walked as he scanned his eyes on the place. It looks new and there's no one there except for them. He went to the swing and touched it then he smiled. He felt genuinely happy. He sat on the swing and started swinging slowly.

"Uhh, Chanyeol. Thank you for bringing me here." He smiled. When he was a child, he always wants to go on a playground and play with the swing. But the playground was on the other subdivision and it's always full when he comes so he has no choice but to leave. And the last time he sat on a swing, it was probably years ago.

Chanyeol smiled then he sat next to him. "I'm glad. You know what? I'm happy that I got to talk with you these days and I'm happy that you're no longer ignoring me." Then he looked at the sky. "I'm so happy that I want to thank Ms. Lee for arranging the seat that way."

Baekhyun chuckled. "Ha, it's just a coincidence though."

"Nah, I think it's fate. Princess."

The midget scoffed. "I told you to stop calling me princess but you never listen to me." He then shook his head while smiling.
Then the conversation was done. It was so quiet and the wind is blowing hard. Causing Baekhyun to shiver. He always had low tolerance of the cold weather that's why he's fidgeting uncomfortably on the swing. The sound of his teeth chattering can be heard. Chanyeol suddenly rose up from the swing and placed his jacket over Baekhyun.

"Thanks." He muttered. Chanyeol smiled at him and went back to the swing. It was silent again when Chanyeol asked something.

"Baek, why did you ignore me these past years? I mean, you stopped talking to me since the day when we were highschool. You also stopped talking to Bambam hyung and the others. We were fine when we graduated in grade school so what happened? Did I do something wrong? It's okay if you don't want to answer. I'm just curious."

Baekhyun's smile suddenly fade. What happened years ago suddenly came back to him. He gripped on Chanyeol's jacket harder. Then he stared at the sky and smiled bitterly. He sighed. "You didn't do anything, Yeol. It's just that... The summer after our graduation, a lot happened. It was... I-it was horrible. Too horrible that I had to change myself." His voice broke.

"I never knew anything about my mom's relationship with my grandparents. I thought my grandparents were good and I adored them. They were the one who would give me and Baekbom hyung two pieces of chicken on lunch and dinner. They would give us money and take us to the mall. I was happy when we moved in with them but I was too innocent back then. I'm young and I was insensitive and ignorant about what's really happening." He then stopped for a moment then glanced at Chanyeol to give him a small smile.

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