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I woke up and my room was dark. I could hear voices outside my room but my door had been closed. "MUM!" I shout hoping she was home. I checked my clock on the wall and saw it was only five pm. She doesn't come home until seven. She's allowed to pick me up after school but she has to go back to work afterwards. I heard my door open and watched James tiptoe in. "How are you doing?" He asks me quietly while moving to sit on my bed. "Uh I'm okay. Thanks for bringing me home." I reply even quieter. "It's okay. Do you know who did it?" He says after a while of silence. "Why would I know who did it? One, I've been at this school for a day so how would I know names and two, you were supposed to be looking out for me." I say as I notice my voice rising. Calm down Jai. It's not his fault. Yes it is. It's his fault. If he were there he would of stopped it from happening. It's all his fault. Can we not right now brain. Please. Just give me a fucking break please. I sigh loudly. And look over at him. He was sat there with an unreadable expression on his face. This is what you do to people. You are so stupid. Fuck my brain please. Thanks. "Hey I'm sorry." I reply while watching his face. It doesn't move one bit. He just stays there. I sigh quieter this time and he looks over at me with a smirk on his face. He then gets up and leaves the room. Oh he's such a dick. "Get your ass back in here." I shout at him. No response. Dick. I decide I should get up and go see the others so I transfer into my chair and wheel my way to the living room.

"Hey." I say rolling up to the sofa. "Hey how are you feeling?" Chloe asks as I finished transferring to the sofa. It wasn't asked with pity, I knew that she actually wanted to know how I was but as usual my head told me otherwise. "I'm feeling a little better thanks. You guys didn't have to stay." I reply kindly, my earlier anger no longer apparent. "We wanted to check you were okay." Lea said. It was now that I actually looked at the three of them. Chloe and Lea were sat together on the L-shaped grey sofa with a yellow blanket covering the two, Bandit was on the floor sleeping and James had just come back in from the kitchen with a can of diet Coke in his hands. "Thanks." I say sarcastically as he near enough throws him self onto the sofa next to me. "Any time." He replies taking a sip of Coke. Dick. I've already figured out that we have a love hate relationship. He can be a dick but he is pretty cute and all. His green eyes and brown hair look really pretty, but in reality it's never going to happen. Who would want to date me? Yeah nobody, hence why I'm 17 and haven't had my first kiss yet. It's ridiculous I know. I'm pulled out of my head by someone calling my name. "Jamie." James says from beside me, he had now decided to lay down and had his head next to my thigh and his feet over by Chloe and Lea, who were engrossed by YouTube by the sounds of it. "So, Sorry for being an idiot earlier. I'm a real douche and I realise that and I'm sorry." He said looking up at me with his green orbs. I could get lost in them that's for sure. But now I had been put in an awkward situation. Heart rate increased, sweat glands opening, and well I just sat there. From the outside I probably looked fine but here on the inside I was failing. The red sirens were ringing and my head had gone into overdrive. "U-u-u-thanks." I managed to get out. My heart rate slowly decreased its beating back to normal and the sweat stopped spilling. Thank the lord. I waited a few minutes until I finally said "thank you James. I accept your apology. But don't stop being a douche." He smirked up at me and winked. I let out a chuckle and watched my new friends thinking how today wasn't such a bad day after all.

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