Chapter Twenty: New Enemy

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Gabby's P.O.V:

I felt as if someone was missing as I laid on my bed, and listened to Eminem.

Ya'll act like you've never seen a white person before.

Jaws all on the floor like Pammy and Tommy just burst in the door and started whooping her ass worse then before they first were divorce throwing her over furniture.


It's the return of the 'Ah wait- no wait- you're kidding. He didn't just say what I think he did? Did he?'

And Dr. Dre said, NOTHING YOU IDIOTS! Dr. Dre's dead he's locked in my basement.

Feminist women love Eminem.

'Chicka chicka chicka Slim Shady. I'm sick of him, look at him. Walkin around grabbin his you-know-what flippin the you-know-who. Yeah but he's so cute though'

That's when it hit me. Rachel. Sarah's first friend. The one who hung out with her when she was little. The one who I stole Sarah from.

I turned the music down and yelled for Sarah, "Sarah!!"

"I know. Rachel. We need to-" she was cut off by Skylar.

"JEYDON!!!!! WE NEED TO FIND JEYDON!!!!" Skylar screamed in fear.

"Tooth said Jeydon is the new Boogeyman..." And as if on cue, Boogey appeared.

"Mmm... I love the smell of fear." He said, smelling the air and smiling evilly.

"Where are his memories?!" Skylar yell-whispered.

"Jack has them!" I whispered back.

"Summer. You're scared of dying without finding your true love." He started, "Cupid, awe. How cute. You're scared of losing Jack..." He turned and looked at Skylar, "And, you're scared that your true love won't remember you..."

He examined Skylar up and down, "Pity. Because he DOESNT."

And with that he flashed out. I looked at Skylar who was frozen in place, tears rolling down her cheeks. She looked broken. Like everything she had was just ripped from her. And it was.

Jack's P.O.V:

I was back at Gabby's house, waiting for her to come back so we could celebrate being re-united. (If Ya Know What He Means...) I was lighting a bunch of candles, when they all blew out, and darkness filled the room. I raced to turn on the lights, but a familiar figure blocked me.

"Sorry to startle you." He said calmly.

"Who- Jeydon." It was Jeydon. Skylar's fiancée. The guy who helped me pick out my tux for the wedding.

"I don't know who the hell Jeydon is. But we met earlier. Remember? When I became a guardian?" He turned on the lights, and I was starring at black hair and pale grey skin. A pair of deep blood red eyes, and an evil grin.

"Pitch..." I said slowly, backing up and trying to find my staff.

"Good job!" He said in a child's voice.

"What do you want?" I asked sternly.

"Just wanted to warn you." He started, with an evil smirk perk up on his lips.

"About what..." I asked, and immediately regretted it.

"Just, watch your girlfriend. Cupid, is it? She's very yummy looking." He started, "And beware. You have a NEW enemy!"

And with that he flashed out, and I was quickly on the look for my one and only true love.

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