Chapter Five: No More Pain

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Jack's P.O.V:

After Sarah left, I held Gabby's hand tight. Never wanting to let go. Then a song came into my mind. The song Gabby would always sing when she thought she was alone, and without noticing, I started singing it.

You only need the light when it's burning low

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow

Only know you love her when you let her go

Only know you've been high when you're feeling low

Only hate the road when you're missing home

Only know you love her when you let her go

And you let her go

But then I realized it didn't match how I felt about her.

"Actually. It's more like, A Thousand Years." I chuckled at myself as I realized I was talking to my un-conscious girlfriend. Then sang again.

I have died everyday, waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid

I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you

Time has brought your heart to me,

I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more.

I heard a giggle, then looked at Gabby. I smirked and sighed. I knew I had to mess with her for being awake and hearing me sing.

"Well. I guess since Gabby's knocked out, she can't hear what I'm about to say." I could feel her tense up, and I lightly chuckled, "Oh, Gabby. There's this girl. She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. She's funny and weird... Her name is Vivian."

I knew Gabby got jealous easily, so right away she shot up, and I smirked, "You asshole." She giggled and playfully hit my arm.

"Morning Snowflake." I chuckled at her. She was so irritated with me that her face was red.

"It's not nice to be mean to your dying girlfriend you know." She said as she looked down at her knee, which was wrapped up in some bandages. "How fucked up am I?"

I sighed, and clenched my fists with anger at the thought of Iana... "You have a messed up knee, and you busted open your shoulder. Other then that, you're fine. I'm taking you home."

"Now?" She annoys me sometimes with her stupid 'good grades' bullshit.

"You know Snowflake, normal teenagers would be more then happy to leave school early." I answer her as I lifted her up, bridal style.

She giggled and kissed my cheek, "Do I look like a normal teenager to you?"

When I set her in my car, she quickly looked in the mirror and took off her contacts, "Those were seriously annoying me."

I chuckled and we drove off, back home.

Thomas' P.O.V:

I need to apologize to Gabby. She meant the world to me once. But, something happened between us that changed everything. I tried keeping her out of my life but it was hard. Very hard.

I looked over my shoulder to see Matt and Vivian laughing and flirting together, then I look and see Isaiah and Sarah doing the exact same thing. I was heading for the schools front door when I saw Jack carrying Gabby, bridal style. Gabby kissed his cheek and they laughed. He placed her in his car then drove away.

My blood boiled, but why? I don't love Gabby anymore. I have Deena.

"Hey, Thomas!" Speak of my angel.

"Hey, Deena!" I need to keep it cool.

"Wanna go out to this HUGE party tonight? EVERYONE'S gonna be there." She seemed excited. I really didn't want to go, but, it could help get my mind off a certain pink haired, Cupid.

"Defiantly. I'll pick you up at 8:30." I gave her a quick kiss then quickly drove home. Skipping my last 5 classes. Who cares? It's not like I even have a chance at getting a good job, so. Yeah.

I couldn't get Gabby out of my mind. Jack doesn't deserve her. She deserves better. Gabby's funny and cute and a complete weirdo. She can be girly at times, but she can also be a real tough ass. Dammit! Why did I let her go?

Sarah's P.O.V:

"Why is it that Jack does everything with Gabby I would usually do?! It's like he's replacing me..." I trailed off thinking about me and my bestfriend, and how we've grown apart...

"What you guys need is a girls night out. How does that sound? Me and Jack could use some guy time anyways." My true love, Isaiah, said with a smirk.

"That's exactly what we need. No couple time, but friend time!" I jumped up and down in happiness and wrapped my arms around my boyfriend's neck.

He smiled and kissed my nose, making me giggle. I may be a grade below Isaiah, but he treats me like I'm his age, which I pretty much am. Just a year under.

"Can you take me over to Gabby's place? I'm gonna tell her about our girls night." I said with excitement in my voice.

Isaiah just nodded and we walked to his car, hand in hand. I smiled like an idiot thinking about what tomorrow was gonna be. It was gonna be me and Isaiah's two year anniversary, and I was excited.

Gabby's P.O.V:

After we got home, Jack told me that he won't allow me to go to school anymore. I didn't argue because I knew it would be pointless. I'd probably just sneak to school if he won't take me. Jack went to our room and I sat on my sofa. I realized the pain had gone away, and I could tell Jack won't let anyone cause anymore.

I was on my couch watching Once Upon A Time when Sarah walked through the door, her hand in Isaiah's. They were such a cute couple. I smiled really big, then realized how stupid I must have looked and toned my smile down a bit.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I said pausing my show, a bit annoyed with what was happening in my show.

"You. Me. Party. Tonight. Girls night out." Sarah responded with complete confidence.

I gave Isaiah my 'what the hell is she talking about' look, and he shrugged, then realized what she said.

"Sarah, my love, what party?" I think he was scared it was Peter's party.

Peter is the partier of the HighSchool. He would throw a party every single night since his parents are always out of town.

"Um. Someone's party..." That gave it away. Sarah wanted to go to Peter's party.

Bad idea. All the guys end up getting drunk and flirting with any girl in sight. And a lot of the girls get hammered and have sex with the first guy they see. I always end up getting beyond wasted, so I always needed someone to come with me.

"No." Was all Isaiah said, then he walked down the hall to me and Jack's room, already knowing that's where Jack was.

"We're still going, right?" I asked Sarah with a devious grin.

"You know me so well." She smiled back.

We gave each other high fives, then sat down on my couch, to continue watching our show.

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