Chapter 20 - Ashes

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Dear sensitive people, watch out.

Todoroki's POV}

My vision was blurry and my head wobbled around like a bubble, I couldn't think straight at all... it was like I had been drained...

"Who... who's... there?..." I murmured, trying to walk off, but I was yanked back. My eyes and mind quickly cleared once I hit the ground,

"Where's Momo! What did you do with her!!" I shouted, the rage inside me returning. The flames in my eyes were soon put out when I remembered her face, those giant tears, cries and pleads. She wanted me to stay calm and I did the complete opposite, I really need to listen to her...

"It's always a good idea to check your surroundings before attacking, that way you know what to do in that type of terrain" All Mights words echoed though my mind. A steel like material was wrapped around my ankle, a chain tied to it. Stuck. It was the same room as before, the only light showing was from the hell down below, the stair case, and even the red ropes Momo had been tied in. They lay on the ground in shreds, meaning Momo probably escaped... but...

A slow clap arose from the darkness, "I wouldn't say she escaped... more like, ...Begged me enough to set her free," He taunted. That pointy blond hair, blazing eyes and jerk of a smile only meant one thing, this wasn't going to be good. I remembered the pain I felt from before, but it seemed to be slightly more bearable.

"Shut it before I-" I paused, Momo would be calm about this, she would have a plan, I screamed in fake pain, he looked over at me jokingly.

"You really think I didn't see through that? Mind reading," He tapped his head, "but why don't we talk about Momo?" He sat down in front of me, still in the same slouching ways as he was at UA, "She joined me. She ended up even loving me," He crackled, I cant believe he was even trying to trick me, so pathetic.

I snorted and leaned forwards, "You really think I believe you? I know Momo inside out,"

"Then how was I the only one who knows her inside?" He joked again trying to piss me off,

"Screw you,"

"Screw her,"

Was he serious?! "Shut it Bakugou! You useless-!" He ran up to me and grabbed my chin, his red eyes staring into my soul. I gritted my teeth together, he was trying to scare me and piss me off just so I wouldn't listen to Momo... that's been his trick all along.

"Your the one who useless here Half n' Half, so why don't you shut it for once," He growled, "As you can imagine, I have everything and more. Changing Yaoyorozu, and saying, 'I will kill him unless you join me' was as easy as making Deku cry!" He laughed.

No... Momo... a villain? She... "But," Bakugou spoke up in his husky voice, "I will let her be a hero again and continue her life as normal... only if you trade places with her," He offered. My life would become dark and villainous, and hers could become something better. My life has already started out horrible, and if I were a villain... my father would hate it. It was always going to end this way for me... and Momo deserves so much more.
I'm doing this for Momo, her happiness, her pride, her eyes, her smiled, her laughs and hugs.
I'm doing this all for Momo.

"I'm in".

Bakugou's eyes grew wider, he tilted his chin up, "Deal. Now let's get dear Ponytail back to her normal ways," He ordered. I'm a villain... an enemy of the world... but it's going to be all worth it in the end. I stood up, ready to begin my 'evil' ways. Bakugou snorted. It crossed my mind, he sped behind me at the speed of light and grabbed my neck. His hand was cutting off my oxygen, "You want to be a villain right? Doncha? Then here. Take this,"

He pulled a syringe out from behind his back. A red, bubbling liquid splashed about in the glass cylinder. He pushed it into my neck as if he were stabbing me. I screamed in pain, I could feel the liquid coursing through me, like an infectious disease, taking control. The last words he said were, "You've already got the anger, we just need the will".

"It's done. I can't believe he actually fell for something that stupid. Damned love sick nerd,"

"But now what?"

"What do you mean 'but now what'? You told me it would work, mist man."

"N-no! I'm sorry! I meant what will the rest of the plan be?"


My mind has changed now. My existence is only a pawn on someone elses chessboard. Nothing matters but Bakugou's orders being a success. I will kill anything or anyone including myself to satisfy.

"Sir," I bowed, "What are your wishes for me," I asked, my face was blank, everything was dark. But I had excepted it.

Bakugou laughed, "Aye, misty. Look over here," Kurogiri turned to me immediately and stood up straight.

"He will be a great aspect for our future plans, Bakugou,"

Bakugou yawned, "Well, best try him out," He decided, "Todoroki go to the police department and burn it down. Better make it back alive," I nodded and walked out the door. Once out, I walked down the road, knowing the exact location to police department. My eyes were velvet red, thirsty for the moment the first blood is spilt.

It was night time at this point, skies dark as the deep ocean, clouds blocking the stars and threatening rain. I looked through the glass doors. A small light was on in the corner. A young policeman sat down talking on the phone. A smile on his face.

I stepped into the building, still no attention to me, all he said was, "Yeah, I miss you too, say hi to bill for me. Tell him his big bro is a cop now! And will be back home in a few days!" The young man laughed, "Oh, I've gotta go ma, business calles. Love you too," He got up off his seat, was he threatening me?

I ran up to him at speed, grabbing both his arms and forcing his head onto the carpet, "Die." I pushed his head harder and harder into the floor, he screamed and yelled at me to stop but it meant nothing to me.


He lay on the ground. His eyes had turned white, while his mouth stayed open as if he where still screaming. I continued my task and began marching to the top floor of the building.

Once I got to the top of the first staircase I was spotted by another young man, "Hey what are you doing here?! You're not in the agency-!" I kicked him to the wall, blood ran down his forehead. Another click and snap heard.

And then two more decided to attack me. They too were forced to hear the noise of their own bones breaking under the pressure. Then three more, then four more. Until I reached the top and blocked off the only exit door with ice. I slowly walked through the long tunnel leading towards my destination. I ran my hands along the metallic walls, frost trailing along and making small crackling noises. The door soon approached me, I kicked it down with ease.

"W-Who... What-are you.." A room full of people turned to face me. Computers dropped to the ground, guns being held up. Blood was smeared across me, my shirt had small rips and tears.
I could feel the fear filled room as  I stepped forwards. Hands were shaking, teeth jittering... but me... I stayed silent until the words of death were spoken from mouth.

"I am Shouto Todoroki."

Fire shot through the room like a bullet. No one having time to even shoot at me. The heat burst glass open like twigs, the flames ripping up the flooring beneath me. Screams from everyone trying to get out wrapped around me head.

My mission would be as ordered, unless...

Oh Jesus Christ that's dark. This whole book is dark. I just want it to go back to the sweet, vanilla stuff. Also next chapter may not be out for a while, sorry, I have some things going on.

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