Chapter Seventeen: Memories

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Gabby's P.O.V:

Something was wrong. VERY wrong. My machine was broken or something, because it said I was Jack's true love... That couldn't be.

I needed help, so I went to Tooth. She had my teeth, and memories... Maybe she could help me. Maybe then I could remember who gave me my bracelet and necklace. Maybe then I'll know who loves me. Maybe then everything will make sense.

I arrived at Tooth Palace within 5 seconds of flashing out of my workshop. Of corse Tooth didn't mind, she was one of my only friends. (A/N Yes, she is the same Toothiana that beat Gabby up. They just don't remember, and she was in human form.)

Tooth saw me and screamed with joy, "What are you doing here Cupid?!"

"I need my memories." I replied, and had a determined look on my face.

"But, you said-" I cut her off.

"I know, what I said. And I thought it was just a glitch, but it did it again, and now I need to know my past. Manny is keeping something from us... I know it."

"Alright.. Hang on. I'll be back." And soon after she said that, she was back, and had a small gold cylinder type thing in her hand, with the picture of a girl with black hair and brown eyes.

"That's me...?" I asked.

"Yup. Go on. Remember."

I took a deep breath, and pushed my two fingers to the middle.

Gabby's Flashback:

I was walking down the halls of school, a young fragile girl. People shoved me around, and pushed me into lockers, then a girl came up to them and yelled, making them run.

"I'm Sarah. And you are...?" The girl asked helping me up.

"I'm Gabrielle." I said smiling.

"That's a little long, don't ya think? I'll call you Gabby." She responded.

I lightly giggle then nod, "Gabby is perfect."

End Of Flashback:

Gabby's Flashback:

I was getting bullied by Tooth in the halls of my new school, when someone stopped her. I looked up to see Jack. Younger, but still him.

He helped me up, and yelled at Tooth.

"You ok? I'm Jack." He said, shaking my hand.

"I'm Gabby." I smiled at him.

End of Flashback:

Gabby's Flashback:

I was a Freshman, and I was laying on my couch, thinking, when Matt walked in.

"Hey beautiful!" He smiled.

"Hey Matt." I smiled back and sat up.

He pecked my lips then sat beside me, placing his right arm around my waist.

"I love you." He said before he kissed me again.

"I love you more." I replied.

End of Flashback:

Gabby's Flashback:

Jack and I were in our room, and it was time for our memories to be taken away.

"Good bye, my love." I said as a tear slid down my cheek.

Jack whipped it away with his thumb, "We'll still see each other, we just won't remember."

"I love you." I said as I pecked his lips.

"I love you more." He replied.

End of Flashback:

I looked around the room, and saw Tooth staring at me in awe.

"What do you remember?" She asked, nervous.

"You bullied me, Jack and I were in love, and I remember EVERYTHING! We need to give the others their memories!" I screamed in excitement.

It was time for everyone to start remembering.

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