Chapter Two: A New Beginning

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Jack's P.O.V:

Gabby hasn't been the same since the doctors appointment. She barley talked, and never left her room. She locked herself away. With no one to comfort her.

"Gabby... Please open the door." I did our secret knock, and could hear her sobbing.

I was about to leave when the door opened. Tonight was the night Gabby would die. At least that's what the doctor said. She barley remembered our past together, and she couldn't remember her friends anymore, or her family, but she remembered me.

"Yes, Jack? What do you need?" She asked, sitting on her bed with tears dripping onto her sweat pants. Her hair was in a messy bun, and she was wearing a shirt I accidentally left in her room.

"You still remember me?" I asked sitting next to her.

She started crying even more, "You're one of the only things I DO remember Jack! I don't remember anything! I can't remember how old I am or who I dated or what my parents look like! I can only remember you, and how much I love you. How I would always get flustered when talking to you..."

There was only one thing I picked up, "You love me?"

She started blushing, "Of corse."

I grabbed her waist and hugged her tight. Tighter than I have ever hugged her.

She pulled away, "What are you doing?"

"I love you too." Was all I said.

She looked so happy, and I smirked. Just like I did when I first met Gabby.

I looked deeply into Gabby's dark brown eyes, cupped my hand on her cheek, and interlocked my lips with hers. She was confused at first, but then returned the kiss. We kissed passionately for what seemed like hours, but was only a couple minutes. We pulled away, keeping our foreheads touching.

She giggled as I kissed the tip of her nose. When she got serious, I looked her in the eyes, "I love you, Jackson Overland Frost."

I half smiled, "I love you more, Gabrielle Lynn Taylor."

She wrapped her arms around my neck, and pulled me in and kissed me again, after a couple seconds of our lips being intertwined, I could feel her lips getting cold and her grip was loosening. I looked down at her and saw her beautiful rosy pink cheeks, turn pale.

She was gone.

Jack's FlashBack:

"Where's Gabby?" I asked Sarah who looked furious.

"In her house, because that ASSHOLE cheated on her!!" She screamed pointing at Matt.

"What?! With who?! Who does he think is better than Gabby?!" I could feel my cheeks burn with anger.

"Vivian." Was all she said.

I stormed into Gabby's house and went to the kitchen. That's where Gabby went when she was sad, but she wasn't there. I saw the freezer creek open. I raced to her room.

"Gabby? Snowflake? Are you alright?" I said, knocking our secret knock.

"No. He cheated on me." I could hear her voice crack.

"Snowflake? What are you doing? Can I come in?" Snowflake is what I called her to make her feel better. It always worked.

"Come in."

When I opened the door and walked into the room, I saw Gabby in her sweat pants and pajama shirt, Criminal Minds on her T.V, her hair in a messy bun with one of her white stripes hanging down, and chocolate ice cream everywhere.

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