Chapter Sixteen: Go Away

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Gabby's P.O.V:

Death chuckled and pushed her bangs black bangs out of her face. She was wearing her usual black shirt with chains attached to it, black ripped jeans, black combat boots, and black hood. She even carried around that staff sword thing, "Sup Frostidiot?"

"Oh. Great. North, you invited Goth freak, Peppy Loser, and Forever Alone whore." Jack moaned as he took a seat on the couch.

"EXCUSE ME?!" Me and the other two said in sync.

"You have the nerve to call me a freak?" Death asked angrily.

"And I'm not a loser!" Summer added.

"Call me a whore again, I'll make you wish Manny never brought you back to life!" I hissed.

Jack just rolled his eyes and chuckled, "Whatever. You won't do shit."

"Jack! Stop! Your getting her angry..." Tooth exclaimed, and started backing away from me.

In fact, everyone was backing away from me.

"WHAT?!" I yelled in anger.

"Cupid... Your hair is... Black! And your eyes are red..." Summer said, shaking with fear.

I took a deep breath and calmed down, "It does that if I get angry enough. Can we just meet the new person? I have to get back to work."

"I agree with Cupid. I have people to kill." Death chuckled evilly.

"Ok, how is she considered one of the good guys?!" Bunny asked in fear.

"Mmm. I smell fear." Someone said, I didn't recognize the voice.

I spun around to see a tall boy with black flippy hair and yellow eyes. He was very built, and wore a black shirt with ripped jeans.

"Who are you?" Death asked, and she sounded a little flirty when she asked it too.

"The names Boogey. Boogeyman. Or Pitch. Or Boog. Whatever. I really don't care what you call me." He answered, ignoring her, and going straight for Summer.

"YOURE THE NEW GUARDIAN?! Are you serious? We waited 5 years, for this bozo?" Jack complained.

I didn't know who he was, but he looked familiar...

Jack's P.O.V:

After the meeting was over, and everyone left, I flew to Cupid's workshop. I had something to ask her...

"Cupid?" I yelled, and she poofed right in front of me.

"What do YOU want?" She asked with an annoyed ton in her voice.

"I need you to do me a favor. Please." I pleaded.

"Why should I?" She challenged.

"Because, I don't actually hate you. Ok? I think you're cool and stuff. And I'll actually be nice to you if you do me this favor. So, please!" I begged.

"Fine. What?" She asked in a softer tone.

"I need to know who my true love is." I said in a serious tone. I leaned against my staff, and waited for her answer.

"Fine. Hang on." She left the room, leaving me alone.

I snooped around to see what kind of person she really is, she had a kitten wondering around the place, and a snowflake charm bracelet on her desk. I noticed on her neck there was a snowflake necklace that said "I Love You" on it.

"What are you doing?" She asked behind me.

Startled, I started stuttering, "I-uh-um-I-I- I was- uh... Nothing."

She just giggled.

"So, uh, who gave you that necklace?" I asked, pointing to her neck.

"I don't remember." She sighed and looked up scared.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just, go away!" She yelled, and flashed out of the room.

"What the hell...?" I asked myself.

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