Chapter 14 - Be Honest!

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Todoroki's POV}

The bell for schools end rung. The bell was like a beacon of joy, for soon I would be meeting the only girl who holds worlds in her hands and has the stars in her eyes.

It was the first day of winter.

I walked out of the class door to meet with Izuku, he smiled, but I could tell there was fear in that smile, "How's it going Midoriya," I asked casually, I didn't remember much about the night I jumped through a window, but... I think my classmates and even my friends were frightened of me. Izuku's smile was only a reminder of the darkness in me, the ticking bomb the abuse in my family planted. I couldn't think about that now, your at school, non the less in a crowd of people. My eyes set on Midoriya, who fit some reason looked extremely mischievous.

"Your dating Momo aren't you," Midoriya smirked.

Seriously Izuku. I put my hand over my face trying hide my red face from him, "-No, but, I mean!-" Midoriya cracked into laughter and threw his head back.

"The whole class ships it, Todomomo we call it. By the way, Ochaco and me have finally sorted out our feelings and well... we're finally together," He said with a smile as if he were replaying the moment, "She asked me about it around month ago, and really, things have been great for the two of us," That would have been around the time me and Momo had gotten some alone time...

After me and Izuku finished our chat he told me I was just like him around someone loved, I cringed at first but now, I do believe him. I'm scared Momo might turn away when she knows more about me, so I put all this pressure on myself. I know Momo hates me putting pressure on myself though. She will to take down my walls until she finds the real me. I love that about her.

I walked outside the school gates, Momo was standing a few meters away. Her smile was so warm and pure. Her eyes were comforting, I could gaze into them for hours and never want to look away. She held her arms out and I could only feel myself being lured back to her. I so badly wanted her touch, but her golden heart means more to me then beauty alone.

I wrapped my arms around her back, "It's nice to see you again, Momo," I said softly as I nudged my cheek into her soft neck. It almost felt like we were more then friends now, I was just too shy too admit I saw her in that way.

"You too Shouto, I'm glad we can have a night alone together again," She said, I gently grinned a small tint of pink on my cheeks. Every moment with her was like watching the sunset over the ocean, beautiful, Incredible and it filled my heart.

She wore a white scarf and a jacket that looked a lot like mine. I wore a blue scarf, but other then out clothes, I noticed Momo had changed her hair around. Usually her hair is in a spiky ponytail but today it was down and looked like she had straightened it. Something special for me? No, don't be so stupid Todoroki. You know she only sees you as a friend.

I couldn't help but feel the cold of winter setting in now. We broke away from our friendly, sigh, embrace only to meet eyes and stare for a few seconds, "Do you have anything in mind for this afternoon?" She asked with a smile, I had a lot of things on my mind; Obviously. But one thing stood out, The night I made a Momo plan, I spent at least a day to fully organise it but never had a chance to test it out. This was the time.

"Well," I started, "I thought we could practice on some training first, I was meant to train with you a while ago but I never got the chance," I told her as we began walking along the footpath, I couldn't help but realise how she looked a little let down, but I acted like I didn't notice. It was shady along the footpath, to our right was tall buildings, to our left was large evergreens and The mighy walls of UA. And most recognisable was how no one was on the streets but us.

"Sounds like fun.." She said with a small smile. I looked to her but she seemed to have something on her mind, as if what she was thinking of was hurting her.

We didn't talk for a while but at the same time I had so many questions, too many questions, I wanted to get them out of my mouth and hear what her answers were. But I was scared that if I asked them all Momo would think I'm a weirdo or even a stalker. God, what is this horrible feeling.

She looked up at me with those bold eyes and her genuine and caring smile and told me, "Shouto, if anything is bothering you, please, please, tell me," That broke the ice. It's as if she is a mind reader. Momo was, no she is, the most amazing person I know, the most incredible woman I could ever even wish to meet. The chance that someone like her exists and non the less wants to be my friend...

It's astonishing.

I smiled back. I shifted my red and white hair to the right and opened my mouth. We talked for ages, about how AU was and what types of exams we were having. But as usual, our conversations always ended up being about the personal side of things. I learnt Momo's mother and father sometimes forgot she was there, and other times her butler/good friend Johnson had to teach her about life lessons and what not. The golden heart she has is built from hard work and determination.

"So how's your mission been going?" I asked her, she stopped walking and froze. It was as if I just shattered her soul by saying those words, her confidence, her laughter, everything good had shriveled up and died. Her face was white, her eyes lifeless, even her legs went nimble and shaky.

Momo slowly turned to me, "I need to tell you something".

Reeee I actually got an okay photo for this other then that, idk wait wtf how did I get this font what is going on ahhhh (okay nvm it's back to normalish) lol, please vote and comment, it really puts a smile on my face 🤣♥️

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