Chapter 10

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Cameron's POV~

I'm upset that Derek misses me but I knew it was going to happen. He's only 7 how could I even leave without saying goodbye to my son!? "Honestly I'm sorry Melanie. Not because it's mandatory but because I mean it. I just didn't want to worry you for the last 2 weeks that I was leaving." "It's okay Cam. I just miss you and wish i could've given you a kiss. Where are you anyways?" I was on the way back home. I didn't want to tell her because I wanted it to be a surprise. I'm not going to leave my family for 2 months. It can wait. "Sorry Mel. I gotta go. I'll call you later bye." "Bye Cam." I could already see the tears in her eyes. I hung up as the taxi dropped me off. I could tell she was at Mahogany's house telling by the ceiling. I knocked on the door and saw Mel answer it. She jumped in my arms and hugged me. "Cameron I missed you so much the past couple hours. Please don't leave us again." "I promise I won't. I missed you too Mel. I love you." "Love you too." I saw Derek on the couch sleeping so I woke him up just to say hi. "Derek. Buddy I'm home." He woke up and saw me. "Leave me alone. You don't care about me." He said running upstairs. It broke my heart that he thought that. Melanie walked in the room and saw me kneeling on the ground. "What's wrong Cam?" I didn't realize I was crying. "He doesn't want to talk to me." "Cameron. Look it'll be okay just give him time okay?" "I guess." I sat on the couch and saw Jacob and Lox walk in. "I'm back." Jacob hasn't seen me in a while and we're pretty close so he got up and gave me a hug. "I missed you bro." "I missed you too Cam. Why are you upset?" "My own son doesn't want to speak to me." "He'll come around soon Cam. Don't worry." He came in with Alex half asleep. "I'm gonna go put him to bed." He went upstairs and I followed. I knocked on the guest room. "Derek open up." He unlocked the door and opened it. "Why don't you want to talk to me?" "Because you just left Dad. Mom has cried a lot because of you. I missed you and I didn't even get to say goodbye." "I'm sorry Budd-" "Don't call me Buddy anymore. Can I just be alone please dad?" "Yeah. Sure." I walked out and closed the door. I leaned up against it and thought it's not his fault he's mad. I just wish there was something I could do. I kept thinking until I felt the door slightly open. I walked away from it and saw Derek crying. "I'm sorry D. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." I kneeled down and gave him a hug. "I missed you Dad. A lot. Don't leave us again please." "I won't buddy. Stop crying please. It breaks my heart to see you cry." I pulled away and wiped the tears from his face. I carried him on my shoulder and we went downstairs. Jacob was sitting there. "I told you he'd come around." I just laughed and put Derek down. "Where's Alex?" "Oh sorry D. He went to sleep." Mahogany said as she was cooking dinner. "Oh." We all just watched a movie as we ate dinner. "I'm gonna head home now. I'm pretty tired." "Dad can I stay?" "Yeah sure." I left with Mel and I drove us back home in her car. We held hands on the way there. "I missed you a lot Cam. I love you." "I missed you too. Love You Mel." We arrived and I took my bags inside and unpacked.

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