Chapter Six: Party Time

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Gabby's P.O.V:

"No. A million times no." Was all Jack responded when I told him we planned on going to the party.

"But, Jack! That's not fair!! You're not my mom!" I screamed back.

I could hear Sarah and Isaiah arguing in the other room.

"I don't give a rat's ass! You're stating here tonight where I know you'll be SAFE!!!" He emphasized safe, and I rolled my eyes and marched into my room, slamming the door.

Sarah followed me, and we lightly giggled after we heard the boys leave.

"They're idiots." Sarah laughed as we got dressed for the party.

I wore a sparkly see through black tank top, with another plain black tank top underneath, with some jeggings and black high heel boots. I put on a light coat of lip gloss and some perfume.

Sarah, on the other hand, was wearing a black "Eminem" T-shirt with dark blue skinny jeans and blue converse on. She had on light pink eyeshadow and a little blush with lip gloss. Her hair was tied in a braid while mine was up in a ponytail.

Sarah looked in the mirror in awe, "We look hot."

I laughed and nodded my head in agreement.

"Let's go before dumb and dumber catch on." I said giggling.

We quickly went through my window and hopped in my blue convertible.

I put the top down letting our hair blow in the wind.

Right when we got to the party, the boys jaws dropped, and the girls stared in awe. Sarah flaunted her beauty, while I quickly went to the bar and got a drink. Then another. Then another. And another.

Sarah's P.O.V:

I lost sight of Gabby the second we got in the party. I didn't mind, I knew Gabby was drinking, especially to forget what happened today. I glance at the bar and see Gabby talking to Thomas. That rose my suspicion, considering Gabby hated Thomas' guts after the break up.

I weasel my way to Gabby's side, not making myself noticeable to them, and just by the way Gabby was talking, I could tell she was wasted.

"So, Gabby, wanna take this upstairs?" Thomas asked sexually.

"What about- about Deena?" Gabby slurred out.

"She doesn't have to know." He responded, rubbing Gabby's leg.

"What about Jack?" She asked again.

Drunk Gabby would never ask these many questions. She's not drunk. She's fucking with him!

"Don't worry about him." He said grabbing her hand and pulling her upstairs.

Gabby's P.O.V:

Thomas dragged me upstairs. I wasn't drunk, but I wasn't sober, I kept taking the soft drinks.

He threw me on the bed, and I quickly got up, "I don't want to do this. I love Jack too much." I said, on the verge of tears.

"Sucks now doesn't it?!" He screamed while jumping on top of me, holding my wrists above my head so I couldn't push him off.

He began kissing my neck, and ripping my shirt. Warm tears streamed down my cheeks as I cried out for him to stop.

"Please! Stop! Jack! Help me!" I screamed hoping someone could hear me over the loud booms of the music.

My shirt was now fully ripped off, and Thomas was working on getting my pants off.

Jack's P.O.V:

Isaiah and I walked back into the house a couple minutes after we left. We had to apologize to the girls for yelling at them.

I knocked on Gabby's door, our secret knock, "Snowflake? Please, can I come in? I want to apologize."

But no answer, Gabby would at least say "go away" or "no, shut up" or even "fuck you" but she didn't say anything.

I opened the door, but no one was in her room. I looked in the bathroom, kitchen and the attic. Then I started to panic.

"GABBY!!! SARAH!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. No answers. No giggles. Nothing.

"ISAIAH!!! I can't find the girls!!!!!" I was ready to start bawling, tears were threatening to escape my eyes.

"I know where they are." Isaiah sounded angry, and nervous at the same time.

Then it hit me, "Son of a bitch! They went to the party!!" I screamed in anger.

We raced to my car and sped off to Peter's house. When we burst in the party, I saw Sarah at the bar in shock. I stomped up to her and was about to scream.

"Where's Gabby?! You guys are coming home NOW!!!" All Sarah did was glance at the stairs and back to the ground.

I was in confusion at first, but then it hit me. You go upstairs to have... Sex... I quickly raced up the stairs leaving Sarah with Isaiah. It was a little quieter up here, so I listened carefully. Then I heard something that broke my heart.

"Please! Stop! Jack! Help me!!" That was Gabby's voice, her voice was cracking. She was crying. And quit possibly being... RAPED!!!!

I busted through the door to see Gabby with tears rolling down her cheeks, no shirt on and her arms being held down, and on top of her, working her pants off, was Thomas. Anger and jealousy raced through my body. My blood began to boil. I looked back at Gabby who was shaking like there was no tomorrow.

On instinct I pulled Thomas off of Gabby, threw him to the ground and punched non stop. Like I did weeks ago. This time, Gabby didn't stop me, she didn't squeal a word. She just continued crying and shaking. On the final punch, I knocked Thomas unconscious, and stood up with my fists clenched.

I turned around to look at Gabby, and she was standing up now, and wasn't crying anymore. She still shook with fear in her eyes, and I raced up to her, and embraced her in a hug. She began crying into my shoulder, and her sobs just got louder, her breathing was unsteady. I felt awful.

"I'm sorry, Jack! You told us not to go but we went anyways! I'm so sorry! I love you so much! Jack he was gonna do bad things to me!!" She apologized in between sobs.

I pulled out of the hug, and moved her hair out of her face. Then whipped her tears away with my thumb, "Oh, Snowflake. I love you too. It's alright. Feel lucky I was here to protect you. Come on. Let's go home, wash your face, and get you to bed, ok?" I wanted to make her feel better.

I looked into her eyes, they were light blue with a swirl of purple. She was sad, and scared. Her pink hair was in a, now, messy ponytail.

I placed one of my arms under her knees and the other one behind her back, and lifted her up bridal style, taking her downstairs, and to her car.

"Where's Sarah?" She seemed calmed down, but her eyes said that she was still scared.

"Isaiah took her home in my car." I answered starting up her engine.

She simply nodded and rested her head back.

I promise you this, I'm never letting this girl out of my sight again.

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