Chapter 1 - Yaoyorozu and Todoroki

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Yaoyorozu's POV}

It's been three months and two weeks since the League of villains stole Bakugo, and since then our whole class has been more tense then ever. After the last mission some of us put together a group to rescue him, it had been close to breaking the friendship between most of our classmates. I don't want to risk that again but I have a feeling something close to it may happen again and possibly with even worse consequences.

Uraraka, Sue and I were walking to class from the dorms the boys were in front of us giggling away, as usual. While Sue and Uraraka chatted about something. I couldn't help but notice a certain boy in front of us, half red hair, half white. I looked at his broad shoulders, then thought about the day Todoroki and I fought mr Aizawa in that town together and felt my cheeks... oh my, oh my god. I put my hand to my mouth.

Do I have feelings for Todoroki?!

My shock had spread over to Sue and Uraraka. I slowly twisted my head to look over at them.

Uraraka grinned smugly "I know that face," Sue caught onto what was happening but before they could begin torturing me, the door to class awaited us.
I wasn't sure if I should be happy Sue and Uraraka would stop now or be afraid that behind this door would be my possible crush.

We were now all seated and silent; Courtesy of class rep Tenya.

Mr Aizawa walked in, I'm not sure if he was tired, angry, lifeless or all of the above but always be yourself I guess.

"Okay class, now we all know Bakugo has been brainwashed and most of you are scared but don't be, we have a test today,"

We all died inside.

"Excuse me sir, but um what type of test?" Midoriya asked being sweet as ever.

"Well it's nearly the end of year we will be doing a game of tag," He replied, once again tricking us.
The class smiled hopefully thinking that 'nothing bad could ever happen in a game of tag' we all knew deep down this was going to end badly.

Mr Aizawa took us outside, the sun shone brightly and birds chirped in the trees. I looked over at Todoroki who was standing alone, I wanted to go over and make conversation but something told me I would embarrass myself, I put my hand to my cheek and sighed.

"In this game you can hide and run, there will be one person in at a time and the game will last exactly thirty minutes. No tagging back. The game will be played on school grounds anywhere else and your out. Quirks are allowed but hurt someone or break anything and I will end you. Sero your in game starts now,"

At this point in UA I was prepared for Mr Aizawa's tricks and I quickly shot off. I flipped up into a tree to observe the game from above. Sero has already got Ashido caught in tape and tagged her now Ashido has used acid to break free, soon enough tagging Uraraka. I forgot how exciting it was to play tag!

I lost sight Uraraka and climbed down from the tree. I walked silently behind the buildings.
Uraraka was floating in the sky about 50 meters ahead of me. I ran to peer at who her target was, Midoriya was closest then there was about five other people and Todoroki. She chased after Midoriya until he tripped on a rock and was easy to tag.

I decided to head back into the trees, knowing if Midoriya found me I would have a small chance of not getting tagged.

The brown and gold leaves crunched beneath my red boots. Once again Todoroki came into my mind, just when I thought I forgot. I facepalmed and shook my head. I was hungry now, my powers source is food so I couldn't make a shield and weapons are out of the question.

While I shrouded my head with plans, there was a change in temperature.

I knew it too soon, the leaves to my sides were covered in frost. Todaroki was coming for me.

I turned back, his eyes were set on me. He was blocking off the exits with large ice walls. I needed to run before he cornered me. Todoroki is extremely fast, I was shaking, I almost couldn't move.

I flipped up another tree and ran over the branches. I needed to get out of the forest the way I came in.
I jumped branch to branch, I was so close. I knew Todaroki would still be chasing, he was determined to never give up. My heart was racing, the wind blew hard against me but I continued to push myself.

I leapt as far as I could go, I looked down at where I was meant to land but...

He had beaten me to it. He stood with open arms ready to catch me. I knew how to avoid him and run away, but part of me said, land in his strong arms. The other half cringed at those words. But just before I could put a plan in action Tenya yelled "thirty minutes over!!" Breaking everyone's ears. I landed on the ground next to him; Sadly. And we walked back to class.

We were back at the dorms. The rest of the girls and I were in toru's room chatting. There was only six of us so a girl group was perfect.

Uraraka grinned at me again, "No no no no no!" I wailed trying to cover her mouth but I was to slow, "Who is it Momo!" She yelled with stars in her eyes. Everyone's attention shifted over to me. Now everyone knew. Thanks Uraraka.

**part one down, I'm going to be switching the povs each part so next ones Todoroki and yup it's cringey as. I know todoyozu isn't as popular as other ships but I like it and those reading this probably like the ship too. Hope you enjoyed part one! Please comment vote and share! Thank you!**

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