Sudden Turn Of Events

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Hey guys! First of all,please pray for Philippines specially Batangas. And please,don't take advantage of our fellow Filipinos. Wag kayo maging oportunista. Second, I would like to congratulate our Chennie. I'm so happy for you and I would never get tired of saying it. Please support him and his fiancé. And also, I reread 100080 so yeah, I'm all hyped up for some drama. Anyways, enjoy! Y'all would probably hate me or complain but bear with me. I promise, after reaching the end, you will be enlighten. So please, trust me. Oh and you can listen 'everything has changed' by Taylor and Ed. I listened to this while writing this chapter. And to the Filipinos out there, you can also listen to "Masyado pang maaga" by Ben&Ben.


It's slowly changing. The past few days, everything was slowly changing. Whether it's only Baekhyun being paranoid but he can feel it. Something is changing.

He's anxious. He later on learned that Chanyeol will be Nana's partner and knowing her intentions towards his lover, he can't help but to worry. Chanyeol would shower him with sweet words back when their practice had just started but it's slowly fading. Because of they're both busy, they rarely talk to each other. Since the play is nearing, their schedule became more hectic. Nonetheless, Baekhyun tried. He would send messages to Chanyeol like "goodnight" "i love you". He would always make effort to send it even though he just wants to sleep the moment he returns home.

But it would take the giant hours to reply. Worse, not replying at all. Yes, they're still together yet it also feels like it's not anymore. Since his best friends are also in the same group, they can't help but worry. Baekhyun has already confirmed it but it's only been weeks since they became a couple! Though they want to confron the taller, they can't because it was off-limits and only the casts are allowed there.

Despite of the doubt, Baekhyun chose to understand Chanyeol. He believes in him. That's why when he saw his lover and Nana walking together and looking so happy, he let it slide and ignored the creeping pain.


"Goodnight love. See you tomorrow and don't forget to rest!" sent 11:35 pm|seen 8:00 am

"Good morning love. Don't stress yourself out too much okay? I love you." sent 6:45 am|seen 8:00 am

He forgot to reply again. Chanyeol looked at his phone and guilt was evident. He was about to type his reply when a voice called him. He immediately turned to see Nana smiling and waving at him. He waved back and turned off his phone.

"Good morning, Yeol!"

"Good morning too Nana." He smiled at he and ruffled her hair causing the female to scoff at him.

He doesn't know either. He doesn't know what to feel. Ever since Baekhyun told him about Nana, he began to notice her more. It's confusing. Does he still love Baekhyun? Of course he does but then Nana appears to his mind. Maybe he likes both of them. And maybe, he didn't forget replying to Baekhyun. He was avoiding him.

"Let's have lunch together!" She exclaimed and grabbed Chanyeol's arm, pulling it close to her.

He gulped. "Oh, I was thinking of having lunch with Baek. We rarely see each other now."

Her face scrunched up. She knows she's close to stealing him from Baekhyun. He's attracted to her. Though he still loves Baekhyun, it'll only take a few steps to make Chanyeol finally hers. That's why she's letting Chanyeol go. Just this time. She will let Baekhyun savor his last moments with Chanyeol as his lover. She nodded and smiled at him. 

Chanyeol then went to the cafeteria. He saw Baekhyun already sitting at their table. Guilt bothered his conscience. How long was he waiting? Baekhyun caught his gaze and he immediately smiled. Seeing the midget's smile made his heart ache. His eyes were full of love and admiration. Chanyeol began to question himself. Baekhyun doesn't deserve him. How can he let himself attracted to another person? All these years, he only loved Baekhyun so why now? When Baekhyun finally reciprocates his feelings, why is he being like this? 

"Hey, Chan. How's your practice? Good luck with the play, okay? I know you're exhausted so let me order for us." Baekhyun pecked his cheeks and went to order. 

Chanyeol watched Baekhyun's back as he walks. Can he even confess to him?  It's only been a month and he's already attracted to another girl. It's unbelievable. He wants to curse himself. Sooner or later, he has to say it to him. And he has to sort out his feelings.

On the other hand, there's Baekhyun. Yes, he noticed. He noticed Chanyeol's eyes, they lack affection. He has this feeling and he's hoping that he's wrong. Baekhyun is not stupid nor dumb. But he still hopes. He just wants to think of other reasons why his giant is being like that. He's disregarding the main reason that he is thinking. He's slowly falling into pieces without realizing it. 


"Hey, Baek. Are you going to wait for Chanyeol? I heard their practice is about to end." Luhan said while fixing his things.

"Oh really? Guess I'll wait for him. You two can go without me." Baekhyun smiled. The two bade goodbye and Baekhyun's smile faded. He feels heavy. That feeling is suffocating him so much that it's getting hard to breathe. Deep down, his gut is telling him that something will happen. Something bad. Something heartbreaking. 

But he still chose to see his lover despite of the uneasiness. He'll invite him on a date. They will buy ice cream and go to the playground. It'll be fine. Everything will be fine. They're still fine.

Or so he thought.

He saw Nana pinning Chanyeol on the wall. He immediately hid.

"I know you like me, Chanyeol." Her voice was sweet yet full of venom. She leaned closer to his face. Baekhyun was fighting the urge to grab her hair and slap her until her face deforms. But he knows that his lover will deny it. Right, Chanyeol? You'll deny it, right?

But to his surprise, Chanyeol slowly nodded. He was right.

"Why don't you leave him already?"

Chanyeol massaged his temples. "I like you, but I love him. I'm just attracted to you that's why I can't leave him. He is still my princess afterall. I'm confused at the moment but I'll definitely choose him." He spent hours thinking about this and to him, it will always be Baekhyun.

Nana was shocked. She didn't expect this. "W-what?! No! That guy is a bitch and you don't deserve him! He is a piece of shit!"

"Nana! Stop it! Don't you ever insult my princess! You don't know him so don't judge him. Now I know I made a right decision. I don't regret choosing Baekhyun over you. After the play, please stay away from us." He then left. 

Baekhyun, who heard evreything, doesn't know what to feel. t hurts to learn that Chanyeol was attracted to Nana but he's happy and relieved that he chose him. He silently walked away from where he was hiding and rushed to the school's entrance. There he saw his giant walking.

"Yeol! Wait for me!" Chanyeol turned and there it is. The affection that was lacking came back. He rushed to him and kissed him on the lips.

Baekhyun cried. "I missed you, Yeol" He kissed him again, this time it's longer and harder.

"I missed you too, Baek." He hugged his princess. It will always be Baekhyun. He will always be the one he loves.

After showering each other with affection, they held hands as they leave the school. Not knowing a certain girl watching them.

"Enjoy the calm before the storm, Byun Baekhyun."


Last chapter will be next!

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