chapter 13 - Yes sir

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Yaoyorozu's POV}

I walked away looking like a blushing mess, I really hope Todoroki didn't notice. But I think Tenya knows what's going on, unfortunately.

"What happened over there Yaoyorozu? You were screaming and stuff! Sure hope you didn't fall of a building," Toga said cracking into her usual self with a demonic smile and laughter. Dabi put his hand on his chin and sighed.

"Oh, me...? I just train a lot, if I go a long time without training it makes me feel sick," Almost love sick I should say.

"Huh, maybe that's why I felt sick lately. Or It's probably just that handsome AU boy, deku~" She wobble back and forth on her knees in insanity, I wonder what happened to her. She was mad, I want to get out of here and just go back to my normal life. I looked up at the sky. Night was on our shoulders making questions go about my mind.

"Where are we sleeping Toga?" I asked, she laughed loudly then immediately stopped.

"All rooms are booked. But your a pretty girl, flares will obviously let you have a room!"

Flares? Is he the person who gives out rooms? Hmm.

On our way to 'flares' I begun thinking of Todoroki once again. I wonder where he was, what he was doing and what he was thinking of. I couldn't wait for tomorrow, I wonder what we will do. Will he casually talk about things like how we do in class or will it be an emotional ride that sends me flying straight back into his arms and sends him flying into my thoughts. Either way I'm happy to be there with him, I just wish he knew how much I really care for him.

"In here Yaomomo! Your new room!" Toga opened the door with a grin, there was one bed. Small, but it will do for now. Along with a tiny cabinet made of old pine.

I walked in and begun looking around the roof, but Toga closed the door, "I know your plan Yaomomo! And honestly I think Dabi kinda likes you. You sure tricked him Yaomomo! But not me!" She squealed from behind the door, "I put you towards better Use though, and in exchange I got a gun!" The clicking of a gun was heard. I tried to open the door but it was locked from the outside. Toga ran off with laughter. I was stuck in this room. Much likely to be starved until I'm dead. But I'm Yaoyorozu, and Yaoyorozu always has a plan.

"I heard about this "Silhouette" You've been hunting Yaomomo," A masculine voice said from behind me, "And honestly..." I turned around in horror, "... I can't have word getting to the teachers".


I quickly made a long this sword and shield. Seeing my corrupt classmate here... I couldn't handle it. Stay strong Momo, think, think, think! Facing him head on is a death wish, I need to get out of here, I could trap him just like how I did in the exam Todoroki against Mr Aizawa. I begun making a small bundle of the scarf like metal and went to throw it at him, knowing Bakugou, he would try blast at it, causing it to heat up and work it's magic. But he grabbed it mid air and pulled it towards him making me zoom close to his face. His crimson eyes shone on me daringly. I was being intimidated... or maybe even investigated. Stay strong Momo! Don't be afraid!

Somehow Bakugou had wrapped the metal around my arms. I was trapped. But now was a chance to find out what he wanted with me.

"I won't tell the teachers," Trick him I told myself, "But only if you tell me what you are stalking me for,"

Bakugou was leaning against the door while I sat on my knees in the middle of the floor, trapped. He smirked.

"Well I'm not gonna kill you," He laughed, "I'm getting revenge on that half n' half jack ass. He's got a crush on you. I forced Uraraka to tell me what's going on at UA, specifically what something Todoroki doesn't want anyone to know. And in exchange I spared deku's life and decided to destroy Todoroki instead," So that's why she was so scared. I forgive her, it's the better then a life of our friends being lost. But other then that... Todoroki has a crush on me!? I felt myself blush.

"So you like him back, don't you?" Bakugou said while taking his black and orange shirt off. I looked away from him in embarrassment but he grabbed my shin and made me look into his face.

"N-no.." I lied, I could feel myself trembling in my red boots. "Bakugou, just tell me what you want and I will do it! Just don't kill Todoroki!"

He grinned showing his teeth, his eyes were just like Togas. Filled to the brim with,


"I want you to bring Todoroki here, and I assure you, with my word as a gentleman, I will not kill any of you. All I need to do is answer a few of Todoroki's questions. And you both will be straight out of here," Easy, I think. It's just going to be a small chat. He begun ripping the metal off. But how?! How can he have the strength too do that?!

"And by the way," He turned to face me again, "I have become stronger".

I felt the tingle of fear, it almost felt like I was going to die. Bakugou is different now, as I walked away from him it almost felt like I had just had a near brush with death.

Bakugou stared at me as I left his room. But not a stare with anger, he stared with a smirk.

Oof that's weird Bakugou. Go away. Hopefully Todo and Momo will make it through all this madness, or they could just die. Who knows, probably me, probably not me. My plans are just like a rough sketch. Please vote and Comment! It helps my self esteem! Xxx

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