Chapter 8 - Ego & Pride

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Todoroki's POV}

"I will get them out of here Todoroki, I know I can. They could stay at my home, we have a lot of guest rooms and a whole pantry of food," Yaoyorozu kept saying and soon enough my tears dried up.

"Thank you Yaoyorozu," I said between small sniffs.

"Please, call me Momo," She replied in her soft tone. We continued our hug. Her hair smelt of blossoms and I could feel her heartbeat going at what felt like one million beats per second. Momo's tears had made a wet patch behind my neck and I had made on on hers, but in this moment it wasn't at all relevant to us, any of it. Right now I was us, together, Shoto and Momo, finally in peace.

I smiled and turned my head slightly to the left so I could look out at the sun setting over the treetops. I closed my eyes and rested my head on her shoulder.

Before I knew it I had drifted off to sleep.


A bird flew by with a loud squeak forcing me to wake up with a jolt. I was leaning on one of my households wooden beams, it sounded like Momo had fallen asleep on my shoulder too, but where was Momo?

She must have left early, she was good at that. I looked in front of me and there was one of Momo's little nesting dolls.
I opened it up and inside it was a note reading "Im sorry I left, but I got a text from Tenya telling me there was a fight in the dorms. Had to go help x - M."

An "x" at the end... hmm. I got up and patted my hair back down. "Shoto, who was the girl," My father growled in hatred, "Why should I tell you, your just going to want grandchildren," I replied smugly, he grabbed me by the collar and pulled me closer to him. "I don't want my grandchildren to be any type of mistake you have pondered apon during one of your conquests, boy,"

I stared at him in anger before he dropped me and walked off. I hate him. I hate him so much. And unlike him I will never hurt my children or their mother, I will never even let him know of them.

I walked to school at the usual time, going the usual way, with my not too usual self. After last night I felt so different, but in a good way. It was as if when my problems would be somehow stopped just by letting Momo know about them. She was a living goddess.

"Hey Todoroki!" I heard Midoriya yell from behind me just as we approached the school gates.

I waved to him and replied with, "Morning!" A smile washed over my face and it was as if Midoriya had never seen a smile in his life, "Is there something on my face Izuku?"

"Yeah, A smile. It's just, I've never seen you so happy. It's different but in a good way, I like this new you! Not saying that I hated the old you! I mean the" *blah blah blah* I laughed and it was like he never heard a laugh. Was I that different?

Midoriya opened the class door for me and the same thing happened. I smiled a bit and even Sensei Aizawa was shocked, but no one said anything, they just stared at me with their jaw dropped expressions.

"Your... smiling," Sensei Aizawa managed to say.
"What can I say? I had a good sleep," I laughed with the thought of Momo in my head. I loved this girl...

Later the lunch bell rung and we all headed into the cafeteria.

The girls circled around me while somehow pushing all the guys away.
They bombarded me with compliments and questions but I somehow took them all and replied to each question. The guys looked at me as if I was Allmight with the press.
Having a smile on my face was really different.

I sat down with the guys but of course I only got stared at.
"Something the matter?" I asked them with a small laugh.

Kirishima spoke up, "I'm curious how your only now smiling. And just because of a good sleep?!"

I put a smug look on my face and bent forwards a bit, "Let's just say last night I wasn't alone,"

The guys dropped what they were holding.
"Was it the girl?" Kaminari asked me in a loud whisper.
"Was it, Todoroki?" Tokoyami questioned.
What had I started? What would Momo do in this situation? I thought back to the many times Momo was swarmed by the class but just as I got an idea of how to stop the questioning an answer arose and it wasn't the right one either.

Mineta stood up on the seat with his angry little additude, he cleared his throat loudly enough to get everyone's and I mean everyone's attention.
"What are you doing Mineta?!" Orjiro yell whispered whilst trying to pull him down with his tail.

Mineta ignored him and continued his reign of terror. I could feel myself burning up, I gripped the chairs leather covering and started burning hand marks in.
"Ladies and gentlemen, it had come to my attention," Oh dear god please don't say it. "Shoto Todoroki has taken advantage of a female, this girl is not at school today but I and a few others suspect it was because of Todoroki she is absent-"

Tenya stood up seeing that Mineta foolishly made this public, and not only those stupid rapist lies but a hint to who I loved.
"Dear students, Todoroki has not taken advantage of this student but helped her in physics for the last few days. It may have looked as if he were doing these sorts of things from a far, but I assure you that Shoto Todoroki had just been helping his classmates out. And the reason for her absence is just a cold, thank you," Tenya flopped onto the seat with a sigh. He slowly twisted his head to Mineta as a death stare spread over his face.

I knew Momo wasn't here ever since I walked in the classroom but I never knew why she wasn't here, maybe I gave her a cold...

"Thank you Tenya, I couldn't live myself knowing I got expelled from here, or framed for rape," I said, releaved.

"It is fine Shoto, but if that did get out the staff would have a hard time. Mineta on the other hand has been playing up ever since the pools," Tenya turned behind him to see the girls shouting at Mineta, "The only lie in there was the cold-"

My mind was to slow for my mouth, "What do you mean?!" I yelled, once again gaining a few eyes. I awkwardly put my head down.

"I texted Yaoyorozu early this morning due to a fight in the dorms between Uraraka and-" Tenya was, as usual, shut up by another person,

Kirishimas expression turned firey, "She's such a know it all! Uraraka doesn't know a single thing about Bakugo, I know he's being forced to do these bad things by the League of Villans. Bakugo has good intentions.." Kirishima put his head down and crossed his arms.

"He's horrible! Bakugo is horrible!" Uraraka screamed at Kirishima and I could tell this is what Tenya meant. Kaminari and Jiro went to go end the fight.

Tenya turned back to me, "And as you can see Yaoyorozu came to help me stop the argument before it got worse. She said she you wanted to talk to her outside so she went with you but we haven't seen her since.." Tenya explained, I wasn't even at the gates when that happened. That couldn't have been me.

Momo is in danger.

Go get your girl Todoroki! *Shoto sprints off at the speed of light* 🤣🤣 I'm pretty busy nowadays so sorry if one chapter comes out four years too late (1-2 days later then expected) I'm working hard! But not hard enough! ):P

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