Midnight Autumn Breeze

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Why? Why did he felt like that? Why is he jealous? Baekhyun continues to question himself regarding of what happened earlier. He shouldn't care if that Chaeyeong girl likes Chanyeol. His feelings for the taller is still vague. He's not certain if he loves him again or not. Maybe in between? Or he's just confused. Ever since he met Chanyeol again, he spends his nights thinking, looking back when they were still lovers. 

Baekhyun snapped out from his thoughts when he heard the kettle whistle. He never liked drinking tea before but when he was having a hard time to sleep, his mother suggested to drink some lemon tea that she was keeping. 

He grabbed his cup and went to the balcony. He was met by the night breeze as he entered. Baekhyun smiled. Somehow, this stopped him from confusing himself. 

As he stares at the city lights, he sighed. What ifs crossed his mind. What if his dad didn't come to fetch them that day? What if he didn't see Chanyeol and Nana kissing? What if he contacted Chanyeol and let him explain his side? What if he followed his heart more than his mind? Will everything be the same as ten years ago? 

He never actually thought that he'd be treating Chanyeol this way. It's the exact opposite of what he planned. He's supposed to treat Chanyeol shit but look how the tables have turned. Because even though the giant caused him so much pain, he can't help himself to be soft towards the other. Chanyeol broke his walls and when he have built his wall again, Chanyeol crashed through like how he crashed his car when they first met again.

He tried to forget Chanyeol. After dating someone from college, he realized that he doesn't feel affection for them as lovers. Turns out the one he dated was the same so it didn't last long and they broke up. From then on, he never dated nor fell in love or even like someone. He even thought he became asexual because he can't feel attraction towards people.

But then, Chanyeol came and made his heart flutter again. Yes, he feels like that but the word "like" or "love" is not suited to describe what he's feeling. 

Time. Time is what he needs. He wants to be sure. He wants to take it slow this time so he won't regret things. And if Chanyeol is willing to wait for him until he's ready to open his heart again, then maybe... just maybe... maybe they can go back to what they were ten years ago.

"Can't sleep?" Baekhyun jolts when he heard a deep voice speak. He turned to his side and he saw Chanyeol, who's also on the balcony, wearing a sleeveless shirt and holding a mug.

"Hmm." He nodded and shifted his gaze. "How about you? You must be tired so why are you still not sleeping?"

"Also can't sleep because of... things." He looked at Baekhyun, admiring the midget's side profile. His heart thumps. He never thought he'll be this close to Baekhyun again. But yes, he is close yet he feels so far. He wants to tell his princess the truth so bad but he knows that if he tells it now, the situation will get worse. He has to wait, even if he has to wait for decades, he would.

But if Baekhyun found someone he wants to spend his life with and it's not Chanyeol, that's when he would give up. Because love is about letting the person go if that's what they want. As long as Baekhyun is happy, he's also happy.



I love you. I love you so much that I badly want you back. Please let me be beside you again. Please let me love you. Please be mine again. I regret taking advantage of your love. I didn't realize how much you love me. I should've known. You gave me a second chance without me knowing it and I wasted that chance. Please take me back. Please, princess. Please, my love.

Unaware of the thoughts flooding him, tears started to fall down. 

"Chanyeol? W-why are you crying?" Clueless why Chanyeol suddenly cried, he panics. He searched for a handkerchief and luckily, he saw one hanging from his clothes rack. "You stupid yoda, catch!" He bundles up the cloth and throws it to Chanyeol. Unfortunately, the wind blew and it flew away.

Chanyeol was dumbfounded. Baekhyun could've given him the handkerchief without throwing it because their balcony is connected.His sobs were eventually replaced by chuckles and giggles.

The shorter then realized how stupid he was and he just wasted his handkerchief. Flushed because of embarrassment he drinks his tea, one shot. 

"Stop laughing you dumb idiot!" Chanyeol continued to laugh and his laugh affected the embarrassed Baekhyun causing him to laugh too.

Them laughing together brings back memories when they were still in highschool. Even just for a little time, they felt teenagers again. And maybe, even lovers.

"My stomach hurts..." Chanyeol mutters weakly as he caress his tummy. Baekhyun wipes the tear beside his eyes and smiles.

"Are you okay now?" Chanyeol smiled and motioned Baekhyun to come nearer. The smaller hesitantly obliged.

Chanyeol felt tears forming again. Baekhyun is close to him. He can reach him now. 

He slowly put his had on Baekhyun's cheek and started stroking it softly. Baekhyun relaxes at his hand, missing the warmth he haven't felt for a decade. He should be pulling away but he can't. He would be lying to himself if he said he doesn't miss the giant's touch. It's his comfort zone. His safe haven. And when he sees Chanyeol leaning closer, he doen't hesitate to close his eyes. Whatever may come, he'll just let it be. If he will regret it, he'll just do it later. For now, just now, he'll let his heart control him.

Chanyeol was shocked with Baekhyun's action. He also wants this and knowing that makes Chanyeol happy. Baekhyun is willing and yet, he doesn't want to rush his princess. His actions will either cause the better for them or all of his efforts would go downhill. Baekhyun's lips look inviting but he has to control himself. He knows Baekhyun is still not ready for this and he wants to wait for the right time. Because Baekhyun will always be worth the wait

Instead of kissing him on the lips, he kissed him on his forehead. Chanyeol let his lips stay there for 10 seconds, savoring this moment because he doesn't know when he could do this again. 

When he pulled away, Baekhyun opened his eyes, still half-lidded. When Chanyeol looked at him, he saw longing in Baekhyun's eyes. He restrained himself from hugging the brunet and he would never let go of him ever again. But for now, he has to wait.

"You should sleep now. Goodnight, princess. I love you." He smiled at Baekhyun for the last time and went back to his room.

He left Baekhyun blushing. It has been a while since he last heard of that endearment. He thought when he heard Chanyeol calling him princess again, he would be enraged. But what happened is the opposite. 

He also can't help but to feel relived. I'm the one Chanyeol loves.

He cursed himself and immediately went to the bathroom. He saw his face, red as a tomato.

"It's the autumn breeze's fault. Yes, the breeze is at fault."

Continuing to blame the breeze for making him feel this way, he eventually got tired and went to sleep.


Hi guys! This is the first chapter in this story wherein there's no changes in scene. And also, I find this chapter relaxing since they were just talking while on the balcony. It's a bit aesthetically pleasing. Oh well, I hoped you enjoyed this and thank you so much for voting! It motivates me to write more! And if it's not a burden, you could also leave a comment. I would highly appreciate it. Lovelots!

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