Chapter 23 - The Lost Todoroki

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Momo's POV}

"He's your brother,"

I lay my hand on his shoulder. This sure was an emotional day, and night. Dabi looked awkwardly at me, Shouto hated Dabi and now... Dabi is his brother.

"Cool," He commenter, everyone looked at him in confusion.

He turned to face me and of course I had to stop him right there, "What do you mean 'cool'? I thought you hated him?"

"Well he obviously went villain to piss of dear old dad. Cool," He replied, then walked off.

Dabi looked at him walk off, "Seriously?" He said. Everyone looked at eachother. Maybe I should go get Shouto back out, or at least call in on him to see if he's really okay.

I knocked on his door with the back of my hand, "Can I come in..?" I asked sweetly, the door slid open and his handsome face came to view. I smiled at him and rolled my arms around him, "You sure your Alright?" I said as his head came down onto my shoulder.

We sat down together on his bed. He sighed and turned to look that me with a causal expression, "It's just a lot to take in," He explained, "I mean I absolutely hated him and now I found out he's my long lost brother? It's gonna take a while to get use to it, and I hardly know to much about him either".

"Then maybe you should get to know him," I advised, "I could set up another pool party for all of us, bring some pastries, muffins, tea~" I smiled and put my hands on his.

He smiled a bit, "That does sound fun," He giggled and looked to the left. I smirked at him, and he looked at me with a curious smile.

I pushed him onto his back suddenly, "So this is what you were planning..?" He flipped me over again and kissed me.

The next morning...

I stretched out with a loud yawn and looked over at Shouto, waking up in his bed, hm? Mother certainly won't be proud. I giggled and got dressed. I class starts again tomorrow, and I wasn't looking too forward to it, knowing the drama I would have to be put through.

"Morning Momo," His voice chirped, he walked to his wardrobe and got changed. It was so odd to be this comfortable around someone. It was as if there was nothing to worry about, in which this case, there wasn't anything to worry about.

I wrapped my arms around his bare chest, "Morning Shouto~" I smiled, "Are you still up for the pool party today?" I asked him as I stepped back to give him some room.

I began putting on some pearl earrings. Shouto laughed, "You made it for me, of course I'm coming!" I smiled gently. He hates parties... Im seeing anew side of him, a happier side.

Shouto put a hand on my shoulder and I clutched it in my hand, "Something the matter, Momo?" He said in a worried tone.

"The complete opposite," I laughed, "Your just lots happier, it's nice,"

"I wouldn't be this happy if it wasn't for you,"

I turned around and hugged him. A notification popped up on my phone and I went to go look,

Asui/Sue: Heya Yaomomo me and Uraraka are in the kitchen doing some cooking come join us!

Ochaco: Momo!! 😱😹 I dropped the flour on the ground! 🎂 helpppp!!! 🙀🙀🤣🤣🙏🙏🙏

Momo: Oh my!! I will be there soon! Also, I have something to tell you both!~ 🤫😂

I looked up at Shouto with a cunning smirk, "Okay, me and some of the girls are going to be cooking. You and the boys should get ready," I stuck my tongue out and grabbed my bag.

"See you soon Momo," He said and kissed my forehead.

"Goodbye Mr. Icy hot," I giggled, waved, and walked out the door.

I heard the clatter of pots and pans as I approached the kitchen, along with Uraraka and Sue screaming their heads off.

I walked through the kitchen doorway, and was bombarded with a mist of flour!? I waved my arms around furiously, coughing out large white clouds, "Uraraka! where are are you?! Sue?!" I couldn't see a thing.. until a noise of what sounded like, metal maybe made its way towards me.

"RAAHAHA!!" A creature came zapping towards me with glowing eyes, it landed on the floor, "Can you help whisk? I'm trying to make some upside down pudding but my arms sore," Uraraka sighed. Sue wafted the flour mist away with a tea towel and lifted herself onto the kitchen bench.

I smiled in awe. A mess, and a mess I could fix.

In a matter of minutes the whole kitchen was spick and spam, the only thing left to do was the baking. We pulled out flour, eggs, butter, chocolate and other ingredients until we had everything we needed.

We stood in a row, for Froppy, Uravity and I, Creati, will be on the battlefield. Fighting for happiness and joy, we may cut our fingers with a knife, me may be forced by lemons to cry, we may have chocolate on our fingers. But we will not stop until we are finished!

I grinned and sprinted towards the kitchen bench.

Hello!! Enjoy!

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