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I was still laying in bed contemplating my life when I heard the front door open and close again. I listened and realised there was more then one person. Two? Maybe even three? I can't make out their voices because it's all muffled. Then it goes quiet. I hope I'm not being broken into. Fuckkk I am not prepared for this. I can't defend myself or my dog, I'm literally unable to move my legs. I lay there and begin sweating, Astro jumps up onto my bed and begins alerting to me.

"Surprise!" The three people say as they jump into my room. I nearly lost it even more then from the sudden action and loud noise . By now I'm laying there struggling to breathe but start to calm down once I realise it's just James, Chloe and Lea. Even with Bandit in the room, Astro keeps tasking and talking care of me. I'm literally covered in slobber from her licks in her attempts to try and keep me grounded. I didn't sign up for this. The dog slobber I meant, not the anxiety attacks. I watch as James realises what's happening and comes to my aid. I motion for him to back off and continue to let Astro help me. Lea awkwardly leaves my room to give me space and Chloe and bandit follow close behind. James sits on the floor beside my bed and stays there with his head in his hands. You did that to him. You're such a bad friend to him. You're always making him worry about you. My head decided to make itself heard and my lack of breath returns. Astro is now full force and trying her best. She's licking me all over and I'm now crying into her fur, this really isn't helping me to breathe right now. I look back at James and see worry in his eyes. Fuck this. Why do I always fuck things up.

I managed to calm down around ten minutes later. Astro looks exhausted and was now performing deep pressure therapy on my legs and was licking my hand to keep me grounded. I caught my breath back and James was now sat next to me. I watched as Lea and Chloe made their way back into my room, offering me looks of understanding. Chloe made bandit stay on the floor so Astro could continue tasking and they both came and sat on my bed.

"We're sorry." Lea says after a while of silence. "It's okay. It's me that fucked up not you guys." I reply watching Astro sleeping on my legs. She did a good job and I'd still be freaking out if it wasn't for her. I let out a sniffle and look back up at my friends. Chloe was talking quietly to Lea and James was sat watching me. "What?" I ask him quietly. "You okay?" He asks me taking my hand in his. I nervously look over at Chloe and Lea and see they are still deep in conversation with each other. "Yeah. I just" "got anxious and had an anxiety attack. I know that part." James butts in. "Obviously." I reply snatching my hand from his. There was actually no need for that semi violent action but I'm a little bit of a drama queen so I gotta act the part, you know? I look at him and see an unexplainable emotion fill his eyes. It was only there for a second which is why I couldn't quite catch it but I knew something was up. He's being a real dick but I don't know for what reason.

A while later James had got up to use the bathroom. "Be careful." Is all Chloe says to me before continuing our conversation.
Be careful of what? I'm really confused now. "About what?" I ask as James walks in and plops himself back down next to me. "I don't want you to knock that glass of water over that's next to you. That's all." She replies. Oh that was the only reason. I'm glad to know my friends are always looking out for me. "Thanks." I reply smiling at her.

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