Chapter 9 - Can-opener

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Yaoyorozu's POV}

Earlier that morning...


"You have no idea what he said no me! He's always bullying someone!" Uraraka yelled as she threw the kitchen plates at Kirishima.

Kirishima broke then with his fists while the flew in the air, "That's so you! Judging people without getting to know them! Your worthless!"

"Then me saying your just as selfish as him must make you happy!"

"He's not selfish!"

"Yes he is"





This is what I opened the door to, my whole class going nuts.

Tenya was yelling at them to stop while the girls were trying to attack Kirishima. Kaminari, hiding in a cupboard.
Orjiro, pleading with Uraraka to stop.
You get the picture.

I threw a stun grunade onto the ground in horror. Before I knew it the class was silent and, uh, blind.

"Sorry!" I exclaimed but they are, deaf, as well, *cough*.

A while later the class had been seated, I couldn't help but realise that Todoroki was missing, I hope he wasn't hurt or anything. Although he wasn't here I needed to make sure my classmates were settled.

"I'm sorry about the stun grunade, but it's a lot better then the class 1-A students fighting, we sure don't want Monomar getting a hold of this information," I joked making the class laugh a bit.
"Bakugo is gone and that's created many problems but I don't want any of it tearing apart friendships and making enemies. We all came to UA not just so we could become hero's but to make friendships and connections. Do what's right, help, be supportive and smile".

I sat down on one of the sofas with a lukewarm cup of tea, both hot and cold, a lot like Todoroki. I blushed and laughed a bit to myself and Uraraka couldn't help but pick up on my little game.

"Yaomomooo," She called in a sweet tone, Uraraka pulled me aside.
"Where's your boyfriend?" She teased, "Um, I'm not actually too sure- he's not my boyfriend!" I yelled, how on earth did I fall for that one?

We both laughed for a while but then a serious look came over her face, "Momo, the silhouette. You haven't seen it lately have you? Our dorms are quite close and last night I was looking out my window at the moon and a figure peeked inside your dorm window. I saw it Yaoyorozu, I saw the silhouette," She whispered, her eyes were full of worry and fear.

I have never see her so afraid, I have never seen her afraid. I hugged her, "It's not after you Uraraka, we are going to be fine-"

Uraraka turned to face me, she was shaking and I could almost see a tear forming, "This is serious Yaomomo, it looked at me. And the only thing I saw What's it's eyes, they were angry and thirsty for something. There was no sign of mercy. What ever the silhouette is, it only wants one thing and it's you, this-this creature or person isn't going to stop until it gets what it wants".

Her words were like a cold water running down my back. They were like sharp claws griping onto my heart and trying to rip it to shreds. I couldn't show her I was frightened, so I did what any other leader would do, I smiled and hugged her.

Me and Tenya were having a small conversation about what we should do about The Silhouette, if anyone needed a plan of what to do it would be a smart idea to go to Tenya.

"Your window of all places?!" He whispered loudly.
"The only people who know about this is Uraraka, you, me and Todoroki," I explained, "A few nights ago is came up to my window and tapped on the glass. That was the first time I saw it, I screamed and Todoroki came to see what was going on. I stayed in his room that night in case it came again. Uraraka on the other hand saw it at my window last night but I don't think she's comfortable talking about it," My mind was going to explode, I knew we need to tell the teachers but what if The Silhouette is stronger then out teachers? Stronger then even the heros? Stronger then Allmight?

Iida had something on his mind, he scrunched up his chin and tilted his head, "Yaoyorozu," Tenya said facing me,

"We need to get The Bakugou Resuce Team back together,"

I stared at him in shock, those words terrified me. The bakugou rescue team was helpful to Bakugou and actually ended up saving him but nearly destroyed not only us but some of the friendships between most our close friends. I don't ever want to risk it again but... it may be the only way. We need to sneak, be very careful and stealthy. And not tell anyone else. No combat, or speaking to anyone but each other, we can't allow ourselves to be spotted. We have done this before, and we can to it again, but better.

"Agreed," I nodded with determination riding my thoughts, "Tell Midoriya and Kirishima I will tell Todoroki, Meet at my dorm 12pm this Friday," I ordered, Tenya  nodded back.
"Speaking of Todoroki, He's just outside. See you then," I smiled and walked outside to meet 'Mr. Icyhot~' hehe.

He smirked as he saw me coming and pulled me away from the dorms.
"We need to talk about something Todoroki. It's urgent," I told him as he continued holding my hand.

"This is urgent as well, extremely urgent. And you need to come with me if you want to find out. Do you want to find out?" He turned back to face me with... that's not his smirk. There was something devilish about it, and his eyes, they were filled with insanity.

I yanked my arm back, "Your not my Todoroki," I said in pure horror. I went to run but only ended up bumping into someone's chest,
"Common little lady. We need you," Dabi added in a calm but eerie way. I walked backwards, my skin crawled. There was no escape, they led me into the trees, no one could even see me from inside. My eyes flickered like diamonds in the spotlight.

Before I knew I could do anything they had knocked me out.

Hello! It's summer over here and was 34 degrees 😖🥵 Good news live right beside the beach, bad news, I can't post or write in water 🤣 I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please vote and comment it really helps ❤️❤️

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