Chapter 24 - Where it all began

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Shoutos POV}

"Todoroki buddy!!!" Kirishima screamed in his happy as always voice.

"So you and Momo-Yao ayy?~" Sero teased, "Andddd~ I did see-"

"Momo walk out of your room in a long Tee shirt covering her shorts making it look almost as if she was butt naked..." Mineta sighed as he sat in the corner of the changing room.

"What's his problem," I asked Midoriya, he looked at me as if I knew nothing.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, "You stole his sexual dream is what it is," He took his fingers off his nose, "Mineta tried for years to see 'parts' of Momo and now you've swooped in and got her with ease. I guess it kinda makes him feel bad knowing that your better at getting what he wants," Midoriya finished then walked out the door. I looked over at Mineta, thoughts swelled in my head.

"You coming, Todoroki?" Midoriya called halfway out the door.

Hagakuri and Mina were already at the pool when we got there, and more then ready to party, in fact pushing all the boys in the pool. Damn Hagakuri's incredible stealth!!

I swam to the waters surface and wiped the water off my face with a laugh, but as usual. There was one thing missing.

I dove across to the outside of the pool where Mina stood, "Hey, Mina, where's-"

I paused, a delicious smell filled the air. Syrup, chocolate maybe, brandy snaps, muffins, and I think even some relish and jam. My head turned in slow motion towards three carts with plates and cups rattling along. Everyone's heads turned as well.

"Anyone hungry?"

It was golden hour, the skies where turning pink around now and the first stars in the sky where fading in. I looked at the trees, each leaf fluttered around due to the slight breeze. Everyone was full from the tasty treats Momo, Uraraka and Sue brought, But it was a good full. I watched as the stream coming off the water drifted around. A gentle rub on the shoulder made me turn.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Momo said to me in a calming tone, "You are never really thankful for these things until you go through something bad,"

I looked at her, incredible..

Her long black hair blew around, twisting over one another and flapping about. Her grey eyes, holding so much potential and secrets I still don't know. Her pink lips, so passionate once you have a taste. And her mind, caring, smart, loving, never giving up.

"Nothings ever bad when your close to me, and even so, you make me thankful for everything. I lost you once, and now I never know when I might lose this," I replied dipping my feet in the water. She lay her head on my shoulder and swayed her toes in the water, making small, blue ripples.

"Shouto, I L-"

"LOVE BIRDS!!" Mina screamed from across the pool, she fan-girled about with the other girls and hassled the boys even more.

Momo sighed, "Finish this tonight?" She giggled.

Whyyyy, I was enjoying that a lot... well at least Mina can't torment us in my room.

"Sounds like a plan!" I said joyfully. I brushed my red and white hair back, "Sooo... why not have a game of volleyball?" I suggested.

"GAME ON BROSKIS!!" Kaminari yelled as he bounced the ball onto shojis hair.

Jirou pokes him in the eye, "Dont say broski, it's a dead meme," She groaned.

The ball zipped around the pool like a boomerang, making Momo dash around still in all glory. And then I remembered, this is where it all began. The time I realised I her inner beauty, I know she looks up to me for how powerful I am, but she never stopped to wonder how I see her. And I look up to Momo as much as she looks up to me. She's so perfect, and how she could still smile in sad times...
She can do what I could never and she makes it look like a walk in the park. I look up to Momo for these things. She's my hero and she doesn't even know. I laughed to myself.

A ball hit me in the head.

"Is he gonna be alright miss,"

"Deku really hit that ball into his head,"

"Dear lord please be alright Shouto,"

"Wake up, common wake up,"

...Bzzzr ...bzzzr ...bzzzr

"Shouto! Shouto!! Wake up!!! Wake up!!" I heard Momo screaming.

My eyes jolted open, "M-Momo?! Why is everyone screaming?" I pulled myself up. And held her hand, "Momo..?"

She jumped into a hug, "Oh my!! Shouto!! Izuku got a tad carried away! And the ball! Then-"

I hushed her down, "Hey, it's alright, I'm back. You didn't think I could die from a ball did you?"

She sighed, "True, but we should still check in on recovery girl to see if your really alright," She instructed.

I lifted myself off of the cart and began walking. We got to recovery girls doorway soon enough. But she seemed to be with one of Izukus old teachers ...Gran Torino was it? They seemed to be happy but in an grandma and grandpa relationship.

"Remember not to use your knees too much!" Recovery girl ordered.

"Yeah, Yeah. But I know your never gonna leave me hanging here with sore knees. So what's the point?" He replied. She rolled her eyes with an angry smile.

"You know I'm on the job right now.. I can't always be chasing you around like old times," Gran Torino looked cheeky,

"Then move in with m- Todoroki?!"

"Yaoyorozu?" They said each. I looked behind me, was it just us? Hm.

Recovery girl walked over to us and shooed out Gran Torino, "Whats the matter? You two bonked heads in the hallways?" She joked, I gave her a small smile.

"Actually we were at a pool party and.. uh..." I coughed, a small bit embarrassed. Momo shook her head.

"He got a ball to the head. We are just here to see if he was actually fine," Momo finished off my sentence for me. Recovery girl took me in then told Momo to go back to the dorms. She did as she was told and left me getting my leg pulled by recovery girl.

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