We Meet Again

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Baekhyun sighed as he read the email sent to him again. He'll be transferred to another hospital. Well, it would be fine if it were somewhere he didn't had his heart broken. Yes, he's going back to that town.

He already moved on. He moved on long time ago. And also, Luhan is about to get married so that'll be an acceptable reason to finally go there again after so many years.

He's now a nurse and he can provide for himself. He will still visit his parents and Baekhee since she's still studying. But yeah, he has to go back to that place.

He then sighed again and looked at his reflection. He is now 27 years old and yet, nothing much changed with his face. Except, they look sexier and hotter. Plus, haggard than ever. Still, he maintained his baby faced look though 3 years from now, he's gonna be 30.

Looking around at his apartment, he groaned. He spent so much time decorating it but now, he has to move away. Of course it means a lot to Baekhyun. This was the first apartment he provided himself and the furnitures are bought by him.

"I guess I should shop in this city while I'm still here."


"Doctor Park! An emergency! The patient in room 614 is on cardiac arrest!" As soon as the nurse announced it, he rushed to the patient's room to save him.

Being a doctor is hard but it was his dream and he finally reached it. When Chanyeol was still young, he loved how the doctor's operates a patient. It was amazing and spectacular.

And also, both him and a certain midget dreamed about working on the hospital.

It has been 10 years and the giant hasn't seen Baekhyun at all. He's still waiting for him. Waiting for him to come back. That's why he remained here, in this town, where he met him.

After a long day, he can finally go home and rest. He lives in an average-sized apartment and it is closer to the hospital. He went for a shower before heading to his room.

It is lifeless. Everything is lifeless.

He sighed and sat on his bed. The giant then took the little picture frame from the cabinet beside him. It was him and Baekhyun at the amusement park where they confessed to each other.

He never dated anyone except Baekhyun. Though it has been years, he doesn't want to give up. He wants to explain everything to the shorter and maybe, just maybe... He will take him back.

Chanyeol's appearance didn't change that much. He just grew about 10 centimetres long and his face looks tired and haggard. His voice also became deeper and more husky than ever.

Looking back, it's still a mystery to him why he got through the biggest downfall he ever experienced with his life. Baekhyun leaving and others judging him two-timing. But eventually, the truth came out. Luhan and Kyungsoo helped him. They made Nana confess her wrongdoings and everything went back to normal, except not everything for Chanyeol. He can't replace the hole Baekhyun left in his heart.

Until now, he still loves him. But he is worried. What if Baekhyun is already married? What if he's not single? What if he already has a family of his own?

What ifs hurts as fuck. That's why he'd rather not think about it.

Because until now, Chanyeol still loves Baekhyun.


He took a sip from his frappe before looking back at the laptop's screen.

"So, when will you go back here?" Luhan asked.

"Tomorrow. Wanna fetch me?"

Kyungsoo shrugged. "Well, if you want us to."

Baekhyun smirked as he shows the key in his hand. "No need. I bought a car last week." He giggled. "It's a metallic blue chevy."

Both males gasped. "You rich bitch!!" They exclaimed.

The brunet just grinned. "Well, I probably spent my youth days saving money so it's a reward for myself. And I can't let my driver's licence go to waste, right?"

His best friends smiled. Baekhyun went through a lot. He had to save almost all of his allowance and work two or more part-time each day. And due to the bank's help, he can finally buy everything he wants.

"Let's go out when I arrive, 'kay? I miss you two so much." They haven't talked for almost a year because of their busy schedules. "And congratulations, Hannie. I'm so happy for you."

The pretty male blushed and the two teased him. "So, what are your plans for your honeymoon?" Kyungsoo wiggled his eyebrows. This caused Luhan to blush even more.

"Oh shut up, you owl shit." He glared but Kyungsoo just laughed.

"How about you and Jongin?" Baekhyun suddenly asked making the two male stop. He is still not aware. They can't blame Baekhyun though. He's busy.

Kyungsoo smiled a little. "It's complicated. But one thing is for sure, we love each other. We're just waiting for the right time and when we are both ready to commit. I want to marry him and he also wants to marry me but the situation isn't the best."

That's when Baekhyun finally remembered. Kim Jongin is now a top solo artist and he gained a lot of fans. He never thought that one of his friends would be an idol. It must be hard for Kyungsoo because not all of Jongin's fans are matured enough and will accept the fact that he's gay.

"Oh shit! Don't cry. Everything will be fine." Both Baekhyun and Luhan panicked as they saw him crying.

Luhan sighed. "He's a bit sensitive because there's a dating rumor between Jongin and a famous actress. They're filming a web drama together. Jongin has already called him and explained everything. But yeah, our little boy here is anxious."

"Cheer up, Kyungiee."

They talked for hours until Baekhyun bade goodbye to those two because he has too prepare his remaining things.

He'll be leaving his furnitures for a while since he still have to search for an apartment. While putting his things inside the boxes, he noticed a bit worn-out stuff toy. It was Chan-chan.

A little smile crept into his face. Memories.


It has been a while. So much changed with this town. It has now more establishments and commercial buildings. He sighed as he continued to drive.

He stopped when he came across a huge playground that was never there when he used to live here. It felt nostalgic. Since there's no people around, he decided to stop for a while.

Checking his reflection on the mirror, he smiled. The excitement is evident in his face. He was in the middle of admiring himself when he suddenly felt something bumping to his car. Holy shit! He just bought this car!

Fuming with anger, he went outside to look at the back of his car. There was a huge scratch on it. He felt like crying.

"What do I do now?! Argh! For God's sake!" He's stomping so hard to vent his frustration. He must know who the hell bumped to his car! He caressed the damaged part and whispering profanities to it when a familiar voice called out.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry for what happened. I----"

He harshly turned his head to see the culprit. The moment their eyes met, it was as if time stopped and everything went back to Baekhyun. That man, standing in front of him and bumped into his car, is the same person who broke his heart--Park Chanyeol.

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