Chapter 6 - The First Japanese Pancake

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Todoroki's POV}

There goes my chance with Yaoyorozu. I always lost my ice cold ways around her, and I hated that. Yaoyorozu May be brains and beauty but there's a third thing about her, the foxy side. She's sneaky, the in the test we had with Mr Aizawa, she acted like she knew nothing but she had an amazing plan in that brilliant mind of hers. She has somehow made me, I don't know, grow a new feeling? But it makes me weak.

"I think it might be a good idea to tell the girls about the silhouette. Or go check on them," She said oddly, picking up her sleeping bag and heading for the door.

"Before you leave-" I stepped up from my bed making her stop what she was doing, "Yaoyorozu..." I turn my head right and slightly blushed, my hand covering my eyes, "There's something about you Yaoyorozu, it makes me, happy. Although it makes me happy I some how mess up my words whenever I talk to you, and yeah, sometimes I say weird things on accident," I admitted, she took a step closer to me making my face go red again, "I haven't felt like this before and I like the feeling. But it can make me do some stupid things and I'm sorry-"
Before I could say more she ran to me and wrapped her arms around me.
"I know the feeling," She replied looking up at my with red cheeks, a tear or two and that smile I love so much.

Saturday morning...

My eyes were blurry and I could tell my hair was a mess. What went on last night?... Yaoyorozu. I quickly looked to the empty right side of my bed then down at the floor in front of me. Yaoyorozu was fast asleep in her beanbag and thankfully not sleeping next to me. I peered over at my alarm, 5:13 it read, I slept in.

I was now changed into my clothes and about to head into the kitchen to make breakfast when a certain raven haired angel lifted her head and smiled at me.

"Goodmorning Todoroki~" Commented the dazed Yaoyorozu. I stopped and smiled, still not turning my head away from the door I replied, "Morning,"
this girl...

Once outside of my door I was 'greeted' by Mineta and Tenya. First thing Tenya insisted on doing was to hold a paper to face reading, DORM RULES and circled in red underneath was under no circumstances will the staff of UA be allowing any sorts of SEXUAL INTERACTION.

"Are you serious Iida? Sexual interaction?!" I Yelled, probably waking everyone up.

"Mineta saw you lead poor Yaoyorozu into your dorm and he added that he heard 'noises' coming from your dorm late at night," Tenya stated strict as ever. I saw the look of absolute anger over Mineta's face, was he trying to intimidate me? I gave him a glare and in no time he was shaking.

"Are you taking this seriously Todoroki? You have led on multiple females and this might be the last time the school lets you by free-" I shut Tenya up and facepalmed.

"Yaoyorozu is my friend, not my play toy and not my sexual conquest! If anything she has been the only person I have even thought to trust. I would never in my life treat her in anyway she doesn't feel comfortable in," I pushed them aside feeling slightly more angry and headed to the kitchen.

I should make breakfast for Yaoyorozu as well, to show I'm actually sorry. But wait, she knows the same feeling as me... does she like me back? Don't be stupid Shoto, she must like someone else then. I still made her breakfast though, Japanese pancakes; A Japanese desert but not for Americans.

I lay two plates down on the counter for me and Yaoyorozu and saw Kaminari waltz up to me like his usual perky self.
He looked at me for a while then switches at the plates soon repeating it multiple times.
"What do you want," I growled.

"Oh nothing.. ya know. Mineta shuur didn't go around telling everyone about you and Mumma Momo being a... thing. I came to see if that were truwww," He replied as if he was intoxicated.

"Well it's not. She likes someone else," I replied sounding a little hurt.

Before I could go on he hugged me, "Todoman! You love her! Why else would you be making a Japanese pancakes for two! Go.. confesh. Yeey,"
I pushed him off, my face going red with embarrassment.

He must have been fighting earlier, stupid-


Before I knew it Jiro punched me straight in the nose.
"What was that for?!" I yelled, today wasn't a good day, at all.

"You raped Momo! We all know it!"

I flipped the pancake onto Yaoyorozus plate and by this point I couldn't take it and ignored everyone.

Yaoyorozu soon came out of my dorm room and was soon swarmed by the whole class. Hopefully she could explain that I did not sexualise her in any way. It was so hard to be around Yaoyorozu or even have a single conversation with her, I wish we were just, alone for once...

I poured syrup over the pancakes then finished it off. Soon, leaving to see my mother and spend the rest of my day around town. Simple but joyful.

I put a small note on the side of the her plate telling her it was hers.

"Goodbye Yaoyorozu" I whispered.

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