Chapter Fourteen: Forgetting

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Gabby's P.O.V:

Jack seemed off. He looked nervous, and scared when he heard Manny gave out three wishes.

"Jack? Sweetheart? Are you ok?" I asked, scared to know the answer.

"Skylar... You know what this means, right?" Jack asked, ignoring me.

"Yeah." Skylar gulped, and started to cry.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!" I got impatient. And angry.

Sarah's P.O.V:

Gabby's eyes burned red, and her hair turned black. She was pissed. You could tell, because when Jack tried calming her down, it didn't work.

"We're gonna forget." Skylar finally spoke.

"What?" Gabby's hair turned pink, and her eyes turned purple, she grabbed Jack's hand and looked up at him with innocent eyes.

"We're gonna forget everything. Meeting each other, our families, our lives, everything. We won't remember, and we won't care. We 'll just think we didn't have a life before. It's what happened to me when I first became Jack Frost..." Jack said, looking down at Gabby with tears in his eyes, "None of us will remember each other. We'll just think of each other as Cupid, Summer, Death, and Jack Frost... It'll be as if the last 7 years of our lives never happened."

Gabby started crying. She couldn't speak, every time she tried, nothing came out.

"When is this gonna happen?" I squeaked out, and I instantly regretted it.

"A week. Tops. Maybe sooner." Skylar answered in a cold, emotionless voice, "I'm gonna forget FUCKING JEYDON!!! I can't believe this..."

"Why would you forget me?" Jeydon asked out of no where.

Skylar sighed and pulled him into the other room.

"Gabby...? I'm gonna go spread summer and laughter. I'm sorry. It's my job." I sighed and flashed out of the room. I had to get away.

Jack's P.O.V:

Gabby wouldn't leave my side, and she couldn't say anything. Three days pasted, and I didn't want to leave Gabby's side either.

We were watching I Am Legend, because it was Gabby's favorite movie. Well, one of her favorites. She fell asleep in my arms around the time Will Smith had to kill his dog. Her arms were tightly wrapped around my waist, and her head was nuzzled up into my chest.

She looked peaceful, and I saw the side of her mouth quirk up. She was dreaming. I lightly chuckled.

"I love you. So fucking much it hurts. It hurts that we're gonna forget each other. It hurts that you won't remember how much I love you, and that I won't remember how happy you've made me. Snowflake... You're my snowflake... My one and only... I'm never giving up on us. I promise, I'll find you, even if I can't even remember you." I softly sobbed, then chuckled.

"Promise?" Gabby asked, peeking one of her eyes open. It was violet. Curiosity and fear...

"Promise." I repeated, interlocking my pinkie with hers.

She smiled, then sighed, "I'm gonna miss having you around, even if I can't remember you. I'll remember feeling empty.. And besides, I am Cupid. It's my job to find peoples true loves."

I smiled back at her, "Hey, you wanna play a game?"

She looked at me confused, then shrugged her shoulders, "Sure. What game?"

I handed her a light blue box, "It's called, 'Gifts For You To Have When You Can't Remember Me'."

"What kinda game is that?" She asked smiling.

"Just, open the box. I'm sure Manny will let you keep these as long as they don't give hints about your past, which it won't." I explained, pointing to the box.

She lifted it up to shake it, but I quickly stopped her, "Just, don't do that. You'll kill the poor thing."

"ITS ALIVE?!?! WHAT IS IT?!" Her eyes were filled with curiosity.

"Open it." I said.

She looked at me, then the box. She took a deep breath, and removed the lid, then screamed with joy when she saw a little white kitten jump out of the box.

"SHE IS THE CUTEST THING IVE EVER SEEN!!! Awe!! Hi, hi sweetheart. What's your name?" She started talking to the cat, and I just watched, "What's her name?" She asked.

"Rose. Since, you love roses so much." I said, as I watched her play with the kitten some more.

"Huh. I thought you'd name her 'Snowflake' or something." Gabby scoffed.

"You can name her if you want, she doesn't really know her name yet." I replied smirking.

"Snowflake. That's her name. Snowflake." Gabby smiled, and played with Snowflake some more.

"Look at her collar." I said, waiting for her to notice.

She looked at me confused, then examined her new kitten's collar, her eyes filled with joy and turned hot pink, "A snowflake necklace?"

"It matches the bracelet I gave you, except this one says 'I Love You'."

She looked at me and smiled, "Can you put it on me?" She asked.

"Of corse." I replied.

This scene reminded me of when Matt cheated on her. And I gave her her beautiful necklace, and snowflake charm bracelet. Then remembering Matt made me clench my fists.

"Jack?" Gabby asked.

I snapped out of my thoughts and turned my attention to Gabby. Before I could respond, her lips were against mine, and instead of pulling away, she kept deepening the kiss.

After a couple minutes of intense kissing, I pulled away knowing what Gabby wanted, "Gabby. Are you sure?" I asked out of breath.

She nodded, "Yes. I need to before I forget you."

I didn't argue and kissed her again. And we went into our night of passion.

~~Time Skip Because You Don't Need to Know How That Went~~

The next night, Snowflake kept following Gabby everywhere. It was kinda adorable. Gabby went to take a shower, and I went to our bedroom, and looked up at the moon. Then heard the words I really never wanted to hear, "I'm sorry Jack. It's time." Manny said.

"I love her. Why are you doing this?!" I asked in frustration and sadness.

"In due time you'll see. But, right now, you're gonna forget." He responded.

I looked behind me at Gabby. She was standing there the whole time. She had a blue towel wrapped around her, her snowflake necklace hanging on her neck, and her snowflake bracelet on her wrist. Right behind her, was little Snowflake.

"Can I keep everything Jack gave me?" Gabby asked, trying to hold back her tears.

"Yes." Manny answered.

Gabby walked up to me and grabbed my hand, "Good bye, my love." She said as a tear slid down her rosy cheek.

I whipped the tear with my thumb, "We'll see each other again. We just, won't remember."

"I love you." She said, pecking my lips.

"I love you more." I said back.

With that, Gabby was gone, so was our room and her house.

I woke up in a room made of ice, and couldn't remember anything.

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