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Everyone stayed with me until my mum arrived home. We spent the time getting to know each other and I feel like I've known them forever, it's crazy to me. I actually have friends for once rather then being the social outcast at school. We spoke about the incident and decided to always have one of them with me until I at least get Astro. It'll be safer that way. We said our goodbyes and James drove them home.

I decided to stay quiet about my day, well mostly the incident. I knew my mum would worry and speak to the school about it. At the end of the day I'm fine and wasn't hurt. Well maybe a tad mentally hurt but that's besides the point. While my mum made dinner I sat and watched a movie, interactive introverts to be precise. My mum had gotten it for me as a present out of the blue. She said something about me being brave and amazing. Yeah I'm neither of those that's for sure.

"Dinner!" My mum shouted from the kitchen. I transferred over to my chair and wheeled into the kitchen where the table was. I rolled up and began eating my dinner, which consisted of bangers, mash and beans a good ol British meal if you ask me.
"How was your day?" My mum asked me when I had just shoved a huge mouthful of food into my mouth. She always does this. I finish quickly and reply with "it was good. I've got new friends which you met when you came home. They are really nice and we made a plan so they will look after me." "That sounds really good sweetie. What are their names again?" "Well the boy is James, he is my buddy and then there are Lea and Chloe, Chloe has the assistance dog called Bandit. But Lea and Chloe are really nice and we decided to have a sleepover at one of our houses soon. Possibly with James there also." I say the last part really quickly hoping she wouldn't hear. And of course she did. "Oh that sounds nice." She says with a smirk. "He seems like a nice boy Jamie." She adds before going back to eating.

I finish my plate a while later and put it in the sink and begin washing up. Once I had finished, I left it on the side, mum had gone into her room to get to sleep after she had finished eating. She's got to go to work early tomorrow morning so James is picking me up as we arranged. He said he'd be here at 8am sharp to get us to school on time for 9am. It only takes twenty minutes in the car to school but we decided to get there early to plan the day out with Chloe and Lea.

As I was laying in bed listening to 5sos to try and sleep, I was looking around at my room and thinking how bad it looked. It was painted a really dark pink courtesy of my 10 year old self. my furniture was all white and easy to access but most of my stuff was not actually where it was supposed to be. There were clothes on the floor, junk laying around. Now I think of it, my rooms a complete tip. I can't believe I let anyone see it this way. I decided at that moment I wasn't getting to sleep knowing how everyone saw my room in a complete mess. I transferred over to my chair and began cleaning, putting the clothes away properly and putting the rubbish in the bin. I knew I should be sleeping but I couldn't be at ease until it was all clean. My anxiety couldn't deal with people seeing my room in a mess yet again. They must think I'm so dirty. They probably think I'm gross because I can't keep my room clean. I am gross. I am stupid. Why can't I do anything right. It was then that i decided enough was enough and I needed to go to sleep. It was an escape from my head. I crawled back into bed, satisfied that my room was somewhat clean, and put my music back on. I fell asleep in minutes thanks to the sound of Luke.

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