Chapter 7: Goodbye For Now

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Jack's P.O.V:

Gabby hasn't spoken a word since the party. She was so upset with herself that she even locked herself in her room again. She said she felt violated and taken advantage of. The party was weeks ago, and Gabby didn't even want to go to school. WHICH WAS SAYING SOMETHING.

"Gabby. Please. Open the door." I think she could tell I was serious because I didn't call her snowflake like I always do when she's sad, because she opened the door.

I looked at her, her cheeks were stained with tears, her hair in a nappy mess on her shoulders, she was wearing a black tank top and light blue sweatpants.

"Gabby. You have to get over it. It's not that big a deal! Please! You're scaring me!" I had a straight face, and didn't even hug my girlfriend even though I haven't seen her in weeks.

"Jack. I can't! I CHEATED ON YOU!! Doesn't that make you mad at least a little bit?!" She didn't cheat on me though. She was forced. That's what I saw. That's what I thought. And that's what I'll always think. Because that's the truth.

"Listen to me!! You being raped is not cheating on me!! You were buzzed and you still said no. Gabby, please for me, let it go." She started crying more and I hugged her tight. I could tell she thought she had cheated on me, and that she felt awful about it, so I decided to cheer her up. "Now. Go take a fucking shower you reek!" I said then pinched my nose and waved my other hand in the air.

"Shut up!" Gabby exclaimed playfully, then she slapped my arm and giggled, "You need a shower too!" She said then mimicked what I had done before.

"Here. To save water , I'll just take a shower with you!" I said happily trying to go to the bathroom, but Gabby pulled me back.

"I think not! The planet could use less water. I'll be out soon." She kissed my cheek and disappeared into the bathroom.

I smiled, knowing she was mine, knowing that I would always have her. That she would never die... I smiled because nothing could ruin my life now.

My smile faded when I heard Gabby scream. I raced to the bathroom but the door was locked, she screamed again. And again. I broke open the door and saw Gabby in her bra and underwear, standing on top of the sink.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" I yelled with fear and worry in my voice.

"There's a SPIDER!!" Gabby screamed again and jumped into my arms, shaking with fear.

I chuckled, "Calm down, Snowflake. I'll protect you from the big mean spider."

I walked to where she had been pointing, and saw a huge ass spider lying still, not moving an inch.

"Gabby, seriously? It's dead." I said as I was about to poke it, it moved, fast! "FUCK NO! I'm out!! Have fun with your bug!" I screamed as I was about to run out, Gabby grabbed me and pulled me back in.

"KILL IT NOW!!!!" She screamed handing me a shoe.

I moaned in annoyance and threw the shoe where the spider was and hit it.

"YES! Bullseye!" I shouted in victory.

I cleaned it up before Gabby could nag more and threw it in the toilet. I quickly turned around to look at a Gabby and quickly smirked.

"Loving the bra and panties look, Snowflake." Gabby quickly looked down then back up. Her cheeks were bright red, and her eyes were a shade of opal. I think that's the color her eyes change to when she's embarrassed. She shoved me out the door, and we both quickly realized, she couldn't close it because I had broken it down.

"Son of a bitch. Jack! Look what you did!" She sounded pretty annoyed, but I could sense the hint of happiness in her voice, and chuckled.

"Does this mean I get to take a shower with you after all?!" I ask in a little kids excited voice.

Gabby giggled and shoved me down the hall way, "No! You get to sit in our room until I get out!"

You would have expected me and Gabby to have, you know, done the nasty in the bed already. Right? I mean. Who could resist Jack Frost? Plus we were both immortal. And I mean, she was 17 and I was 18... But, sorry to disappoint. I respected Gabby too much. I wouldn't unless she wanted it, and I REALLY wanted her to want it.

I sat in our bedroom bored out of my mind, playing with snowflakes in the palm of my hand, when Gabby's heart bracelet rang. You see, a couple days after Gabby became Cupid, she got a heart bracelet that rang anytime someone needed help with love.

"Gabby! Your bracelet is beeping and annoying the shit out of me!!" I yelled out, hoping Gabby could hear me over her shower.

The running water stopped and Gabby walked out of the bathroom with a small towel wrapped around her body. Her breasts were threatening to pop out, and my stomach went into a knot. She looked sexy. Her pink hair was wet, and her eyes were hot pink.

"Dammit. I really gotta go! I'm late!!" She rushed into the bedroom and slipped on icy blue panties with a matching lacy bra. Damn. She was sexy.

"Chill out, Snowflake." I said, smirking as I watched her pull on a pink strapless sundress that stopped at her knees. She looked beautiful. She took her towel and started drying her hair.

"No! I can't. What if you were in the shower when someone was having a fun emergency?!"

"Snowflake. There's no such thing as a fun emergency. But, I get what you mean."

Gabby quickly kissed my cheek, then grabbed her bracelet and whispered, "Love Trouble" then flashed out of the room.

Gabby's P.O.V:

I flashed to where the love issue was, and saw nothing but darkness.

"Hello? Cupid here... I heard you were having love issues..." I said, hoping I was beamed to the right place.

"Well. It's about time. What do you do, when your true love, loves someone else?" That voice. "The answer? Kidnap them." No, it couldn't be.

A shadow stepped in front of me and I saw intense yellow eyes, grey skin, and black sand.


Jack's P.O.V:

After my shower, I wanted to take a quick nap. As I laid my head on Gabby's pillow, I could smell her waterfall shampoo. It smelled like Gabby. Smelling her relaxed me, and I drifted off into a deep sleep.

Jack's Dream:

I woke up, and I was back in me and Gabby's room. But Gabby was there too. She looked scared, and sad.

"Snowflake? What's the matter?" Before she could answer, I saw a grey hand appear on her shoulder, and Pitch Black emerged from the darkness that surrounded Gabby.

"Why, she just came to say good-bye. So, WAKE UP!"

End Of Dream

I woke up in a sweat and looked around the room, and saw Gabby standing by the window. Tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Gabby?" My eyes began to burn.

"Good-bye for now." She said in a quiet voice, and Pitch appeared, and pulled her into darkness.

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