Chapter 10 - Gonna Explode

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Todoroki's POV}

Momo is in danger.

Iida stared at my shocked face for a few seconds, "When Yaoyorozu came to the door what did she tell you?" He asked concerned about his classmates sudden additude.

"I wasn't there when Momo came to talk, I haven't even seen her today. That couldn't have been me". I told Tenya sternly.

Iida stood up, "We need to do something then!" He said waving his hands around in the air. We started speed walking to the halls. I'm going to murder the bastard who took Momo. And if this person even touched her... I will torture them so badly that they won't be begging for mercy but for their own death.

"And what exactly?!" I yelled, I was heating up. The only person I could ever talk to this about and get help from was Momo. I'm getting her back even if it means my life.

"When Yaoyorozu went to find you, she was meant to tell you something. Yaoyorozu told me about the silhouette," I tensed up hearing those words, I fully believed Momo about The Silhouette and especially after all of the life changing things I constantly go through. I had The Silhouette on my mind 24/7.
"Uraraka also knows of the lurking shadow. She looked it in the eyes and said she only saw insanity and thirst, later when I was talking to Ochaco she said the eyes almost looked... familiar. I have a feeling it could be,"


Saying those words made me want to crush him. I knew from the start he would cause trouble. And I knew from the start I would end up being the one who will murder him.

Iida coughed, "We need to put The Bakugou Rescue team back together. But this time it might be the Bakugou Attack team," He sighed and looked at the floor. The Bakugou attack team, hmm.

"I see,"

"But we cant make any contact, we go unseen and be untouchable," Tenya ordered, we can't do that! I can't do that!

"I want to make him pay!-" I yelled but Iida shut me up.

Tenya has looked bothered by me lately, and I think I'm on the edge of making him hate me, "Whats gotten into you Todoroki? Your so angry ever since word of Bakugou. What is it?" He questioned making his eyebrows become furred.

I hated Bakugou, not just for him stealing Momo away but for how he just is. He's hurt everyone, and he acts to proudly of it. It gets on my nerves how he won against me in the festival. But now I have a good reason to hate him even more.

"Just angry Bakugou even thought of stealing Momo,"

Tenya patted my shoulder, "we all are, meet at my dorm at midnight. We are getting Yaoyorozu back," He smiled and went back to the cafeteria probably to tell Midoriya and Kirishima about the rescue mission.

Later that evening...

I got into the clothes I wore last mission along with the wig, looked in the mirror and walked out my door.

While heading to Tenya's dorm I spotted it.

The Silhouette.

I felt my eyes turn red with fury, my blood curdled in my own veins. I could get him right now. I knew it was Bakugou. I charged for the window and kicked through it making a loud smash. Shards of glass flew through the air like darts, I felt them rip holes in my pants but I couldn't focus on that right now. Where's that Bastard!

I dropped to the ground two stories beneath me without any sign of pain.
"Common! FIGHT ME!!" I yelled out, the whole class stood by the shattered window looking down at me, but they were irrelevant.

"It's now or never Bakugou!!" Before I could continue Mirio leapt behind me. I turned to face him with a snare. I looked in the shattered glass laying on the ground in front of me. I looked like Bakugou. My eyes were red, my hair was a mess.

"You quite energetic, aren't you? You seemed the complete opposite the first time we met," Mirio grinned, he was a true hero.

Hello!! It's really late at the moment and my mind is going 1000 miles per second but so fast I can't think about one thing ahhhhh I think I'm high. But other then that, the chapters may come out a little later due to a ton of parties and seven days till high... and Todoroki becoming Bakugou? Eek, how you gonna explain this one.

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