Chapter 18 - Everything will be alright

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Might be some pretty dark stuff up here, be aware.

Todoroki's POV}

I could tell by the look on her face that she couldn't take it anymore, and I couldn't either. Bakugou has become something else, and knowing that he has All for ones power? We have no choice but to give in and see what he has planned. If he was going to punch me, I can hang on, for Momo. If he going to kick me, I can hang on, for Momo. If he is going to hurt her, he's dead. This world doesn't deserve an angel like her, and even more, she shouldn't have to even look at that bastard Bakugou.

"And no Momo, your not going to be beaten by me. And I will only hurt Half n' half if he comes at me. Fair," Bakugou explained while turning back to us and squatting in front of Momo.

"Don't lay a finger on her you bastard." I growled making my chains rattle.

"Why not?" He taunted. He put a hand across her thigh, "After all," He ran his fingers up her stomach, making her shake, "She's mine now".

Momo squeezed her eyelids together and started jittering, "S-Stop! P-pl-please!" She begged, but he continued touching her body.

Flames grew over me, a burning rage that could only be pleased by the painful death of that demon. I felt my legs move on their own, my chains stretched forwards and rattled.

"BAKUGOUU!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I lunged towards him, breaking every single chain around me. My feet hit the ground at speed with a loud thud. I pulled my hands in front of me, a shield of ice in one hand a ball of flames in the other. The fury in me was finally being pulled out, I felt great. I even felt a grin spread across my face. He will finally die.

Smoke drifted around the room. Nothing could be seen, but felt, otherwise. Something was gripping onto the fist I had ready to throw at him. The smoke slowly cleared, only to show... a boy with spiky sandy hair smiling as if he hadn't been touched.

"I know you've felt it Todoroki," He started, "The feeling of evil intent, rising in your body and mind. Slowly taking over every cell in your brain," He grinned at me then grabbed my wrist.

"Shut up."

"You won't be able to protect Momo your whole life. Things change, you're gonna change," I felt anger clawing into me like knifes. I was never going to lose Momo, he's foolish if he thinks he can change a thing about us!

"Shut up." I gritted my teeth together, in hope he would soon stop. He laughed and flicked me into the air with the back of his hand. I was flying backwards, wind hitting me like fists. A giant crack made its way through the wall as my body broke into it.

"Shouto!! Shouto!!!" Momo screamed making her voice bounce around the room. Bakugou shoved two fingers in her mouth to stop her screaming. I slid down the broken wall and landed across the cool ground on my stomach. Pain eminated through my back, it felt like my muscles had been dislocated and sliced. But the fact he so easily did that... he wasn't even human.

"I wonder," Bakugou said while kneeling down to Momo. He pushed his two fingers deeper down her throught, red rope had been tied around her body, "Is Momo Yaoyorozu, a virgin?"

No. No. No. I couldn't take it anymore, he wouldn't dare. He will be dead before he can say or do anything else.

I shot ice between him and Momo, "Touch her and your dead," I struggled to get off the ground. But I somehow made it up, taking heavy breaths each step. Stream from my hot breath slowly rolled over the large chunks of ice in front of me.

I looked over to Momo. She still had her eyes closed, but more peacefully now. I know she was trying to calm me down, but I couldn't be, even her god like self couldn't stop me from hurting him the way he did us. My hate for that bastard had become a hate no one could stop.

I made a clone of myself, a plan in mind. An orange cloud of smoke drifted towards me. I felt myself become powerless and drop to my knees. But my clone was still strong, he hid behind Bakugou ready to pounce. A loud thump was heard. My clone had punched him right in the neck, a blow which I knew was fatal. Blood dropped slowly down his ears, nose and mouth, hitting the ground ever so silently. But he still grinned... a round house kick changed my mind as he spun around and popped my clone. My strength had faded, I stood no chance now. I felt like road kill. Only waiting for the next car come and run me over. I couldn't do anything now but watch as he drove thoughts into Momo's mind.

"You have something in you Momo. The quirk to create. I saw how you copied Todoroki's quirk, imagine how powerful you could be, you can use almost anyone's quirk against them and more. I want you to join me Yaoyorozu," He offered, but of course, she would never join him. I knew off by heart that she would never actually side with a villain. Bakugou pulled his fingers out of her mouth.

Momo looked at him in disbelief and worry, "Dont call me Momo, and I will never... e-ever join y-You," She huffed, looking exhausted and drained. Anger grew on his face as if he were being infected by it.

"If you won't join me... then I guess plan b for Todoroki will have to do!" He smiled showing pain. His teeth were like razors.

He grabbed her wrists and forced her against the wall. I couldn't watch this... I couldn't watch Momo being sexualised by him I needed to do something! Anything!

"BAKUGOU!" I yelled, he glared over at me and wiped the siliver off his lips. Momo was holding her eyes closed with all she had, but she was to scared to push him away, knowing of his power, there wasn't much she could do.

"What is it Shouto. Do you still want me to hurt you?"

I tried so hard to push myself up, and even if it got painful, I wouldn't stop pushing myself. I couldn't, no! I wouldn't! Let him continue. But just as I got up... a crack in my legs and arms made me drop once again. Dark crimson covered me, with bruises and scars being an even worse burden. My eyes slowly closed... but the last sight I had, it was of an angel, a person with a smile even if she was hurt. The only warmth that comes to me on a cold morning. Momo looked at me with tears and cried filled with hurt. No matter what, everything will be alright, Shouto. I loved her.

"I love you Momo".

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