You're Everywhere

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After that morning encounter with the giant, he never saw him again, which is a good for him because he doesn't know what to say when they meet. And Baekhyun prays for lesser encounters with him.

Make him fall in love again? What the hell is he talking about? Chanyeol must be crazy. It's hard to imagine that it has been ten years and the taller is still in love with him. 

Baekhyun can't help but to be wary. What if he's only playing with him? But the look on his face made Baekhyun question his assumption. 

Well, he'd rather not think about it, for now. He has to prepare himself. It's his first day at the hospital and he needs to give off a good impression. What kind of people are they? He can't help but to wonder.

"You must be Byun Baekhyun! Hi! LMR Hospital welcomes you. You are assigned at the pediatric ward, aren't you? Just look for Dr. Park at the end of the hallway on the left." He muttered thanks and went to the room.

He was greeted with different faces. Baekhyun tries to smile. He's not that good at interacting with people. "Hi, My name is Byun Baekhyun. Glad to be on your service!" He bowed.

"No need to be so formal. Hi, Baekhyun. I'm Yixing and these are Dahyun, Junmyeon, Yoona and Zitao." A handsome man introduces his co-workers to Baekhyun. The midget smiled. It felt like they're giving him a warm welcome.

Yoona cooed. "Aww, isn't he cute? Nice to meet you, Baekhyun."

"Same here." Dahyun smiled.

"Make yourself comfortable. Dr. Park will arrive soon." Baekhyun nodded at Junmyeon.

Zitao happily waved his hand. "I'm the youngest here and people call me Tao. Welcome, hyung!" 

Baekhyun chuckled at the younger male. They chatted for a while when the said doctor finally arrived.

"Dr. Park the new--" Baekhyun heard the door of the office in the room slam. Since he was facing the other way, he didn't see the doctor arrive. He gulped. He seems terrifying.

"Uhm, is he always like that?" Baekhyun asked.

Tao shook his head. "Dr. Park is kind, don't worry. Maybe he's just stressed or tired since the surgery just ended." 

"You can go and see him now." Junmyeon added. The shorter gulped. He's nervous.

He sighed deeply before standing up and went to knock on the door. A deep voice answered and it made him shiver. "Come in." It said.

He slowly opened the door to enter and what .the. fuck. Yes, Baekhyun literally made a wtf look.

His eyes were once again met with those familiar pair. Why is it always when he encounters that giant, their eyes meets instantly?

He quickly slams the door back as he heaved a deep breath. No no no. It's not Chanyeol. Maybe he's just dreaming.

"Hyung? What's the matter?" Tao asks. 

"I think I'm still half-asleep. The doctor there looks like someone I know."

"Maybe you do know Chanyeol hyung since he's famous around here." 

Baekhyun froze. Wait, what did he just say? Chanyeol hyung? Chanyeol? Dr. Park? Chanyeol is Dr. Park? WHAT THE HELL?!!


"Yes. He told me I can call him Chanyeol hyung instead of Dr. Park. He's really kind so don't be nervous and talk to him." Tao patted his back and went to his seat.

What a fucking small world. First the car, then the apartment and now, THIS? He really wants to curse destiny. He prayed for a lesser encounter but why did is the outcome opposite? He grabbed his hair, frustrated with the events. And as he was busy venting out, the door opened. Revealing Chanyeol. 

"Hey, aren't you coming in?" Baekhyun slowly looked up and awkwardly smiled.

"Y-yes.I'm coming in." 

Chanyeol nodded and Baekhyun followed him inside.

Calm thyself, Baekhyun. Calm thyself. It's not like Chanyeol is going to eat him up, right? 

Chanyeol eating him? Why does it sound weird? The midget curses himself as he panics inside.

He took a seat and Chanyeol started to discuss. Now he understands why Tao said that Chanyeol is famous around here. He looks so good when focused and seeing the giant's professional side makes him flustered. Why is he like this? He's supposed to be mean and sassy to his ex-lover so why is he like this? The midget is puzzled. Is it because of what Chanyeol said? Is it because the look of Chanyeol's face when Baekhyun told him that he doesn't love him anymore? The shorter is not sure either. He needs time to think this through. He doesn't want to rush things. 

Baekhyun actually thought that when they meet again, they would hate each other and even ignore each other's presence. But he was wrong. Because after all these years, he's still soft when it comes to Chanyeol.

"Do you have any questions, Baekhyun?"

"N-no. I understand everything, Dr. Park." He was dumbfounded when he heard Chanyeol chuckle.

"Hearing you call me Dr. Park hits differently. You can just call me Chanyeol if we're alone just like this." The giant was grinning ear to ear. You can't blame him though. He's restraining himself to cup Baekhyun's face and shower it with kisses. And the look on Baekhyun's face when he was intently listening to him was sending too much shimkoong in his heart. 


Chanyeol grinned more. When Baekhyun is flustered, you can notice it easily. 

"Well, here is the list of your patients." Baekhyun was about to get up when Chanyeol called him again.

"Baekhyun, about what I said yesterday, I'm serious about it. That's all. Good luck on your first day!" After that, Baekhyun immediately left the room. 

"My Baekhyun is so cute~" Chanyeol coos. He's glad that Baekhyun was assigned under him (bless my dirty mind). What should he do? Should he bring Baekhyun coffee everyday? But Baekhyun likes frappe more and you shouldn't drink cold drinks in the morning. He sighed as he gets up to see another patient. 

"Chanyeol hyung! We were thinking of giving Baekhyun a welcome party on Friday! You'll come, won't you?" Tao greeted him. He nodded and the younger signaled the rest a yes. Chanyeol rarely comes to parties that's why they're glad that he agreed.

The giant hums as he walks. All the staffs he encounters are getting affected with the happy virus Chanyeol was giving off. Chaeyeong, one of the girls who saw him, giggled. She was also smiling ear to ear when she saw his crush.

"Hi Dr. Park!" She greeted him. "Do you want to join me with lunch?" 

"Oh, sorry Chaeyeong. I have to do something right now." Chanyeol politely declined and walked away.

After checking his patient, he stumbles upon Baekhyun, who's carrying a basket of medications and syringes. He swiftly grabs the basket, causing the shorter to shockingly look at him.

"Y-yah, Park Chanyeol. What the hell are you doing?"

Chanyeol shrugs. "Helping you. Are you done with this?"

"There's only one left. And why are you asking?"

"Because I'm asking you out for lunch."

Baekhyun's eyes widened more. "What?!"

"You heard it right, Baekhyun." He leaned closer to the midget, causing the latter's face blush.

"I... I.. I'm gonna go!" Baekhyun runs and Chanyeol laughs.

"Wait for me!..princess."


A/n: So, this chapter is just a filler one because I'm going through a writer's block. Hope you still enjoyed it, though. Keep safe, everyone! God bless us all!


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