Chapter 25 - Sympathy For The Devil

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Bakugous POV}

I walked out of the police department as if I was a free man. But you see, I don't think I ever will be.

From what the cops told me, I have been under the influence of the villains 'drugs' for at least months now. I can't remember a single thing, apart from someone jabbing a serum into my neck once I went to fight them. But the cops did mention I would have a bit of ptsd. Not to mention how many people I killed, how many lives I ruined, how many people I have changed. I'm not a free man.

Now I'm walking back to UA, not even having second thoughts on going home first. This sucked, I hated this feeling. But.. even through it all, I feel like I changed myself. For the better or for the worse. I feel more understanding, calm, maybe even sad and respectful, Damaged... sorry... I would usually hate all these emotions. But I knew, that I needed to apologise and make amends with all the people I hurt.

I understand now why I was jealous of Dek- Midoriya all these years. He was nice, he was like all might, he was the type of person who everyone likes. And he deserved it. And here I was complaining about it when I should have been learning from him.

Todoroki, he was hurting all this time and I never asked if I could help him. He deserved so much more and I only weighed him down, to think I was ever better then him was stupid.

And ...Yaoyorozu... she's probably traumatised. If anything, I broke her. I beat a person she cared for right infront of her eyes and did things to her that change a person. And not to mention my class mates, my teachers, my family and my hero's.

From this day on, I'm changing myself for the better. I will be a hero, for not only me, but for everyone.

The front door of the dorms squeaked open as I walked in. I could just feel the regret washing through me. It made me almost hurl.

But what really hurt, was seeing the long black hair of Momo Yaoyorozu swaying around infront of me.

It was like the room changed around me, it twisted and turned and flipped around until it was a cold cement box. Yaoyorozu lay on the ground crying. Her hair tangled around as she struggled to crawl away from me. She was trying to pull herself towards ...Todoroki. He lay lifelessly. Until... his head jolted up and his bloody eyes stared right into my soul. The room swirled back into place.

I stood still. I could feel my arms and legs go stiff. I couldn't move, I would only scare her, but I need to say I'm sorry! We just need time! Time for what!? I don't know! Leave me alone! No! Go talk to her! I can't bring myself to do it!

Tears sprung out of my eyes, I sprinted outside before Yaoyorozu could see.

I ran a few meters before eventually slowing down and sobbing like the dirtbag I was. I leant up against the building at looked out at the skies.

It was a clear night, but extremely cold. The dark blue skies where lit up by the stars making it like a giant pool above me. I'm lucky. I need to rethink and just agree to disagree with myself. I will try talk to her, but I need to be responsible and tell her what happened.

She will understand.

"Exuse me, Yaoyorozu," I said after I knocked on her dorm door. Maybe she wasn't even there... I turned to my side and began walking in off, but... a glass shattered on the floor. She stood shaking and her pupils thinned.

"W-Wha-What d-do y-y-you want from m-me," Yaoyorozu struggled to talk, she kept trying to step back away from me. Her hands drifted up to her mouth and wobbled around. Her tea sunk into the carpet making a large dark stain, "St-stay away f-from m-m-m-me!" Yaoyorozu yelled while trying to hold back tears.

I ran my rough hand through my spiky yellow hair, I need to tell her it's not my fault...

"Yaoyorozu," I said calmly but almost sadly, "I'm sorry".

She slowly and steadily stood up straight, the fear almost vanished from her eyes. Did I do it? Yaoyorozu invited me into her room, she walked in and half closed the door behind me.

I sat down at the small tea table she had put beside the window and looked out at the sky. The sky was almost like a metaphor for my emotions, which sounds weird, but there's something about it... er, never mind.

Silence filled the room, making it awkward for me but she seemed quite calm all of a sudden. I opened my mouth to speak but shut it when her gaze drifted over to me.

Yaoyorozu sat down on the other end on the tea table and lay down a tea set, "You don't have to tell it all to me, I think I caught on to most of it anyway," She stated. Yaoyorozu tilted the tea pot and the green liquid swerved out into a small tea cup.

I knew she would understand, "Well, I'm guessing by caught on you mean, how they drugged me?" She nodded, "Good. Well that drug was a type that enhances your feelings kinda, and makes it more, abusive you could say," My face went red, realising what my feelings for Yaoyorozu were actually like.

"Erm..." She giggled, "Then why didn't you get Izuku?" Yaoyorozu asked trying to 'help' get out of this awkwardness.

"Maybe somewhere in my heart, I might like Dek- Midoriya as a friend," I replied, "It's just a guess but," Talking to a girl is weird, you spill all your feelings and in some way it's... easy and fun to do.

Maybe... my feelings for Yaoyorozu were ...real...

And you see here, we have hit *sigh* love triangles. I thought it would be fun to add in a person with heavy emotions. Like a sorry relationship. (Also kindaaaa ship it. Destruction and creation?) let's hope Shoutos temple is good as well.

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