Chapter Four: School

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Gabby's P.O.V:

Beep Beep Beep Beep

Ugh! School's today!!

"Jack!!! Turn off the damn alarm!" I complained pulling my pillow over my head.

Jack shut it off, and I could hear him walking towards me.

"Gabby. Get up." He sat beside me.

"No. Go away." I muffled under my pillow.

"Come on sassy pants. Time to get up." Jack pulled the covers off of me, and I moaned in annoyance.

"Ugh!! I don't want to!!" I replied still having my pillow on my head.

Jack began massaging my back, "I'll give you a back massage when we come home."

"Ugh! Ok, ok. I'm up." He laughed as I pulled the pillow off my head, "What's so funny?"

"Nothing. Just, go, take a shower and brush your hair." He said, trying to stop laughing.

I got up and walked to my bathroom. Then screamed as I looked in the mirror. My hair was a ratty mess!! And there were bags under my eyes! I look awful!

I quickly hopped in the shower and washed up. When I jumped out, I put on my favorite black skinny jeans, light blue snowflake T-shirt, and black high heel boots. I slipped on my 'Beautiful' necklace and my snowflake bracelet that Jack gave me two years ago, after my break up with Matt.

I walked out to see Jack in his dark blue hoodie with frost on the collar and by his hands, his brown jeans, and his dark blue converse. He was starring at me in awe.

I giggled, "Stop looking at me like that."

He shook his head, snapping out of his thoughts, "Sorry, it's just. You're so beautiful."

"Well, that's what it says on my necklace!" We both laughed, as I took his hand. Our fingers intertwined.

"Wait! We have to get you colored contacts." He drove us to a pharmacy.

"Why?" I asked as he opened my door.

"Because. Hot Pink color changing eyes aren't normal." He responded, grabbing my normal brown eye color contacts.

"Oh. Right. I have to have my old eye color..."

When we got back in the car, I quickly put the contacts on. They were annoying at first , but I got used to them.

When we parked in front of our school, Jack kept looking at me.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"Nothing. It's just, you look like the old you. Just with dyed hair. Come on. We better get going. It's our last year in school." He answered with a sigh at the end.

We got out and I quickly held onto his hand. I think he could tell I was scared, cause he lightly chuckled and kissed my cheek, then whispered in my ear, "Calm down, Snowflake. Everything's going to be fine. I promise."

I half smiled at him, and he smirked back at me. We opened the doors to the school, and quietly walked down the halls. There was barley anyone here. Mainly freshmen and juniors.

"Last year." I mumbled to myself, then let go of Jack's hand, as we entered the office.

"Hello. I'm Jack Frost. This is Gabrielle Taylor, we need our schedules and locker numbers." Jack said to the secretary.

"You're Seniors?" She asked after typing our names into the computer.

"Yes, ma'am." I replied.

"Well. Here are your schedules and locker numbers. Go into building four. That's the building for Seniors only. It's new this year." She smiled and went back to her work.

The rest of the day was pretty boring, the only class I didn't have with Jack was my Foreign Language class. I took German while he took French.

I walked into German class and sat in my seat. The teacher still wasn't there, it looked like I was the first one. Then Iana walked in.

I stiffened my body, and pretended like I was reading.

"Awe. Look. It's the whore who stole my boyfriend." She said, slamming my book to my desk.

"Awe, look. It's the skank who thought she ever had a chance with MY boyfriend." I swiftly replied.

She was about to say something when the rest of the class walked in, along with the teacher.

The rest of class was boring. The teacher spoke only in German, so I understood some of it. Then the final bell rang and I raced out of the class to get to my locker. When someone grabbed my wrist.

"Hey bitch! Where do you think you're going?" Ugh. Iana.

"My locker, dumb ass." I replied annoyed.

She gave me the death glare, then shoved me into the lockers behind me. It normally didn't hurt when someone did that, but for some reason, there was a pain in my shoulder. I glanced back at it to see that my shoulder was cut, and gushing blood.

Since I can control emotions, I also found out how to control how people feel physically. So, in honor of Iana hurting me, I made her feel how I felt. And as she screamed in pain, I fell to the ground. Then, darkness.

Sarah's P.O.V:

I was walking down the hall when I heard screaming. I quickly raced to see Gabby gushing blood from her shoulder, passed out on the ground, with Iana in pain next to her.

I run up to my best friend and put her head in my lap.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!" I screamed angrily at Iana.

"I pushed her into the lockers. I-I- OW!!" She screamed falling to the ground.

Then I remembered how Gabby can control peoples feelings. Gabby did this. I gently placed Gabby's head on the ground, stood up, and walked towards Iana with a straight face.

"You think that hurts? FEEL THIS!" I said, right before I tackled Iana, and punched her non stop. Until I heard someone behind me.

"What the- GABBY!! NO WHAT HAPPENED TO HER!!!" From that scream, I could tell it was Jack.

"Iana here, caused Gabby to pass out from loss of blood." I growled as I punched Iana one more time.

"THEN WHY THE HELL IS SHE STILL HERE?! We need to get her to the nurses office!" Oh. Right.

We raced Gabby to the nurses office, and Jack told me to wait for them back at home. So, I just left.

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