Tiny Trouble Maker

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"Okay okay, I get it, don't worry Y/N! the professor will be fine with it!" I heard Jimin bark at me with an insulted expression. "Listen schools much more important than your funny little games, okay? mind if I leave your rusty o'l dorm by tomorrow?" I also continued to yell at him more, I sighed til I felt manly strong arms land on my hips and he moved one of his hand up towards my neck and started to brush my skin along his small delicate fingers.

   "Hah," he laughed, "You? Do you want to leave my dorm? no honey you see Y/n, I want you here and always here got it?" Jimins voice still sounded offended and I was scared to say a word or else I'll regret what I have done later on. I nodded hoping that he will leave me alone. "You're sleeping with me tonight y/n, okay baby girl?" Jimin laughed evilly and ran upstairs while slowly taking his tight muscle shirt off of his lushes body.

   Y/N POV 

20 minutes have passed by since I saw Jimin going up the stairs, I got all ready and hed to bed...nope not my beautiful cozy and comfortable bed, but Jimin's, I don't want anything bad to happen because it won't be good after all. I opened his bedroom door to find him just laying there...shirtless and eyes wide open waiting for me to arrive, I saw his head move towards my direction and just smiled at me waving his arm motioning me to come closer to him. I honestly didn't feel good nor bad, just clueless and not wanting anything bad to happen.

   "Don't be nervous baby girl, I won't do anything bad to you that will make you feel uncomfortable, unless if you ask for it then I'd gladly accept it. The tall man stood up and came walking my way, he grabbed my arm and me to were my head is basically touching his bare chest, "Isn't this giving you a good feeling?" Jimin's hot breath was heating up my cheeks causing me to blush ridiculously. 

    "Y/N Y/N!" Jimin's hot and raspy voice rushed through my earlobes causing me to gasp for air, I looked up at him and just smiled, "y/n, let's get to bed, I'll keep you warm" Jimin's arm slid down further down and grabbed lightly on my thigh making me hit him on the hand playfully "Yah! I'm sorry!" he yelled. 

Narrators POV

You and Jimin have been both fast asleep for over 3 hours when you started to move around causing Jimin to wake up, he opened his eyes to see you right next to him, Very close to him, he covered you with all of his covers leaving him uncovered and freezing. He held you tighter, well basically fondling you to get you closer to him. He wrapped his arms around your waist and the height difference is extremely cute! Jimin just smiled and let out a small laugh leave his lips to turn into a cute little smile.

    "Y/n...wake up" Jimin shook me gently, "w-wha? is there an earthquake?" I said confusingly,                 "What? no! I can't sleep because of how cute you look y/n" Jimin whined too me. I felt my heart skip a beat and the words that came out of his mouth left me red and fluttered.

This grown bum head is 19 and is very much childish uh? "you see Jiminssi oppa! how about I leave and then you can peacefully sleep again!" I yelled at him. "Oppa? what! you made my heart skip a beat y/n, thanks for calling me oppa, and I love being yours! also you are staying here...too bad!" Jimin was spitting words upon words.

     "Then stop staring at me when I'm sleeping, because I apparently am distracting you from your beauty sleep" I once again yelled at Jimin leaving his jaw wide open, "did you notice something y/n?" Jimin grinned and looked at me while his eyes were starting to move down and land where our bodies were touching from earlier, "Oh my god! Jimin! you pervert, why are you spooning me??" I yelled and jumped out of his bed.

Jimin was laughing and snorting, he sounded so cute yet so childish, but why would he do such a thing???? 

   "yah! come back" Jimin couldn't continue his sentence due to how hard he was laughing...at me! "No you disgusting human, I'm gonna sleep downstairs" I was stomping hard on the floor, I got downstairs when Jimin stopped me by grabbing tight onto my wrist "ow! stop it Jimin it hurts!" I whined to the older male who was now facing me, seeing his smile fading away made me scared, so I just stood there in disbelief and gulped. 

   "When I tell you to come back, you do so, I hate it when you make me mad, I get frustrated and have to make up for my actions! y/n, please, please stay with me..." Jimin sounded hurt because of me. He gave me a hug and made it tighter when I tried to let go, he later then placed his hand on my hair and started to caress it, it honestly made me feel bad! he actually cares about me, Jimin cares about me!

                        ~~ AYO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, its the next morning!~~

      "Y/n! wake up! I need to talk to you!" Jimin was barking at me while I was peacefully in his bed all asleep in a comfortable position." I confusingly questioned him as I slowly opened my eyes Jimin was touching my cheeks while smiling cutely, gosh did that just hurt my heart.

    "What is it?" I asked him, "well...you see y/n, I REALLY wanna kiss you!"Jimin started to giggle "Kiss me? you seriously woke me up from my beautiful dream to tell me that you want to kiss me? No!" I yelled at him and got pissed off, "Hey hey, I'm sorry y/n! I just really want to, I really miss those soft lips of yours" Jiminssi explained. "hah, yeah right, you see Jimin I'm gonna go ahead and get ready" I spoke.

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