Chapter Ninteen: The Gangs Back

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Gabby's P.O.V:

Jack and I knew we had to get our other friends back. And we knew it would be hard.. Since they didn't exactly like us.

"I'll try and talk to Sara- I mean Summer. You take Death." Jack said with a sigh.

"Yeah. I think she'll kill you right when she sees you... Besides, maybe I could-" I got cut off by my bracelet, "Shit. I gotta go. I'll talk to you later. Here, take Sarah's memories and get her to remember." I handed him Sarah's memories, and flashed out of the room.

"Hello? Cupid here!" I hollered into the darkness. I was scared. Scared that Pitch could be back. Or maybe even Matt.

"Ugh. Why are YOU here?" Skylar asked coming out of the shadows.

I sighed in relief, "I was told there was love trouble here.."

"Oh." She started blushing, "What's that in your hand..?" She seemed nervous and scared.

"Your memories. Here. Watch them." I handed her the golden cylinder, and waited for her to press the button.

Skylar's P.O.V:

I was nervous. I didn't know anything about my past. I just brushed it off like it was nothing. But it wasn't nothing... It was who I was. I took my index finger and pushed the middle. I saw a bright light, then was flashed into my past.

Skylar's Flashback:

I was walking down the street of my old neighborhood, when I saw a boy beating a girl. She looked as if she was about to die. Anger and horrible thoughts came into my mind, and I attacked the boy.

I punched him. Over and over again. Not bothering to stop, or pay attention to what was happening around me. They guy was knocked out cold, and when I looked up, I was surrounded by a gang.

I looked at the girl, she had a bloody nose, and black eye, and a busted lip.

"Go. Run. I'll be fine." I said.

She hesitated at first, then ran to her safety.

"Looky what we got here. A tramp who decided upon herself to beat up our leader. Shall we?" One of the smugglers chuckled.

I tried swallowing, but there was a lump in my throat. But, instead of killing me, he pulled a little girl from behind his back. He took out a gun and held it to her head.

"No!" I screamed, and lunged myself forward.

After that, I felt cold. And everyone was running away. I put my hand on my heart, then looked at my palm. It was drenched in blood.

"No! You didn't have to do that! I would have been fine... No!" The little girl cried.

I got a closer look at her, and it was my little sister. My four year old little sister was sitting next to me as I bleed out.

"I love you." I said smiling, "And I would die to protect you no matter what."

"I love you too." She smiled, still crying.

Then black. Everything was dark. Except the brightness of the moon.

End of Flashback:

Skylar's Flashback:

I was walking down the hallway of my new middle school. Eighth grade. It had to be a good year. I looked around to find someone to make friends with, when I saw a really pretty girl with black hair that had white stripes in it, and with her was a boy with white hair. They were laughing and goofing around.

"Hi... I'm Skylar... I'm new here... And I need-" I was cut off by the girl.

"Hi Skylar! I'm Gabby, and this is Jack. So, ya need friends, huh? Well, you can hang out with me and Jack. And our other friends of corse!" She was so bubbly.

"Thanks!" I said, showing my true character.

"What's your schedule?" She asked, looking so full of hope.

"Umm-" I pulled it out and handed it to her.

"LUCKY YOU!!!! You have all the same classes as me and Jack!" She said excitedly.

End of Flashback:

I blinked my eyes and looked around the room. Then I saw Gabby. My best friend who I hated for five years because Manny made us forget.

"Gabby!!" I screamed and hugged her.

We squeezed each other tight, not wanting to let go.

Sarah's P.O.V:

Jack showed up at my castle out of nowhere. I didn't mind, I loved company. He handed me a gold thingy, and told me it had my memories. I believed him, and smiled at the thought of Jack Frost giving me my memories back.

Maybe we were together in the past, and he wanted me to remember. I thought.

I placed my fingers in the middle, and my past came flooding back.

Sarah's Flashback:

I was on the play ground of my old preschool, and I saw an older student who looked sad. Normally little kids didn't talk to the bigger ones, but I wanted to make her feel better.

"Hey? What's the matter?" I asked with a sincere look in my eyes.

"My friends ditched me." She cried.

"Well. I know I'm younger, but I won't ditch you. I'm Sarah." I held my hand out and waited for her to shake it.

She took my hand and smiled, "I'm Rachel."

End of Flashback:

Sarah's Flashback:

Gabby and I were in her room, when there was a knock on her door. A smile spread across her face, and she dashed to the living room.

"Gabby? Who's at the door?" I asked, scared it was her parents, who didn't like me at all.

"My new friends!" She screamed in excitement as she opened the door.

I saw a tan boy with buzz cut black hair, another boy who was on the chubby side with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, and a taller more fit boy with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. And lastly there was a taller boy with pure white hair and icy blue eyes.

"Sarah, this is Thomas," she pointed to the chubby kid, "Matt," she pointed to the tall blonde, "Isaiah," she pointed to the cute tan boy, "And Jack." She finally motioned to the white haired kid.

"So? You guys have been protecting her at school?" I asked.

"Yeah.." Thomas said unsure.

"Gabby, there boys." I said, making sure she knew that we were the only girls.

"I know, but they protect me." She said smiling.

"That's sexist! Saying that cuz I'm a DOOD I can't chill with my homegirl!" Isaiah hollered in a funny voice, making me giggle.

End of Flashback:

My eyes started watering, and I looked up at Jack, who was waiting patiently.

"Do you remember?" He asked, excited.

I raced up to Jack and hugged him, "I missed you!"

"Come on! We have to go tell Gabby that the gang is back!" He exclaimed.

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